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An Unlikely Debutante. Laura MartinЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Unlikely Debutante - Laura Martin

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      ‘Well, maybe you should pay more attention, then,’ Lina murmured.

      He watched as she turned to Pentworthy, adjusting her position in her chair and flashing the man a sweet smile. She’d never smiled at him like that before.

      ‘Would you like to know your future, sir?’ she asked, her voice dropping so it sounded almost seductive to Alex’s ears.

      ‘Please, go ahead,’ Pentworthy replied.

      ‘First your name—your full name.’

      ‘Richard Pentworthy.’

      Lina took his hand in her own and caressed it for a second before turning it over and studying the lines across his palm.

      ‘You’re a powerful man, Mr Pentworthy,’ Lina said. ‘And a happy one. I can see you work hard for what you have, but life has not always been easy. You are married and you take your vows seriously, I would say that your wife and children are even more important to you than your work.’

      ‘You’re just telling him what he wants to hear,’ Alex muttered. Lina flashed him an irritated look, before turning back to Pentworthy.

      ‘You are a wealthy man, very wealthy, but you were not born into wealth in the same way your wife was. You’ve worked to get where you are today.’

      ‘I never told her that,’ Georgina whispered at Alex.

      ‘As for the future...’ She traced her fingers across Pentworthy’s palm in a way that made Alex want to stand up and pull her hand away. ‘I see more children, many more, in fact. You will have a large and happy family. I see success overseas. A business venture, perhaps?’ Alex saw how she watched for Pentworthy’s reaction before continuing. ‘Yes, business—the deal you are working on at the moment—soon all those long hours will pay off. And I see recognition, perhaps in the form of a title, for all the services you have provided to the Crown.’

      ‘That’s incredible,’ Pentworthy said. ‘How on earth did you do all that?’

      ‘You don’t actually believe any of it?’ Alex asked.

      ‘What’s not to believe?’ Lina countered. ‘I gave an accurate description of his life and what’s important to him in the present, and extrapolated his dreams for the future.’

      ‘You have to teach me,’ Georgina gushed.

      ‘Go through it all again, but slowly, explaining step by step,’ Pentworthy instructed.

      Alex sat back and folded his arms, but listened all the same. Although he was sceptical about this sort of thing he had to admit Lina must have wonderful powers of observation to describe his brother-in-law quite so accurately on their first meeting.

      ‘I started out with a statement about your status and happiness. I know you are powerful by the people you associate with and also by the royal seal on the documents you left in the hallway. I can tell that you are a happy man by the laughter lines around your eyes. Our wrinkles never lie.’

      ‘Such simple observations, but so effective. Go on,’ Pentworthy urged.

      ‘I can tell you work hard, as you have brought a pile of papers home with you to work on after we have finished dinner, and I know you are happily married by the way you look at your wife as if she is the only woman in the world.’

      ‘How did you know my husband wasn’t born wealthy?’ Georgina asked.

      ‘He wears very fine clothes, but there are signs of wear on the elbows and down the seams. If I’m not much mistaken, a tear in your jacket has been mended recently,’ Lina said.

      Pentworthy raised his fingers to the almost-unnoticeable piece of damaged material.

      ‘You are obviously wealthy, Mr Pentworthy—you arrived in your own private carriage and your wife has the finest of clothes and jewellery—but you are more thrifty than most gentlemen, allowing your clothes to be mended instead of just purchasing new ones. This hints at a past where money was not so freely available.’

      Alex shifted, leaning forward. He knew of his brother-in-law’s modest beginnings and admired how Pentworthy had made his own fortune, but there was no way Lina could have known. He felt a grudging respect blooming for how she had determined that little insight.

      ‘As for the predictions about the future, all you have to do is look at what is important to the client and build on that. In your case a larger family, an expanded business empire and recognition for the work you have done.’

      ‘Impressive,’ Alex murmured.

      Lina turned to face him, her eyes shining with triumph. ‘I’ve even converted you?’

      ‘I’m impressed by your powers of observation.’

      He watched as her cheeks flushed at the compliment and felt a primal stirring deep inside. Alex tried to suppress it, but as Lina stood, guided by Georgina, he couldn’t help watching her hips sway as she walked away.

      ‘Wait,’ he called as they reached the door. ‘Lina, I need to talk to you for a moment.’

      Georgina shrugged, returned to the table and allowed her husband to escort her from the room instead.

      ‘Shall we take a stroll on the terrace?’

      Gently Lina placed her hand on his forearm, just as he had taught her to, and accompanied him outside.

      ‘You did very well tonight,’ Alex said as they walked side by side.

      ‘It was hardly much of a test,’ Lina said with a shrug. ‘Your sister and her husband are not exactly judgemental. They are very easy to spend an evening with.’

      ‘Nevertheless, I think we might just win this little wager of ours.’

      ‘My behaviour wasn’t too scandalous?’

      ‘It wasn’t impeccable,’ Alex said after a moment’s thought, but regretted it as he saw Lina’s face drop. He could have just kept the tone light, congratulated her again, and enjoyed their time together, but something was gnawing at him, making him lash out uncharacteristically.

      He stopped, turning to lean against a stone column to try to regain his equilibrium. Throughout the entire evening, ever since he’d seen her walk into the drawing room dressed in red and looking beautiful, he’d had the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her. He’d barely been able to tear his eyes away from her lips and all the time he’d been imagining what her body would feel like under his, what her skin would taste like and what her breath would feel like on his neck. He wanted her more than he’d wanted any woman in a long time.

      Alex didn’t like this feeling—the sensation of being out of control. These last three years he had trained his mind and body to live by his strict rules, but suddenly they were rebelling.

      Maybe he needed a mistress. Not Lina, of course—she was entirely inappropriate. His past lovers had mainly been young widows, but he had once been attached to an actress for a few months and before that an opera singer for nearly a year. Never had anyone he knew kept a gypsy dancer as a mistress.

      Alex’s eyes flitted to Lina’s and for a moment he didn’t care about her background. A mistress was to be kept secret anyway, so perhaps it didn’t matter that Lina was from a different world.

      ‘What did you want to talk to me about?’ Lina asked. She’d turned half-away from him and was looking out over the gardens, her face illuminated by the moonlight.

      ‘I wanted to give you this.’ Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out a small package, handing it over to Lina. He felt a spark as their fingers touched that sent a shudder of desire through his whole body.

      ‘What is it?’

      ‘Open it and see.’

      Deftly her fingers undid the small bow on the top of the box and pulled off the lid.

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