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In the Tudor Court Collection. Amanda McCabeЧитать онлайн книгу.

In the Tudor Court Collection - Amanda McCabe

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She was anxious, afraid of what might happen when the visitor arrived. It might be better to confess all to her aunt, who was kind hearted—but supposing she turned from her? Maribel knew that without Justin to protect her she would not be safe outside her uncle’s house. Higgins was around somewhere, but she did not think there was much he could do to help her, especially if her uncle was of a mind to hand her over to her father’s agent.

      She did not know which way to turn for the best. Justin had left for London more than two weeks previously. How much longer would it be before he returned?

      She wished that he was with her. He would tell her what she ought to do or take her away. She had been happy enough here despite missing him every day he stayed away, but now she was on thorns. What ought she to do?

      ‘Maribel, my dear…’ She heard the knock at the door and her aunt’s voice. ‘May I come in, please?’

      ‘Yes, of course.’ Maribel opened the door to admit her. ‘I was about to come down, Aunt.’

      ‘Something is troubling you, my love. Will you not tell me?’

      Maribel hesitated. If she ignored this chance it might be too late. She took a deep breath and then inclined her head.

      ‘I must begin at the very beginning. I beg you will forgive me—I have not been entirely honest with you. When I first came here I did not know you and was afraid that you might turn me away. It is true that I am promised to Captain Devere, but we were not betrothed in the proper manner. My father wished me to marry a man I had never seen—a man called Lord William Roberts of Helbourne.’

      ‘Impossible! That wicked man…’ Lady Fildene’s face reflected her shock. ‘I have heard of him and the very idea offends me. How could your father suggest such a thing?’

      ‘He hated me, as I believe he once hated my mother. I begged to be allowed to wait and perhaps choose a husband for myself, but he would not listen. Lord Roberts sent his cousin to fetch me and I was forced to go with him, but then…I met Captain Devere. We fell in love and he asked me to wed him.’

      ‘How did you meet Captain Devere?’ Her aunt’s eyes were on her face. ‘I have felt there is some mystery, Maribel…something you did not wish to tell me? Will you not be honest with me so that I may protect you from those that would harm you or take advantage of your innocence?’

      ‘Justin attacked the ship and forced Captain Hynes to give me up to him. At first I believe he had some thought of a ransom, but then—’ She broke off as she saw her aunt’s face. ‘No, it is not like that, Aunt. He truly loves me and I him. Justin would never harm me.’

      ‘Is Captain Devere a privateer?’ Lady Fildene frowned, clearly doubtful. ‘What is his business? I thought it strange that he should leave you here and go off on some secret mission.’

      ‘It is not secret. He has gone to seek an audience with the Queen…’ Maribel’s eyes filled with tears. ‘Please do not judge him or me, Aunt. I was treated ill by my father and by Captain Hynes. He tried to—to seduce me while I was on his ship. He said he had my father’s permission to do as he would with me. If Justin had not attacked the ship, I might be dead, for I would have taken my life rather than live as his thing.’

      ‘My poor, poor child,’ her aunt said and held out her arms. ‘I am not certain how your uncle will feel about a marriage between you and Captain Devere, for he would frown upon such a trade. Pirates and privateers are the scourge of the seas and cost many an honest merchant a great deal of money. However, you are not to be judged or chastised for you had no choice in all this, my love. Do not fear this man. You shall not be given up to him. My husband will listen to a business proposition if he makes it, but nothing will affect you. I give you my word. You shall not be forced to leave this house against your will.’

      ‘And Justin?’ Maribel looked at her uncertainly. She half-wished that she had not told her aunt anything. ‘I love him so very much.’

      ‘If that gentleman returns, he will explain himself to your uncle and me,’ Lady Fildene said, looking grim. ‘If we are satisfied the wedding will go ahead, but he must be prepared to tell us everything.’

      Maribel was silent. Her aunt was asking for no more than was due, for she had taken her into her home and treated her kindly, but if she and her husband sought to deny the marriage, Maribel would defy them and run away with the man she loved. She had obeyed her father as a dutiful daughter ought, but never again would she go against the dictates of her heart. She belonged with Justin and she would sail with him to the ends of the earth. Let him only return to her and she would not ask for anything more. Riches and fine clothes meant nothing. Only in her bold pirate’s arms could she find happiness.

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