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Courtship In The Regency Ballroom. Annie BurrowsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Courtship In The Regency Ballroom - Annie Burrows

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have. And you will send me word, won’t you, if ever you’re in trouble?’

      Jye nodded, swinging Lena up on to his broad shoulders, while Hester turned hastily away. She could no longer check the tears that began to roll silently down her cheeks, and, not wanting Lena to see them, she swiftly made for the track that would lead her home, pushing blindly past Lord Lensborough, who stood almost directly in her path.

      She had not got far into the copse before she felt a hand tap her roughly on her shoulder.

      ‘Here,’ he said curtly, ‘take this handkerchief and blow your nose.’

      ‘Thank you,’ she replied mechanically, taking it. ‘You are very angry with me again, aren’t you?’

      ‘Are you surprised?’

      ‘Yes.’ She blew her nose. ‘Uncle Thomas warned me what to expect, but I had begun to think that you—’

      The ferocity with which he uttered a few choice expletives set Hester back to the moment they had first met. This was the real Lord Lensborough: black hearted and black tempered. She had only imagined he was kind and decent.

      A feeling of dread washed over her. Might he be so outraged by her impropriety that he would change his mind about marrying one of her cousins? Might they be tainted in his eyes by their very association with her?

      ‘You won’t suspend your courtship of my cousins because of this, will you? Neither they, nor my aunt, knew anything about my visits to the tan.’

      ‘Am I to infer from that remark that your uncle did?’

      When she nodded, he said, ‘By God, this beggars belief.’ Hester reeled. ‘How can you be so intolerant?’

      ‘Intolerant? Who could tolerate being so deceived?’

      ‘We did not set out to deceive you…particularly. My uncle just did not want anyone to know. Especially not my cousins, or my aunt. He said it would distress them.’

      Lord Lensborough made an odd choking noise.

      ‘So you see, they are entirely innocent. You do believe me, don’t you?’

      ‘Oh, yes. Unlike you, your cousins are exactly what they appear to be. A blank slate upon which I may write whatever I wish.’

      Hester saw red. ‘How just like you to say such a horrid thing. Julia and Phoebe are people with feelings, not blank slates for you to write on.’ She clenched her fists. ‘And for your information, I don’t care how improper you think it is for me to mingle with the raff and scaff of society. I love Lena, and I will never be ashamed of her. If that offends your notion of propriety, then I’m glad. Why would I want an unfeeling, heartless block like you to approve of me?’

      He flinched, as though she had struck him. ‘We should not keep the horses standing in the cold,’ he said, and turned down the track.

      He was aware of Hester thrashing through the undergrowth behind him, but he couldn’t bear to turn and look at her, not even when he heard a tell-tale sniffle.

      How could her uncle permit her access to a lover while she lived under his roof? Or introduce her to his guests as if she were respectable? Did he not care so long as she kept her activities secret from the more innocent females in the family?

      All that talk of shyness. He had known from the first it was all humbug. It was guilt that made her awkward around single men. She knew she could never marry a decent man, or encourage one to hope. That was why Sir Thomas had warned him off.

      But then why, if he did not want all this to come out, did he not keep her out of sight altogether?

      His pace picked up as his mind whirled. The family probably did not have the means to pack her off to some estate deep in the country and forget her. And if her uncle tried to separate her from his other womenfolk, within his house, they would start to ask awkward questions.

      So why did she not simply live with her gypsy lover?

      That sort of scandal was bound to get out, and his own daughters would be ruined by association.

      On the whole, Sir Thomas had followed the only course he could. Ejected the bastard child, and sworn Hester to secrecy to protect the good name of his own daughters.

      Though he could never like Lionel Snelgrove, he supposed he had to be grateful that he had forced Hester’s secret into the open. It had saved him from committing the ghastly blunder of proposing to a woman who had given birth to a bastard sired by a filthy gypsy. He didn’t think he would ever have been able to live that down.

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