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Rancher At Risk. Barbara White DailleЧитать онлайн книгу.

Rancher At Risk - Barbara White Daille

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when they involved much input from Nate. When she was excited, which was often, she talked right over others. Her exuberance, combined with how fast she spoke, made lipreading next to impossible.

      She gave Nate a lot of credit for wanting to learn how to communicate with her and Becky, especially because many people never made the attempt. But now, as the girl moved on to tell Ryan a long story about a rodeo, she seemed to have forgotten she knew a single sign.

      Lianne looked away, giving her eyes a rest. She made sure to keep her gaze from going anywhere near Ryan.

      On their ride to the inn, he had done the same.

      In the truck, she’d noticed he had shaved after his shower, closely enough for her to see the small muscle tic in his otherwise smooth jaw. She knew what that telltale tic meant. He’d had no idea what to say to her.

      Though they had left the ranch house hours ago, she could still recall the way his eyes had darkened when she told him she was deaf. From shock, probably. Surprise, for sure.

      She was used to both, and worse. Over the years, she’d had to explain to hundreds of people that she couldn’t hear. She had built up a thick skin, an armor that protected her against any reaction.

      But today, for the first time in her life, she hadn’t felt ready to hear a response. And she didn’t want to think about what that meant.

      Nate patted her arm. “Lianne, did you tell Ryan all about the school?”

      “Yes, I did.” She’d better not miss a word of this conversation now. Not in front of the man sitting across from her.

      Nate looked up at Ryan. “You’re gonna help Daddy with the wranglers, right?”


      “And Lianne’s running the ranch.”

      “Is she?” he asked.

      “Yep. She’s helping Daddy build the school. It’s gonna be a camp, too. Isn’t that great? But don’t worry, it won’t be like a dude ranch or anything.”

      Recalling her conversation with Ryan about that, Lianne couldn’t keep from looking his way. He was watching her.

      His hazel eyes had changed, chameleon-like, picking up the color from his T-shirt. The green of an impending storm had given way to the brighter shade of grass after the rain. The sight sent a rush of pleasure through her.

      Nate patted her arm again. She tore her gaze away from Ryan.

      “There will be lots of horses at the ranch, right?”

      She nodded at Nate. “Right. The boys will have plenty of chances for horseback rides.”

      From across the lawn, Caleb and Tess approached, each carrying a tray.

      “This is how you say horse, Ryan.” Nate rested the tip of her thumb against her temple with her index and middle fingers together and standing straight up. She tapped both fingers in the air twice the way Lianne had taught her.

      He nodded.

      “Try it,” she insisted.

      “Nate,” Caleb said, “why don’t you give Gram and Aunt El a hand with dessert?”

      “Okay,” she agreed, bounding to her feet. “So long as I get the biggest piece of pie.”

      “We’ll give that to one of our guests,” her mother said. “And later you and I will have another talk about sharing.”

      As Nate ran off, Caleb set his tray on the picnic table. “Coffee’s ready.”

      “Can I pour for you?” Lianne asked.

      “Thanks, but I’ve got it covered,” Caleb said. “Tess is training me.”

      “Yes, and it’s a slow process.” Tess smiled at Caleb to take the sting from her words.

      Lianne smiled, too. Like Kayla and Sam, these two were lucky to have each other.

      Tess turned toward Lianne. “I hope you found things okay over at the house.”

      “Everything’s great.” She spoke firmly, trying to convince herself as much as Tess. “So far I’ve seen everything I could possibly want in the house.”

      And one person she didn’t want there at all.

      She tried not to look at the man across the table as she reached for the mug Caleb held out to her.

      She owed Caleb so much. The job. The chance to prove herself. Even the house she was living in rent-free. The big ranch house, with lots of rooms to get lost in.

      Growing up with so many other kids around, she’d never had the luxury of a room to herself. Unlike Nate, she’d also never had a problem with sharing.

      Before now.

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