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Texas Cinderella. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Texas Cinderella - Winnie Griggs

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not,” the woman said forcefully. “There is no sense in disturbing that child, especially when she needs her rest. She will spend the night right where she is.”

      That he couldn’t allow. “But—”

      “Mrs. Flanagan is correct,” Miss Vickers said in a milder tone. “Dr. Pratt gave her a liquid for her fever that also made her drowsy. She was half-asleep by the time he finished his examination.” She glanced toward his nephew. “In fact, since Noah’s already been exposed, he could take the second bed in that room and sleep here tonight, as well.” She gave Riley a be-reasonable look. “Dr. Pratt did say to keep them both isolated.”

      Riley rubbed his jaw while he thought over the offer. It was downright embarrassing just how tempted he was to let them take this responsibility from him, even if it was just for one night. But he had promises to keep. “I appreciate what you ladies are offering, but I think it’s best I keep the kids with me.”

      * * *

      Cassie Lynn admired the man’s sense of responsibility, but one could carry that a little too far. “Have you ever nursed children through something like this?”

      He grimaced, but his stubborn demeanor didn’t soften. “No, but I reckon this won’t be the last time I find myself in this situation. Best I go ahead and figure it out now while I have some folks I can count on to help me if I get in a bind.”

      “That’s very admirable and responsible of you. But it will be a whole lot easier for us to help you if the kids are here. They’ll be closer to Doc Pratt, too, if you should need his services.” When Mr. Walker still didn’t look convinced, she played her trump card. “Unless you don’t trust us with the children?”

      It wasn’t a fair question, and she knew it. After all, what could he say?

      “No, of course I trust you.” He rubbed his jaw. “It’s just—”

      Mrs. Flanagan didn’t let him finish that thought. “That’s settled then.” She shifted in her chair. “The children will stay here while you get some rest back at the hotel—believe me, you’ll need it. We’ll discuss long-term arrangements in the morning.”


      Cassie Lynn saw the concern on his face and intervened by changing the subject. “By the way, Pru mentioned something about a Bitsy. Does that mean something to you?”

      He nodded. “It’s her doll. She never goes to bed without her.” He seemed to gather his thoughts as he turned to his nephew. “What do you say, buddy? Are you okay with staying here tonight and keeping Pru company?”

      Cassie Lynn was pleased. As much as he seemed to be uncomfortable with being separated from the children, he was doing a good job of not letting that show to his nephew.

      Noah nodded. “Don’t worry, Uncle Riley, I’ll look out for her tonight.”

      Mr. Walker gave his shoulder a light squeeze. “I know you will.”

      Then he turned back to her. “I’ll go check in on Pru and then head back to the hotel to fetch Bitsy and a few other things they’ll need tonight.”

      Once Mr. Walker made his exit, Cassie Lynn glanced back at the boy and saw a confused look on his face. “Is something the matter, Noah?”

      He nodded, his nose wrinkling in puzzlement. “I was just wondering... The doctor said Pru has chicken pox, but we haven’t been around any chickens lately.”

      Cassie Lynn gave him a grin. “You don’t get chicken pox from being around chickens.” Then she lifted her hands in an it-makes-no-sense gesture. “I don’t know why it’s called that. It is kind of a silly name for an illness, isn’t it?”

      She suddenly snapped her fingers. “You know what? I just realized that with all this excitement, we never had dessert. How about I fix you and Mrs. Flanagan each a piece of that cherry pie I baked earlier, and you can eat it while I’m cleaning up the supper dishes. Would you like that?”

      “Yes, ma’am.” Then Noah turned serious. “But if you need help with the dishes, I can do that first.”

      It appeared the boy had been taught his manners. “Thank you, Noah, that’s very kind. But you’re our guest, and it would hurt my feelings if you didn’t try out that pie I baked just for you and your family.”

      With a nod, the boy happily moved to the table.

      As Cassie Lynn carried a load of dishes to the kitchen, she pondered what impact this unexpected situation would have on her plans.

      First she’d learned Mr. Walker was not going to settle in Turnabout, which took him out of the running for a potential husband. Then, in a twist, it turned out that he and his charges were not only going to remain in Turnabout for a couple weeks, but they were most likely going to be spending most of that time here at Mrs. Flanagan’s place.

      Of course, Mr. Walker still wasn’t a candidate. Problem was, could Cassie Lynn effectively look for another man with the extra workload she now had? Not to mention the extra distraction, no matter how pleasant that distraction might be...

      On the other hand, it seemed Mr. Walker’s plans were rather loose. Could he perhaps develop a fondness for Turnabout during the time he was here?

      Then she grimaced. Why did her wayward mind keep trying to add Mr. Walker to her husband list? She needed to accept he wasn’t a candidate and move on.

      Didn’t she?

      * * *

      Riley stepped into his hotel room and began gathering up the few things the kids would need for an overnight stay. The first thing he grabbed was Bitsy. He studied the cloth doll and winced over how bedraggled it had become since his sister-in-law’s death. Just one more sign that he was not as observant about the kids’ everyday needs as he should be.

      Then he found the few items of clothing they’d need and stuffed them all in a carpetbag.

      He didn’t like this arrangement, not one bit. The kids were his responsibility, not that of the ladies. And while they seemed nice enough, what did he really know about them? Other than that Miss Vickers was pretty and sweet and could cook better than his ma? And that Mrs. Flanagan had a sharp manner but seemed well-meaning at heart.

      Of course, one could never count on outward appearances and first impressions. He just had to look to his stepfather and stepbrother to learn the truth of that.

      Then there was the lady in Kansas City he’d hired to look after the kids while he worked. She’d seemed responsible enough, but she’d ended up not only neglecting her charges, but absconding with a necklace that had belonged to Pru’s mother.

      No, trust was something he didn’t give lightly.

      On the other hand, even he didn’t think the kids would be in any real danger with the ladies for one night. Apparently, unlike him, they’d both dealt with sick kids before and knew how to take care of them. And it was unlikely Guy would show up in the middle of the night.

      Riley had to admit he wasn’t opposed to seeing more of Miss Vickers. Not that it could go anywhere, but still, it was nice spending time in her company.

      He shook his head, trying to clear it of such dangerous thoughts. He couldn’t afford to make connections of that sort, not while he and the children were still on the run.

      Perhaps a good night’s sleep would help him see matters more clearly in the morning.

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