Cherish Collection January 2014 (Books 1-12). Rebecca WintersЧитать онлайн книгу.
to wave to her as a younger student.
Now that she knew him as a man, her feelings were even stronger. Yes, he’d become the most sexy man in existence to her, but it was partly due to his tenderness and encouragement. It was partly due to the way that he tried so hard with Piper. How could she possibly resist Colton after all that?
She made the drive in record time and pulled into the parking lot at the hospital. She rushed inside to the E.R. but didn’t see any Fosters. Her stomach dipped. She prayed that the worst hadn’t happened. Stacey asked the registration desk about Colton, and a few moments later, she was ushered back to a waiting room.
Rachel rose and soared into Stacey’s arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Stacey couldn’t help seeing Mr. and Mrs. Foster standing beside a row of chairs. Mrs. Foster’s eyes were bloodshot from tears, and Mr. Foster looked dazed and shocked. Stacey’s heart went out to them.
“Any news?” she asked.
“He’s being examined. They said he’s still unconscious,” Rachel said, sniffing.
“They’re looking after him,” Stacey said, but she was so scared. She just couldn’t show it. She turned toward Colton’s parents and embraced Mrs. Foster.
“Oh, Stacey, I just want him to be okay,” Mrs. Foster said.
Stacey squeezed Colton’s mother tight. She wanted Colton to be all right, too. More than anything. She took a deep breath, knowing that waiting could be the worst. “Can I get coffee for any of you?”
Rachel and her parents shook their heads, all murmuring no.
The vigil began.
The minutes crept by slowly, feeling like days instead of hours. Stacey tried to make small talk but gave up after a half hour had passed. All of them were worried sick. Why hadn’t a doctor or nurse entered the waiting room to speak to them?
Stacey was just about to prod someone at the emergency-room desk for details when a doctor walked in, still wearing his surgical scrubs. “Mr. and Mrs. Foster?” he said. “I’m Dr. McMillan. Your son took a hard hit. He has a concussion and some bad bruises. I have to say it’s a miracle that your son didn’t sustain more serious injuries. We’ll keep him under observation until we’re sure he’s out of the woods from that concussion.”
“Oh, stars,” Mrs. Foster said, sinking onto a chair.
Stacey’s heart was hammering in her head. “How much blood has he lost? Has he been conscious at all? Is there any lung damage? What about—”
“Whoa,” the doctor said. “One at a time.”
Stacey forced herself to pace her questions, and the doctor answered each one.
“When can the family see him?” she asked.
He glanced at his watch. “Let’s give it another few moments,” he warned.
The doctor left the room, and Rachel, wiping away the tears in her eyes, grabbed Stacey. “It sounds as if he’s going to be okay,” she said.
Stacey wanted to see Colton and touch him, check his stats to be sure, but she nodded. “It sounds very good.”
Moments later, the Fosters were led back to see Colton in recovery. Stacey paced the waiting room, praying and wishing for Colton. Ten minutes later, a nurse appeared in the doorway. “Stacey, I understand you’re Colton Foster’s girlfriend. The rest of the family requested your presence.”
Stacey nodded and followed the nurse to the recovery room. Colton was receiving fluids and oxygen. Her heart squeezed tight in fear. At the same time, she knew these measures were medically necessary.
“Why does he have all these tubes?” Mr. Foster asked, his face filled with fear.
Rachel reached for Stacey’s hand.
“All these things are helping support Colton to recover from his injuries and the accident,” Stacey said. “Soon enough, he won’t be needing the line for fluids. Later, they’ll only give him oxygen as needed. This is the worst, except for any bruising and swelling he may have. It looks like they’re taking good care of him. That’s what’s important.”
“Stacey, I’m so glad you’re here,” Rachel said.
“Me, too,” Olive said and grabbed Stacey’s hand.
Mr. Foster took a deep breath and looked at his son.
The three of them stood in the recovery area for several moments. “Even though Colton is unconscious, he can hear your voices, so talking is good for him.”
Rachel immediately went to Colton’s side and started chatting. Her voice suddenly broke. “I love you, big brother. Wake up soon,” she said, and kissed him gently on his forehead.
His mother took a turn next. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your questions tonight,” she said and sniffed. “I love you. Everybody loves you.”
His father stepped closer. “You’re a good man. A good, strong man. Get better, son. We’re here for you.”
Stacey’s throat tightened in a knot of emotion. She hated how much all of them were hurting. She didn’t want to think about her own feelings. The three of them looked at her expectantly, as if they wanted her to speak to Colton, too.
Stacey slowly walked to Colton’s side and gently touched his shoulder. “Hey, you. What are you doing playing chicken with semis?” She bit her lip. “We want you to get better, but don’t work too hard at it. Let the medicine help you,” she said.
Colton’s eyelids fluttered. He opened his mouth and coughed. “Stacey? Stacey?”
Stunned that he would call her name, she leaned closer. “I’m here. I’m here. What do you need?”
“Joe?” he said.
She frowned. “Joe?”
“Did he come see you?”
Stacey figured Colton must be talking out of his head. “No. I haven’t seen Joe,” she said, but Colton had fallen asleep.
Chapter Twelve
Stacey sat by Colton’s side for the next several hours. She urged Mr. and Mrs. Foster to return home, but Rachel insisted on staying. Colton awakened for short periods. Sometimes he blinked his eyes. He often asked questions as to why he was in the hospital. He asked again about Joe but fell back asleep.
“Why do you think he keeps asking about Joe?” Rachel asked.
“I have no idea,” Stacey said. “Joe hasn’t been in town for ages.”
“Maybe he has amnesia. Maybe this is part of his concussion,” Rachel suggested.
“I don’t know,” Stacey said. “If it keeps happening, maybe we should ask the doctor about it.”
Colton’s parents returned and shooed both Rachel and Stacey away to take a break. Gritty-eyed and tired, but mostly confident that Colton was on the road to recovery, Stacey returned home and fell into bed. When she awakened, it was early evening, and she checked on Colton via his parents. He’d been moved to a room and was doing much better.
Stacey sighed with relief and spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of Piper. Her daughter seemed thrilled to see her, which eased some of the upset and trauma she’d experienced during the past week. Rocking Piper to sleep was the purest form of therapy for Stacey. She kissed her sweet baby’s head and put her to bed. Afterward Stacey updated her mother about Colton and his injuries. Thank goodness, her mother didn’t ask any probing questions about Stacey’s feelings about Colton. She went to bed, planning to visit Colton the next morning.
The next morning, Stacey dressed Piper in a cute pink outfit and made the hour-long trip to Lubbock. Piper snoozed on