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Pride in Regency Society. Sarah MalloryЧитать онлайн книгу.

Pride in Regency Society - Sarah Mallory

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much about it myself, until young Nicholas sought me out at Tunbridge Wells last month. It was Percy Anderton told me his history. Percy lost his son in the action, you see, and Captain Wylder came to see him as soon as he returned to England, to pay his respects. Percy was very impressed. Captain Wylder has friends in the government, too it appears—young Pitt and Lord North—’

      ‘But you said Captain Wylder sought you out, Grandpapa,’ Eve persisted, frowning. ‘Why should he do that?’

      ‘Why should he not? Old family friend, after all.’

      ‘Yes, but why should he wait until now to look you up?’

      ‘I have no idea, but I am very glad he did. A fine young man, Eve, and very attentive to me. I invited him to call upon us…’

      ‘But you have not said a word about him to me, Grandpapa.’

      Sir Benjamin stirred uncomfortably in his chair. ‘No, well, the time did not seem propitious, and after all, I did not know if he would really come.’

      ‘Have you brought him here as a husband for me?’ she asked in her direct way.

      ‘He did mention to me that he was looking for a wife, and…’

      ‘And you want me to take a husband.’

      ‘Only if you are inclined to do so, Evelina.’

      ‘I have told you, Grandfather, I have no wish for a husband yet.’

      ‘But you will need someone to look after you when I am gone.’


      ‘Do not frown at me, Eve. We both know that I am failing. Doctor Scott has warned us that my heart is very weak now; the end cannot be far away—’

      ‘You must not say such things,’ she said fiercely.

      ‘Ignoring the inevitable will not prevent it, my love. If Nick Wylder wants to wed you I recommend you to accept him. I shall not insist, of course, but I would ask that you consider the matter very carefully.’ He squeezed her fingers and released them. ‘Now, we must not keep our guest waiting any longer. Have Captain Wylder fetched up, Evelina.’

      ‘But, sir—’

      He waved his hand impatiently. ‘Would you have me thought uncivil, gel? Tell Green to show him up.’

      The order was given, and Eve went back to stand beside her grandfather. He reached for her hand.

      ‘Trust me on this, love; I am thinking only of you. Ah…’ He turned towards the door as the butler announced his visitor. ‘My dear sir, you are very welcome! Forgive me for not getting up to meet you, but my legs are very weak today. The baths at Tunbridge did not help me overmuch on this occasion.’

      ‘I am sorry to hear it, Sir Benjamin.’

      Evelina watched Captain Nick Wylder stride into the room, his healthy vigour even more in evidence when contrasted with her grandfather’s feebleness. He came forwards and bowed to his host, exuding energy. Sir Benjamin smiled and nodded.

      ‘You have met my granddaughter, Evelina?’

      Eve found those blue eyes fixed upon her. She had the strange impression that he could read her innermost thoughts. She put up her chin and returned his look defiantly.

      ‘Yes indeed.’ Nick Wylder turned and made a fine leg to her. ‘That is, we introduced ourselves, but I am glad of this opportunity to be more formally presented, sir.’ His eyes laughed at her. ‘I fear Miss Shawcross disapproves of me.’

      She sank into a curtsy, her cheeks burning. How was it possible to want to laugh and be cross at the same time? She had no experience of gentlemen like Captain Wylder, but instinct told her to beware of him.

      Eve determined she would not talk to the captain but her resolve was unnecessary. By the time she had risen out of her curtsy, he had engaged Sir Benjamin in conversation, discussing with ease such diverse subjects as the efficacy of hot baths, the pleasures of hunting and the grand tour. There was nothing for her to do but to arrange her flowers in the vase Green had provided for her. She was out of reason cross that she could not deliver a snub to the laughing gentleman.

      ‘I saw you ride in, Captain,’ said Sir Benjamin. ‘I take it your baggage follows you?’

      ‘Yes, sir. Richard Granby, my valet, accompanies it in my travelling carriage.’

      ‘You are staying?’ Eve blurted out.

      Once more those disturbingly blue eyes rested upon her.

      ‘I am afraid so. Will that inconvenience you?’

      ‘N-no…’ she faltered. ‘That is, you are staying no more than the one night, I hope.’

      Sir Benjamin chuckled. ‘Take no notice of my granddaughter, Captain Wylder. She is a great one for jesting.’

      ‘So I have noticed, Sir Benjamin.’ He smiled across at her in a way that made Eve want to hit him.

      ‘Captain Wylder is making a prolonged visit with us,’ explained Sir Benjamin.

      ‘Really?’ Eve pinned on a brittle, sugar-sweet smile.

      ‘I am greatly indebted to your grandfather for allowing me to stay with you,’ Nick bowed to her. ‘I shall have plenty of time to grow used to your funning.’

      Eve turned back to her flower arrangement. Her angry, jerky movements broke one of the stems and she was obliged to breathe deeply and calm herself before she continued. The butler came in with a decanter and two glasses and after that the gentlemen paid her no attention, engrossed in their discussions of hunters and bloodlines, so, as soon as she had finished, Eve muttered her excuses and made her escape.

      Nick watched her leave the room, her little heels kicking up her skirts as she crossed the floor. A slight cough from Sir Benjamin made him turn and he found his host was holding out his empty glass, indicating with the lift of an eyebrow that it should be refilled. Nick hesitated and the older man winked at him. ‘Come along, my boy. My butler and my granddaughter might argue that brandy is not good for me, but you have not heard my doctor say so. Life is for living, sir, and I mean to enjoy what little time I have left.’

      ‘I cannot fault that philosophy, Sir Benjamin.’ Nick grinned and carried both glasses over to the decanter. ‘Miss Shawcross seems a little agitated,’ he remarked. ‘I do hope my visit is not inopportune…’

      Sir Benjamin chuckled. ‘Her feathers are ruffled because I omitted to tell her you were coming.’

      ‘I gathered that much.’ Nick smiled to himself as he recalled his first meeting with Evelina Shawcross. ‘I am afraid I might have ruffled her feathers even more.’

      ‘No matter, she’ll come round.’ Sir Benjamin sipped his brandy. ‘She’s a good gel, my granddaughter. Levelheaded and with as sweet a nature as any man could wish. She’s not the flighty sort, never shown any desire to go off exploring.’ The old man sighed a little. ‘Her mother was quite the opposite. Never happier than when she was travelling the world. Took my son off all over the place when they was married. But Eve’s different, a quiet gel. She needs a husband who can give her all the comforts she has enjoyed here at Makerham. A man who will look after her properly. Can you do that, Captain?’

      Nick suddenly found himself fixed with a fierce stare from those faded eyes. He returned the look steadily.

      ‘You know my circumstances, Sir Benjamin. I believe I can keep a wife in tolerable comfort.’

      ‘Yes, yes, but will you make her happy?’

      Nick fought down a smile.

      ‘I have never had any complaints yet, sir.’

      ‘That’s what worries me, a good-looking dog like you. I saw the women at Tunbridge making eyes at you, throwing out lures—and some of ’em old enough to know better!’

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