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Unlawfully Wedded Bride. Noelle MarchandЧитать онлайн книгу.

Unlawfully Wedded Bride - Noelle Marchand

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then glanced at the two children who watched him in disappointment.

      “You’re leaving,” Sean said, more as a statement than a question.

      “I’m afraid so.”

      The boy looked down. “You aren’t coming back.”

      “I doubt it.”

      Ellie climbed onto the short wall that sectioned off Delilah’s stall to stare at him with imploring green eyes. “Why don’t you win her back?”

      “You can’t win something back you never had, Ellie.”

      She crossed her arms. “You didn’t even try.”

      He had tried but Kate wasn’t willing to do the same. If Ellie thought he was the problem, then so be it. He’d caused enough strife in his own family to know better than to start it in someone else’s. Besides, Kate was probably right. He’d thought God was leading him to a new life, but this seemed to be just as much of a mistake as everything else he’d done lately—everything he was trying so desperately to forget.

      He did his best not to let Ellie’s glower bother him as he finished saddling his mare. He led Delilah from her stall. The children followed him in silence until Sean asked, “What are you going to do now?”

      He glanced back and was surprised to see deep concern in the boy’s eyes. Ellie seemed to have lost most of her defiance, because while her chin still tilted upward, her eyes looked suspiciously moist. He realized that even though he was nothing more than a stranger to Kate, her siblings probably felt they knew him well. In truth, they probably knew him better than anyone else in his life right now.

      Impulsively he knelt to put himself on their level. “Hey, I hope you two aren’t worrying about me. I’ll figure something out. I always do.”

      Ellie’s chin quivered. “We want you to stay.”

      “I know you do.” He guessed he didn’t have to tell them that things didn’t always turn out the way you wanted. He figured they’d been through enough in their short lives to know that better than most. “I’m sorry I can’t do that, but you two have each other and Kate. You’ll be all right. Just remember to mind your sister. No more of this kind of stuff, you hear?”

      They both nodded.

      He stood and didn’t bother to knock the dust from his britches before he swung onto Delilah. He glanced down to offer the pair parting smiles. “Goodbye, now.”

      A few minutes later he turned Delilah so that he could get one last look at the O’Brien’s farm. The children had gone inside, so all he could see was the house and its fields. He swallowed against the unexpected emotion in his throat. He’d failed just like he always did when it came to chasing down his dream.

      Hadn’t his Pa told him this would happen? He tried to push away the memory of his father’s parting words. He heard them anyway. “You’re going to fail. You’re going to come crawling back. Stay at the ranch and take your place like your brother. This is where you’re supposed to be.”

      Turning Delilah back toward the main road, he urged her into a canter. It looked like his Pa had been right about him all along. It had just taken him five years to figure it out.

      Kate swayed in her seat as the wagon jolted over a bump on the road to town the next morning. They were nearly to Peppin before anyone dared to bring up the subject foremost on their minds.

      “I think you should ask him to come back,” Ellie said, over the groaning wagon wheels.

      “I’m sure I know what you think, Ellie.” Kate’s grip tightened on the reigns. “I’ve already made my decision.”

      “I liked him,” Sean said.

      “So did I,” Ellie chimed in with a slight lift of her chin. “Didn’t you like him, Kate?”

      “I’m sure he’s a nice man.” She was sure because she’d seen the way he’d knelt in the dirty barnyard to talk to her siblings before he left. The sight had touched her more than she cared to admit.

      “And handsome?”

      Kate glanced at her sister in interest. “Since when do you care about handsome?”

      “I don’t.” Ellie recoiled then sent Sean a mischievous glance. “That’s just what Lorelei Wilkins always says about Sean.”

      “Really?” Kate asked as Sean’s face lit up like a red beacon.

      “It is not,” he protested.

      “It is, too. I heard her at recess. She told all the girls how much you like her and how you’ll get married one day.”

      “That’s just because she’s a dumb girl.”

      Kate arched a brow. “I hope you didn’t tell her that.”

      “No, but I’d sure like to,” Sean growled.

      “I’m sure you would. Don’t worry, Sean. She’ll move on soon enough. In the meantime, try not to let it bother you.”

      He looked over at her. “I thought we were talking about you, Kate.”

      She feigned disinterest. “Not anymore.”

      He frowned as he surveyed the row of businesses on either side of Main Street. “Are you really going to get a whatever-it’s-called?”

      “An annulment? Yes. That’s why I’m driving you to town to today.”

      That put a damper on the conversation until the children jumped off the wagon and called goodbye as they headed to the schoolhouse. Kate pulled the horses to a stop across the street from the town’s small courthouse. She stared at the gray wooden building and frowned. Exactly how does one get an annulment?

      She didn’t know but she was certainly going to find out. Filled with resolve, she discreetly swung her legs over the side of the wagon and hopped down. Her forward momentum suddenly stopped when her dress caught on the wagon wheel and caused her to stumble. She managed to catch her balance just as she heard shouts sound farther down Main Street. Curious to step over and see what the commotion was about, she worked to release her skirt from the splintery clutches of the wagon’s axle. She pulled at the dark green fabric until she heard the sound of pounding hooves and a wild neigh behind her.

      She glanced up to find a startled horse and struggling rider almost upon her. The man on the horse looked down. She took in the detail of his eyes widening before he yelled, “Get out the way!”

      She gasped, then suddenly a strong arm snaked around her waist and she was slammed against the wood of the wagon. The force of a hard body pressing against her own knocked the wind out of her. Her breath came in ragged gasps. She heard the horse scream and a loud thump, then found herself struggling to hold up a limp and heavy body. Losing the battle, she sank to the ground along with the man.

      She glanced up in time to see the terrified horse give one last turn and a swift kick in the air before galloping away, its rider also thrown to the ground. Her gaze flew back to the man whose body pinned her arm to the ground beneath him. Her sharp gasp rent the air as she looked into the handsome features of Nathan Rutledge.

      She was close enough to see the golden flecks lighting his mahogany eyes when they fluttered open. He murmured her name, then his eyes drifted shut. His face went pale. She stared at him in disbelief. Surely he wasn’t dead!

      She cradled his head in her hand, then pulled her arm from beneath him to place her other hand over his heart. Though she couldn’t feel its beat, she detected the slight rise and fall of his chest. Kate heard someone calling for help and realized it was her own strangled voice. Then arms were pulling her away and setting her aside as Doc Williams attended to Nathan.

      She stared at the pale face and large form of the man sprawled in the middle of the street. A comforting arm came around her. She clasped her hands beneath her chin. Feeling something wet

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