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Conard County Spy. Rachel LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Conard County Spy - Rachel  Lee

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Trace said. “It’s dangerous and I shouldn’t be here.”

      Ryker shook his head once. “You’re sounding like a one-note fiddle. Wherever you go, others will be at risk, so it might as well be willing participants who know what’s going on.”

      Trace scowled at him. Damn, he hated being boxed in.

      Julie spoke again. “So let me guess. The so-called State Department doesn’t only have jobs that lead to an exciting life of world travel and fancy parties.”

      Neither Trace nor Ryker answered her.

      “Oh, come off it,” Julie said. “Johnny died. What kind of fool do you take me for? No, don’t answer that. Don’t answer anything. Just tell me why you’re cutting me in. Then tell me how you’re going to keep Marisa and Jonni out of it. Because frankly, that’s all I really care about now.”

      Trace admired Julie’s spunk. Right now she looked like the epitome of womanhood, an infant rocking on her shoulder, her long hair flowing down her back, a delightful body encased in a green sweater and black slacks. And all she was worried about was the safety of her friend and the baby. Not herself. He wondered if he needed to be more emphatic. “We’re talking deadly danger here. I am not exaggerating. You should want to be as far from me as possible.”

      “Kinda hard when you’re in my best friend’s house,” she retorted. She looked at Ryker. “Start talking and then tell me what we’re going to do to protect your family. I am not leaving here until I know.”

      Ryker smiled faintly. “Gage was right about you. He said you take no as a challenge.”

      “Is that why you’re talking to me? Because right now, I need some filling in. So Trace here is in danger and is worried about everyone around him. For some reason he’s not leaving town. I assume the reason is a good one. So...what can I do to help?”

      “We need to disguise him and stash him somewhere.”

      Julie shook her head a little. “Stashing someone in this county isn’t easy. He needs to hide in plain sight.” She looked at Trace. “Tell me you don’t know how to do that.”

      Astonishment grew in Trace. This woman was talking like an experienced operative. Where was this coming from? “Yeah, I know how to do that.”

      “Cool,” said Julie. “Change of hair color would be good unless you can grow a beard fast.” She ran her gaze over his face. “Glasses can fool facial recognition software, too.”

      Ryker started laughing quietly. “Where’s this coming from?”

      “I studied a bit of theater in college. The biggest problem we have is Trace’s arm. That’ll be hard to conceal when he can’t use it. Can you wear a sling? I can wrap it up so it looks like an ordinary injury.”

      “I don’t know if I could stand it,” he answered frankly. “But it’s worth a try.” He decided to let go for just a few minutes and let this woman take the lead. He was beginning to enjoy the way she was just diving in, dealing with the problem presented to her, without demanding explanations. She’d assessed the situation amazingly well and was working with it. No faint heart, this one.

      Still rocking the sleeping baby gently, she continued. “He can’t stay here. Period.”

      “Right,” Ryker agreed.

      “But he can stay at my place. All we need is a cover story. So, Trace, you’re an old college friend of mine, you got hurt in a skiing accident, and you’re visiting me for a few weeks. You can use my spare bedroom.”

      That was the instant when he came dangerously near an eruption. All that kept him from giving in to the sudden blast of anger was the sleeping baby. Keeping his voice low and level, he said, “I will not put you in that kind of danger.”

      “You’re the one in danger,” she answered. “And if you were so all-fired worried about the rest of us, why didn’t you just keep moving?”

      “Now, wait...” Ryker began.

      He shut up when Trace interrupted, “I tried to. When I arrived here, I had no reasonable belief I might have someone after me. Now that I know, of course I’m worrying about everyone else. But Ryker and your friend the sheriff pinned me here, at least temporarily.”

      Julie glanced at Ryker. “Really? This is a story I want to hear someday, but first we have to get Trace out of this house. As soon as the baby wakes, I’m going to the store for what I need. Ryker, you bring Trace over to my place in the wee hours when all sane people will be asleep. He’s going to be my old flame until you two figure out something that works better. And that’s my final word. I don’t want him within a mile of Marisa and this baby.”

      Jonni woke abruptly, and her crying resumed. Ryker took her immediately, rocking her and talking to her. Trace was amazed. Never in all the time he’d known Ryker had he thought such soft, soothing sounds could issue from that man’s throat.

      “I’m off,” said Julie. “Bring Trace around three a.m.”

      Ryker nodded. “Thanks, Julie. See you then.” He headed toward the back of the house with the unhappy baby.

      But Trace couldn’t leave it alone. He stood and faced Julie. “You don’t want to get involved in this, Julie. I’m not kidding about the danger. You could get killed.”

      She looked at him, her smile completely fading. “Some things are worth risking your life for, Trace.”

      “Not me. Least of all me.”

      She frowned. “Is that how you feel? God, that’s screwed up. See you at three.”

      He stood without another word to say as she donned her jacket and left. His arm reminded him he was still very much alive, but he wasn’t sure that was a good thing. Why should Julie think so?

      He had no answers. All he knew was that the people who should have been protecting him had thrown him to the wolves, and a man who could have justifiably kicked him to the curb to protect his family had decided to stand with him.

      But the biggest mystery of all was Julie Ardlow. Something in her gaze had told him she didn’t think this was a lark, that she grasped how dangerous it might be.

      Why should she do this for a stranger?

      * * *

      Just before 3:00 a.m. Ryker pushed his car out of the driveway and onto the street. Helping as much as he could, Trace sat in the passenger seat at an angle with one foot over the brake and steered the car as Ryker pushed it down the street a few hundred yards. When it rolled to a stop, Trace manipulated the lever into the park position. Then Ryker climbed in beside him, started the car and headed away.

      “Fiona?” Trace asked, remembering the nosy neighbor. That would explain pushing the car this far before starting it.

      “I suppose there are all sorts of valid excuses I could use, having a sick daughter and all, to explain what I’m doing at this hour, but actually I’d rather not explain squat. Less explaining is better, as I’m sure you know.”

      “Absolutely. Anyway, I’m more concerned about Julie. That woman has the instincts of a field operative.” Just enough of them to create additional problems, anyway. Worse, with every step he seemed to be drawing a new person into his hell.

      Ryker snorted. “Thinking about recruiting her?”

      “After this? Never. Just commenting. She sure took charge and her ideas were good. But she’s unstoppable.”

      “Pretty much,” Ryker agreed. “I thought Gage was exaggerating when he said she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I was almost positive that when she learned this was dangerous, she’d back off.”

      “I didn’t get the impression she’s deluded.”

      “How could she be?” Ryker asked. “She knows Johnny Hayes died on

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