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A Family For Christmas. Tara Taylor QuinnЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Family For Christmas - Tara Taylor Quinn

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back on a family member in need.


      “SHAWN CLAIMS THAT he didn’t hurt Mary. He admits that he and Cara were fighting. Mary grabbed Joy and was taking her away so that she wouldn’t witness the altercation between her parents. He says that Cara lunged after her, to keep Joy with her, and that she tripped, knocking into Mary who lost her balance and fell face-first down their front steps.”

      “Mary’s injuries were consistent with being hit. They weren’t consistent with a fall.”

      Edward nodded. “When Chantel asked him to explain why there weren’t scrapes or bruises on her legs or back or shoulders, he says that Cara, in an attempt to save Mary, fell with her and took the brunt of the impact.”

      “An explanation for the injuries to her when she’s found.”

      Jutting his chin, Edward said, “He’s either a psychopath—and, if so, I fear for my daughter more than ever—or he’s telling the truth, according to Chantel. She said that when they initially told him his sister was dead, tears rolled down his face. He’d have to be a damned good actor to cry on cue like that.”

      Lila took a sip of wine because she simply didn’t know what else to do. Nothing felt right. “So, you think now that he didn’t hurt Cara? That she’s gone of her own accord for some reason?”

      “He says that when Cara saw how badly Mary was hurt she panicked. She begged him to take her away like he did when they left Florida. He said that he went a little nuts himself at that point, leaving his sister like that and running off with his wife. He says that he didn’t want to lose Cara and that’s why he took his friend’s van. He says he can’t imagine life without Cara. Chantel believed he meant it.”

      Lila didn’t want to believe any part of the scenario was possible. Not for Edward or for Joy.

      “How does he explain being alone in the van when he was found?”

      “He says they’d pulled off to the side of the road to get some sleep, and when he woke up she was gone. Vanished. He has no idea what happened to her, but suggested that maybe she’d gotten out of the van to relieve herself. He says he looked all over the area but never found her.”

      “And what about Joy’s account? What about the monster she talked about hurting her mommy? She said the monster’s name was Daddy.”

      Edward nodded. Shrugged.

      Could they convict a man solely on the testimony of a seven-year-old girl? By the time Mary had shown up with Joy at the neighbors’, Mary had been bleeding profusely and starting to slur her words. They hadn’t been able to get much out of her. Who was to say that Cara and Shawn hadn’t run off, as Shawn claimed? Mary had died before she could tell anyone what really happened that morning in the Amos home.

      “Surely the authorities believe he killed his sister or they wouldn’t have indicted him.”

      “There was enough evidence for a grand jury to indict. That doesn’t mean a prosecutor will be able to prove enough to get a conviction. Not unless we find Cara. Or Joy can lead us to more clues. There were no medical or other records to establish a pattern of abuse. If the case proceeds, it could come down to watching the defense tear apart Joy’s testimony.”

      “They wouldn’t put her on the stand. Most particularly not to testify against her father.”

      Edward shook his head. “They’d tape a session with her. She wouldn’t know it was for court or to get her father in trouble.”

      And that clearly wasn’t what was bothering Edward.

      “Did Chantel indicate to you what she believes about all of this?”

      “She said she didn’t honestly know. That since she’s never met Cara, and since I’ve had virtually no contact with her for the past ten years, we have no way of knowing what she’s like now. What she’s capable of doing. Or could have done.”


      He shook his head, his look intense as he met her gaze. “She has shown a history of turning her back on family, on me, her father, without looking back.”

      “I understand that,” Lila said, knowing exactly what to say now. “But look at Joy, Edward. That little girl is sweet and precious. She didn’t just get that way. She’s a product of your daughter’s love and care.”

      “What if Mary was the one who raised her?”

      Lila shook her head. “Joy very clearly said that her mama told Mary to take her.”

      “She’s seven. She could easily have confused or transposed the situation in her mind, making it what she needed it to be.”

      He was a man of science. She wasn’t going to help ease his torment with her current line of thought.

      “What do you feel inside, Edward? Do you think Cara stumbled into Mary, rolled with her down the stairs and left her to run off with her husband?”

      Edward continued to meet her gaze. His eyes looked...weary now. And moist.

      “Why would she do that?” she asked him. “Why would she run off and leave the successful business they’d built?”

      “They left his school in Florida. Just up and left.”

      “To get away from you, it sounds like. So, why now?”

      “Because they could see how badly Mary was hurt and they were frightened. Didn’t know if Cara would be sent to jail.”

      “Why leave Joy?”

      “They’d be harder to trace without a child.”

      “So why, after Shawn left with her, would Cara suddenly leave him?”

      “She wouldn’t.”

      “So, where is she?”

      He didn’t answer. And didn’t look like he felt any better, either.

      Lila could only give him what she had. “Do you believe she did this, Edward?”

      “No. But...”

      Lila shook her head. “No buts right now. If you believe Joy over Shawn, then you need to focus on that. Focus on helping Joy. On finding Cara. And keeping Shawn behind bars.”

      Because that was what Edward needed. Focus. He nodded. Took a sip of wine. And, eventually, gave her a long slow smile that scared her to death.

      Prospector, Nevada

      CARA WOKE UP Saturday morning with a sense of purpose. Feeling a thousand times better than she could remember, more rested and alert than she’d felt in a while, with energy pulsing through her veins. She’d...

      Nothing. Lying inert, on the verge of wakefulness, she hadn’t known any better. All it took was a move of her sore wrist, a touch to her face, and she was fully awake.

      There was no longer a purpose to her life. She was in a life she had no right to continue living.

      Because of what she’d done.

      So maybe she was physically better. That strength, while wasted, gave her the ability to look beyond the immediate pain. To think clearly.

      To face the horrible truth.

      With a pre-dawn grayness shining in from the window across from her bed, she couldn’t keep her mind at bay any longer. She’d committed murder. If Shawn found her, she either had to go on living with him, putting up with the more and more frequent blasts of violent anger, tiptoeing around so she didn’t inadvertently set off an attack...

      Or he’d turn her in.

      It all came pouring back to her. He’d given her the option in the van that last afternoon they were together.

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