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A Boy's Christmas Wish. Patricia JohnsЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Boy's Christmas Wish - Patricia Johns

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know, Mom,” Rick said. “I’m sorry. We’ll keep it down.”

      Was Granny back in the present? It was an emotional relief when Granny’s mind cleared for a few minutes.

      “And for crying out loud,” Granny added, “she’s getting married in a few months! She’s marrying the father of her child, and while in my day we hid that kind of thing a little more effectively, I don’t see what the big deal is now!”

      No, Granny was stuck in the past again, and Beth pulled a hand through her hair.

      “I’m going to tell you something, Ricky,” Granny went on. “I was three months pregnant with you when I married your father. We eloped, he and I, because you were on the way! It was a big deal back then, so we fudged our anniversary so you’d never know. But your dad and I have been very happy together. So stop hounding this poor girl and let her get married!”

      Beth stared at her grandmother in surprise. In Granny’s day, that would have been quite the scandal. To think, Granny had shared that secret to stand up for her... Except she wasn’t marrying anybody, and Danny had nothing to do with her pregnancy. Still, Granny had meant well.

      “I didn’t know that, Mom,” her father said. “Thanks for telling me.”

      “Are you going to give her a break already?” Granny pressed.

      “Yes, of course.”

      Granny reached out and put a hand on Beth’s arm. “You should probably get off your feet, dear.”

      Granny headed back into the living room, and Beth met her father’s gaze with a small smile.

      “Wow,” Beth said. “I’m not the only scandal around here.”

      Her father shook his head. “She’s told me that about four times already. She keeps forgetting.” Her father heaved a sigh. “I’m only looking out for you, Beth. I’m not judging you. I’m doing my best, and I feel like it isn’t enough.”

      “I’m a grown woman, Dad,” Beth replied. “I’ll figure it out. You don’t need to worry.”

      Except he would worry. She knew that. Under it all, he was still her daddy, and she had come home in the most vulnerable state possible...right when he had nothing left to give.

      * * *

      DAN STOOD ON a stepladder to unscrew the bell over the top of the door. It tinkled dully against his sleeve as he worked, and when the second screw finally came out of the wall, he pulled the bell free. How long had this been here?

      The corner store had been a fixture in this town, and he did feel a little bit bad that he was the one to tear apart a place with so much history, but a corner store couldn’t make money anymore. Especially not with the chain gas stations selling all the same product cheaper. That was why Rick had gone out of business. Dan wasn’t supposed to feel guilty here, and yet somehow he did. Just a little.

      He also hadn’t counted on Beth coming back to town... Pregnant Beth. That had been a shock, all right. He’d thought that he’d cleared his heart of her years ago when she’d walked out on him, but seeing her again had proven him wrong. He definitely felt something, even if it was mingled with anger. He knew he’d messed up by not telling her about his son sooner, but in his defense, he’d never met the boy, and Lana seemed to have dropped off the map. Then when Lana showed up with a little boy with big brown eyes, his world had turned upside down, and he’d hoped Beth would stand by him. But she couldn’t—she was betrayed by the surprise, and he was equally betrayed by her abandonment.

      Yeah, he’d messed up, but so had she. Marriage was for better or for worse, and they’d been just days from the ceremony, and she’d still walked out. What about their commitment to each other? This was his son, and any woman who couldn’t love Luke, too, didn’t belong with him, much as it hurt. So whatever he still felt for her was tempered by reality.

      Dan put the bell down on the front counter and glanced out the window in time to see Beth approaching. He’d told her to come and take what she wanted, and it looked like she wasn’t wasting any time. He paused and watched her pick her way around icy patches. Her breath hung in the air, and as he watched her careful movements, he remembered an image he’d had in his mind a long time ago...back when he’d asked her to marry him, when he’d thought about starting a family with her and what she’d look like pregnant with their baby.

      And there she was—fully, richly pregnant. He stepped away from the window so she wouldn’t see him, but his heart was already beating quicker than it was before. Beth had always done this to him, mixed him up and made him yearn for more...

      The front door opened, and a whoosh of cold air swept in ahead of Beth. She slammed the door shut behind her and shivered.

      “It’s cold out,” she said.

      Dan nodded toward a space heater he had humming in the center of the store. “That’ll help.”

      She moved over to the heater and pulled off her gloves, then held her hands out.

      “I took the bell down for you,” he said, picking it up from the counter and bringing it to her across the room.

      Beth took the bell with a wistful smile. “Grandpa hung this.”

      “I thought so,” he admitted, then cleared his throat. “Look, my goal is to have everything cleaned out by Christmas. I want to open shop in the new year. I’ll be working pretty quickly to get it all done.”

      “Sounds like you’d have to.” She glanced around sadly.

      “There are probably more things around here that you’ll want, but it’ll be hard for me to know what’s meaningful and what isn’t.”

      “I was thinking the same thing,” she admitted. “What if I...helped?”

      “I hate to break it to you, Beth,” he said with a wry smile. “But you’re pregnant and I’m not going to be responsible for you hurting yourself.”

      “Then what would you suggest?” she asked.

      “You not helping,” he said with a short laugh. “But definitely come by. I mean, you can go through the stuff I’m tearing out and make sure you’ve got everything you want.”

      “I won’t be in the way?” she asked.

      “Probably will be,” he admitted. “But I’ll survive.”

      “All right, then.” She smiled. “Thanks.”

      He’d probably live to regret this, but his guilt for taking over a place that meant so much to the Thomases had been piqued. Dealing with Rick’s resentment would have been one thing, but Beth’s arrival back in town had softened him.

      For the next hour, Beth sat on a crate and sorted through the last of the product that Rick hadn’t already taken. Dan dismantled a slushie machine and carried it outside piece by piece. On his last trip to the garbage bin out back, he entered the store to find Beth behind the till. She was sorting through some drawers, and she held up a small, triple frame that held three photos—one of Rick, one of a teenage Michael and the other of Beth in her girlhood.

      Dan crossed the room and took it from her fingers to look closer. Beth had been pretty then, but the beauty that would develop was still sleeping behind big teeth and crooked bangs.

      “That’s you, all right,” he said. “You were a cute kid.”

      “I gave this to Linda one year for her birthday,” Beth said, then shook her head. “Dad pressured me into making an effort, so I did. I thought I’d give her something that showed she was part of the family. I gave it to her here, and she didn’t take it with her.”

      “She left it in the drawer,” Dan concluded.

      Beth nodded. “Dad told me later that it hadn’t sent the message I thought. It was a frame with me, my brother and my dad. Linda

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