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Second Chance Hero. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Second Chance Hero - Winnie Griggs

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aunt hesitated for just a moment, then spoke. “Of course you should bring it here. I’m sure your uncle will agree, it’s the least we can do for the man who saved our little Joy.”

      “Thank you.” Relieved, Verity rushed to reassure her aunt. “And don’t worry, I’ll make sure the animal doesn’t get in your or Uncle Grover’s way.”

      Aunt Betty gave her a gently chiding look. “Verity dear, this is your and Joy’s home now, too. You must learn to treat it as such.”

      Only it wasn’t, not really. Verity felt that longing again to have a house of her very own. If only she could open a millinery shop with some assurance it wouldn’t fail.

      Joy, who was practically squirming in her seat, looked up. “Are you really going to get Beans?”

      Verity smiled at the hopeful expression on her daughter’s face. “I am. Would you like to come with me?”

      Joy immediately slid from her chair. “Yes, ma’am.”

      As she and Joy headed out a few minutes later, Verity found herself moving with a bounce in her step. She tried to tell herself that it was just an eagerness to get this errand taken care of, but she knew better. Was it wrong of her to be so intrigued by the idea of getting a peek at Mr. Cooper’s lodgings?

      Then she pulled her shoulders back. Of course not. It was nothing more than a natural urge to learn more about the man who’d saved her daughter’s life.

      Or at least that’s what she told herself.

      Obviously excited by the idea of seeing Beans again, Joy chattered all the way to Mr. Cooper’s place. Fortunately, most of her comments were directed to her doll, Lulu, and didn’t require a response from Verity. She kept firm hold of her daughter’s hand the whole time, but her mind kept drifting to thoughts of what Mr. Cooper’s place might look like and if it would provide new insights into the man himself.

      When they arrived, Verity spotted Calvin Hendricks seated on the bench that sat between the apothecary and the saddle shop. Calvin was a local youth who was fast approaching adulthood. Apparently he’d been the one tapped by Sheriff Gleason to keep an eye on Mr. Cooper’s shop.

      “Hi there, Miz Leggett.” Calvin stood, then turned to her daughter. “And hello, Joy. I sure am glad to see you walking around and looking good as new.”

      “Mr. Cooper saved me,” Joy said, as if it was momentous news. Which, as far as Verity was concerned, it was.

      “That he did. And it was right heroic of him, too.” Calvin turned back to Verity. “How’s he doing?”

      “He’s got some painful bruises, a gash on his arm and a sprained ankle, but thankfully nothing that won’t heal. Uncle Grover stitched him up and he’s resting at the clinic.” She waved toward the saddle shop. “I’m here to fetch his dog and a change of clothes, and to get his key so we can lock the place up.”

      Calvin nodded. “Anything I can help with?”

      “Thank you, but no. It shouldn’t take me more than a few minutes.”

      “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be right out here.” And the youth sat back down on the bench, as if to demonstrate he wasn’t going anywhere.

      Verity opened the shop door and stepped inside. She and Joy were immediately greeted by a yipping ball of excited dog. Joy stooped down to greet the animal and quickly had her face washed in doggie kisses.

      Verity carefully closed the door behind them, unwilling to risk Beans running out and Joy following him in a repeat of the earlier mishap.

      Deciding to tackle the matter of clothing first, she headed toward the stairs at the back of the shop. She slowly crossed the room, studying her surroundings with keen interest. The place had a definite masculine feel—all leather and wood and metal.

      Harnesses and leather straps of various lengths and widths hung from pegs on the wall to her right. There was a worktable to her left. A selection of tools, most of which she didn’t recognize, were displayed there. They were neatly arranged and organized, though his system wasn’t immediately obvious. She imagined him working here, wearing the heavy canvas apron that hung on a peg behind the table, his head bent over his work, his strong, callused hands wielding those strange tools, his arresting blue eyes focused on his work.

      The smell of leather hung heavy in the room, so strong she could almost taste it. Under that scent, she could also detect the aroma of oil and just a faint tang of metal.

      Only when she reached the bottom of the stairs did Verity realize her daughter hadn’t followed her. Appalled by her lack of attention so soon after Joy’s accident, she spun around. “Come along,” she said, holding out her hand. “We need to fetch something from Mr. Cooper’s room upstairs.”

      Joy’s lower lip pushed out in something suspiciously like a pout. “But I want to stay down here and play with Beans.”

      “Beans can come with us.”

      Her daughter’s expression cleared. “Okay.” She stood and waved to the dog. “Come on, Beans.”

      The dog obediently trotted at her heels, then bounded up the stairs with her.

      The staircase led up to a landing that had an open sitting room straight ahead and a kitchen to the right. The rooms were stark, with only a bare minimum of furniture. Perhaps Mr. Cooper just hadn’t had the time, or the funds, to do much more. But surely he would have brought some personal possessions with him, from his former home.

      There was a door off to her left that she assumed led to his bedchamber. “Joy, you and Beans can play right over there. I won’t be but a minute.”

      She marched to the door, then hesitated before opening it. It suddenly seemed invasive to enter his private space, even if she did have his permission. Which was silly. She was only going to fetch him a change of clothing and then leave. And she did have his permission to be here, after all.

      Verity opened the door and stepped inside. A quick glance around showed a neatly made bed, a wooden chair and a small bedside table. On the opposite wall was a trunk and the wardrobe. Everything looked as if it had seen better days.

      She noticed a picture on the bedside table, and her curiosity got the best of her. She went closer and discovered it was the image of a young woman. She was quite lovely, in a delicate, fragile sort of way. Her clothes were fine quality, her heart-shaped face very sweet and delicate. She had an ethereal quality to her and seemed to be everything Verity was not. Was this the kind of woman Mr. Cooper admired?

      Who was she? She was obviously someone who meant a great deal to him as it was the only picture, the only personal item really, in the room. A family member? A sweetheart? And where was she now?

      Verity straightened abruptly and turned away. What was she doing? She had no right to snoop into Mr. Cooper’s personal life. He’d given her permission to take care of some necessities for him, not snoop into things that were none of her business. She marched to the wardrobe, grabbed a clean shirt and pair of trousers, then headed back out.

      “Come along, Joy, time to go.”

      As she descended the stairs she thought how different his clothing smelled from what Arthur’s had. Where her husband’s had smelled of antiseptic, soap and cigars, Mr. Cooper’s smelled of leather, of course, but also soap and something faintly woodsy.

      She decided that she liked it.

      * * *

      Nate woke from his nap to see flowers floating in front of his eyes. What in the world—

      Was he still dreaming?

      “Do you like them?”

      The flowers, which he now saw were in a glass jar, floated to the side and the little girl holding

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