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Lady Traveller's Guide To Happily Ever After. Victoria AlexanderЧитать онлайн книгу.

Lady Traveller's Guide To Happily Ever After - Victoria Alexander

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on reading these death notices. It seems there is at least one acquaintance listed nearly every day. Why, everyone we know is dropping dead.”

      “These things tend to happen when one reaches a certain age.” Effie pulled several pages from the envelope and started to read.

       My dear Ophelia,

       Forgive me for taking the liberty of calling you dear. In my heart, you have always been my dear Ophelia. But I knew the moment I introduced you to my good friend, William, on that summer night all those many years ago that I would never have the opportunity to call you my dear aloud.

      Effie’s breath caught. Richard.

      “Still, one does hate to be uninformed,” Gwen continued. “Imagine if I were to have a party. It would be dreadfully awkward if I were to invite someone who is already dead.” She paused. “Of course, they wouldn’t come so it might not be so awkward at that.”

       I hope you received my letter of condolence upon William’s passing. He was a good, true friend and I have missed him. It is one of the many regrets of my life that we drifted apart.

      What a pity it is to recognize your regrets when it’s too late to do anything about them. My greatest by far was not fighting for your affections. But the way you and William looked at one another on that very first meeting was as if there was no one else in the world. I knew any hope I had was futile. So I chose to step back. And while I still believe it was the right thing to do, I have discovered if one is haunted by any single word in life it is perhaps.

      Shock rippled through her. Surely she wasn’t reading this correctly.

      “Although a séance would be interesting,” Gwen mused. “I wonder if one sends invitations to the dead.”

       I have been ill for some time and I know my remaining days are few. I fear if you are reading this, I have breathed my last. This letter is in the form of my final request, which I am leaving in your capable hands.

      “That would be a great deal of fun,” Gwen said thoughtfully. “Although I daresay we couldn’t afford a real spiritualist. But I think Mrs. Addison has a cousin who dabbles in contacting the spirits from beyond. She’s quite good at it from what I hear and I doubt she would charge a fee.”

       I can do nothing about the past but, even from the grave, I may be able to influence the future. In my life I have witnessed three great loves. The first was between you and William. The second was my love for you. It seems I can confess in death what I never managed to say in life. Please do not allow my revelation to distress you. I refused to interfere with your happiness and knowing you were happy was enough.

      “Still,” Gwen continued, “the last thing Poppy needs is to see Malcomb again. I can’t imagine that would be the least bit helpful.”

       I am convinced I have seen one more great love even if those involved refuse to acknowledge it.

      “Gwen,” Effie said sharply. “In all those obituaries you read, have you seen a notice about the death of the Earl of Ellsworth?”

      “Ellsworth? I’m not sure. It does sound vaguely familiar.” Gwen thought for a moment. “Yes, I think I did see that name. A few weeks ago perhaps? Or longer I suppose. Certainly within the last few months. Did you know him?”

      Effie nodded. “I had once thought he might be the man I would marry but then I met William.”

      Gwen’s eyes widened. “Oh?”

      Effie scanned the rest of the letter. Good Lord. Surely the man wasn’t serious? She held it out to Gwen. “Read this.”

      Gwen started to read then looked at Effie. “Are you sure you want me to read this? It seems rather personal.”

      “I’d tell you everything it says anyway.”

      “There is that.” Gwen returned her attention to the letter.

      She was certainly taking her time. Still, Effie had been so shocked she had done little more than skim the rest of the letter. She drummed her fingers on the tray impatiently.

      At last Gwen looked up. “This man spent his entire life in love with you.”

      Effie winced. “I had no idea.”

      “He never gave you a hint as to his feelings?”

      “Of course not. Besides, William was like a brother to him, at least when they were young. They went their separate ways as the years went on. The army sent William all over the world and when he left the military, he followed on the heels of your husband. You know as well as I he was hardly ever here. I rarely saw Richard after William and I married.”

      Although Effie supposed it was possible that it was difficult for Richard to see William given his feelings for her. “On those occasions when I ran into him he was cordial and pleasant, as any old friend would be, but nothing more than that.”

      Gwen nodded. “How very noble of him not to let you know how he felt.”

      “Yes, I suppose it was.” And if she had known of Richard’s feelings? “It would have been terribly uncomfortable if he had declared himself.”

      “And would you have done anything differently had you known of his feelings?”

      Effie shook her head. “No.”

      “Did you ever once lead him to believe there could be anything between you once you met William?”

      “Of course not.”

      “Then you have nothing to feel guilty about.”

      “I don’t feel guilty,” Effie said. “I had nothing to do with this. But I do feel badly for him. It’s quite sad, don’t you think?”

      “Unrequited love usually is.”

      “He was a wonderful man, very charming and quite nice. He was very nearly perfect I suppose. William wasn’t the least bit perfect.” Effie smiled.

      “Are you going to take up this challenge he has set for you?”

      “It does seem like a lot of effort.”

      “It was a man’s dying wish. You really can’t say no to a dying man’s wish.” Gwen paused. “Besides, he says you’ll be paid for any expenses you incur as well as receive a stipend as he anticipates this will take a great deal of your time.” She grimaced. “Do you think he knew of your financial difficulties?”

      “I hadn’t thought of that.” Effie shook her head. “I couldn’t possibly accept his money under those circumstances. I should have to return it.”

      “You can’t return it—he’s dead.”

      “Then I shall give it to charity,” Effie said staunchly.

      “We’ll be charity in no more than a year ourselves,” Gwen pointed out.

      For a few minutes, Effie had forgotten about their financial difficulties. “That does put it in a different light.”

      “It also seems to me—” Gwen chose her words with care “—this man’s last thoughts were not for himself but for those he loved, which apparently included you.”

      “If I agree to do this, I am to meet with his solicitor and the parties involved tomorrow.”


      “And I suppose when a man who is no longer with us wants to do something rather lovely, it would be bad form for the living to refuse.”

      Gwen adopted a casual tone. “You are doing it then?”

      “Yes, I suppose I am. But I’m not doing it alone.”

      “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

      Effie drew her brows together. “Still,

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