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The SEAL's Christmas Twins. Laura Marie AltomЧитать онлайн книгу.

The SEAL's Christmas Twins - Laura Marie Altom

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you around. Could it be true?

      Perhaps an even bigger question was, what did he feel for her?

      Nothing romantic, that was for sure. For as long as he could remember, she’d been his friend. For sanity’s sake, he planned to ignore that rush of attraction in favor of putting Hattie safely back in the friend zone.

      Subject closed.

      It proved no big deal to get the diaper perfectly positioned, and while a few of his new-father SEAL friends whined about the whole sticky-tab thing being tough to tackle, Mason thought that part a piece of cake. He liked lining them up perfectly straight. Precision in all things—especially diapers—was good.

      “There.” He couldn’t help but smile upon completing his goal. “Now what?”

      “Take her dress off and put these on.” Hattie offered a pair of pj’s that matched Vivian’s sister’s.

      “Just a thought—” Mason struggled to unfasten the row of tiny buttons up the back of the dress “—but what if we started color-coding the twins? That way, we’d know who’s who.”

      “You mean dress Vivian in one color and Vanessa in another?”

      “Exactly. That way, they won’t be sixteen and realize their whole lives they’ve been called by the wrong names.”

      “While I applaud your suggestion, I don’t think we’re in danger of that. Besides, they already have so many pretty matching clothes, I’d hate to toss everything Melissa bought and was given as shower gifts.”

      “Hadn’t thought of that. When I’m researching powder, I’ll see if I can find tips on telling twins apart.”

      “You do that.” Though she didn’t smile, he’d have sworn he saw laughter spark her still-teary eyes.

      Once both girls had been tucked beneath matching fuzzy pink blankets, Mason asked, “Now what?”

      “Know how to do laundry?”


      She pointed toward an overflowing hamper. “Mind tackling that while I’m out?”

      “Where are you going?”

      “I have to at least make an appearance at the bar. I haven’t been in since first hearing the news.”

      “But it’s Sunday. Thought no alcohol was sold or served?”

      She patted his back. “You have been gone awhile. Two years ago, the new mayor, who’s a huge Cowboys fan, exempted every Sunday during football season.”

      As a general rule, Mason never pouted, but he was damn near close. “But I’d rather go with you than be stuck here doing laundry.”

      “Sorry.” She flashed a forced, unapologetic smile. “One of us has to bring home the bacon.”

      “Hattie Beaumont, you turned mean.”

      “Nah.” She ducked across the hall and into the bathroom. “Just practical.”

      * * *

      WITH HER PRACTICAL boots crunching on the city sidewalk’s hard-packed snow, Hattie realized she had never been happier to be away from someone in her whole life. Was she really supposed to live with Mason for however long it took him to get unattached from her sister’s will? Couldn’t he just fly up when it was his turn in court?

      Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” spilled out the bar’s door at the same time as Harvey Mitchell.

      “Got a ride?” Hattie asked.

      Breath fogging in the cold night air, he hitched his thumb toward the road. “Wife sent the daughter to pick-me-up.” His last three words slurred into one. Looked as though someone should’ve gone home a few drinks earlier.

      Hattie waited outside for the few minutes it took for Harvey’s sixteen-year-old, Janine, to show. The bar stood at the end of a pier. She took a deep breath, appreciating the water’s briny tang.

      With Harvey safely gone, she headed inside, glad for the warmth and cheerful riot of Halloween decorations she’d put up weeks ago before knowing how tragically the month would end.

      “Hey, sweetie.” Her best friend, Clementine Archer, stepped out from behind the bar, enfolding her in a hug. They’d gone to school together since kindergarten. When Clementine’s husband had lost his job at the fish-canning factory, Hattie had suggested her friend take an online bartending class, then come work for her. Five years later, Clementine’s husband had run off to Texas, leaving her on her own with their two sons, but she still worked behind the bar four days a week. Her mom watched the boys. “How’s it going? You’ve gotta be a mess.”

      “Oh—I passed mess a long time ago. I’m currently a disaster.” Hattie deposited her purse in a lower cabinet beside the fridge. Before leaving, she needed to run upstairs to switch it out for her usual cargo-style bag. Might as well grab extra clothes, too.

      “You leave Mason with the twins?”

      Hattie nodded. “He wasn’t happy about it. Pouted like a second grader.”

      “How is it?”

      “What?” Hattie poured herself an orange juice on the rocks.

      Hands on her hips, Clementine shook her head. “Don’t even try playing it cool with me, lady. I’m the one person aside from Melissa who ever knew exactly how much Mason meant to you. No way is his being here not impacting your life.”

      Hattie looked at her drink. “Yeah, so maybe I’d like a splash of vodka for this, but you know...” She stared at the crowd of regulars: some played pool, others poker, others still watched one of the four flat screens or just talked. Everything about the night was normal, yet not a single thing in Hattie’s life felt the same. Her eyes welled with tears again. She blotted them with one of the bar’s trademark red plaid napkins she’d had monogrammed with Hattie’s. “It’s all good.”

      “Oh, sweetie...” Clementine ambushed her with another hug. “You don’t still have a thing for him, do you?”

      “No. Of course not.” Which was why when he’d swooped her into his arms outside of the lawyer’s her heart had skipped beats. When he’d stood beside her in her sister’s kitchen or they’d shared feeding time on the couch or he’d tugged her onto his lap for a comforting hug, everything she thought she knew turned upside down.

      And that was bad.

      It didn’t matter that Melissa was no longer with them. Mason would always belong to her. Their bond had been unbreakable. So much so that not only had her sister reached from beyond her grave to ask Mason to raise her girls, but she’d had the audacity to suggest he also be Hattie’s man.

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