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A Dad For Charlie. Anna J. StewartЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Dad For Charlie - Anna J. Stewart

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videos,” Willa explained when Paige inclined her head. “I suggested he look for a job, but he doesn’t think anyone around here will hire him. And he’s probably right. He rubs people the wrong way.”

      “That doesn’t mean he’s so far gone he’d take to damaging property and vandalism,” Nina said. “He wouldn’t do that to me. To us. Not now. The last thing we can afford is bail, let alone a lawyer.”

      “That’s the second time one of you has said ‘not now,’” Paige said, recognizing grief when she heard it. “What’s changed?”

      Willa’s eyes filled as she looked at her mother before glancing away.

      “My latest test results came back last week,” Nina said after she cleared her throat. “They say the cancer’s spread to my lymph nodes. The chemotherapy didn’t do as much as they’d hoped, so they’re putting me on an experimental regimen. But that means going to San Francisco and being admitted for four to six weeks.” Nina shook her head as if to clear her own tears. “It’ll be tough. Willa will have to take on even more than she already has. Maisey’s only ten. I want her life as disrupted as little as possible. She’s a dream and little trouble, thank goodness, but—”

      “Jasper being under suspicion with the police is only adding to the strain.” Paige nodded. Oh, boy. She’d heard this before. She should have followed her instincts and stayed far, far away. The last thing she should be thinking about was getting involved with anything having to do with the police. “Did Luke give you any more information about the crimes themselves? Maybe if I talked to Jasper...”

      Mother and daughter looked at each other again. “We haven’t seen or heard from Jasper since we got Mom’s results,” Willa said. “He took off. I don’t know what Luke’s going to think if he shows up trying to talk to him in person. I’m sure he’ll take that as more evidence of his guilt.”

      “If Jasper did these things, he did them,” Nina said. “It’s something we need to come to terms with. We’ll deal with whatever happens.”

      “And what if he is innocent?” Willa asked. “Mom, what if he’s a convenient scapegoat? There are plenty of bored kids around town, not to mention frustrated adults with just as many grudges,” Willa added as Paige assumed she was talking about the still new teen community center. “Why are they focused on Jasper? Because he’s different? Because he sees things in a way different from the rest of us?”

      Because Jasper O’Neill walked around Butterfly Harbor looking like death’s less optimistic minion? Paige had met Jasper only a handful of times. He was quiet, sure. Introspective, one might think. But if appearances were any indication, there was also the way he embraced the black clothes and had jet-black hair that covered equally dark eyes. And then there was the attitude he wore like a second skin. Yeah. Paige could understand why he was at the top of the list. That didn’t mean he was guilty.

      “If this was anyone other than Luke Saxon we were talking about I’d be inclined to agree with you.” Paige had little to no faith in law enforcement, but that was because of her own personal bias. Luke was one of the reasons she still had some. “You know Luke’s own history. He’d never railroad someone just because they look the part or it’s the easy way out. He goes by the evidence.” What that evidence might be, however, was the question. She could probably find out. A few questions here and there, if only to put Nina’s and Willa’s minds at ease...

      What was she thinking, getting involved? Just moments ago she’d been reminding herself to keep her head down, and now she was considering poking around an active criminal investigation?

      She should get up and walk away. Luke was a good man. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt this family; not if he could help it. And yet...

      Paige wasn’t one to turn her back on people who needed help. She could do this. Carefully, quietly. Yeah. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She could do this. “I have some pull with the groom.” Paige’s heart leaped ahead of her brain. “Let me poke around a little. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think. Maybe they’ve found something that exonerates him and just haven’t let you know yet.”

      “We can’t ask you to do that,” Willa said. “You have so much going on already.”

      “You’re not asking, I’m offering. And I always have time for friends,” Paige said. “Your family has a serious fight ahead of you. The last thing any of you need is a distraction. All your energy needs to be going to getting you better, Nina. If I can help make things a little easier, that’s what I’m going to do.”

      “You’ll talk to Luke for us?” Willa’s disbelief scraped against Paige’s heart. “You’ll try to convince him Jasper’s not involved?”

      “I’ll do my best.” A promise she felt pretty confident she could keep. Dealing with Luke was easy enough, and thankfully he’d taken the lead. Now, if she had to try to extricate information from Deputy Fletcher Bradley...

      Paige shivered. Oh, well, that would be a whole other story.

      Handsome, attentive, charming Deputy Bradley Fletcher. How many times had she felt herself getting sucked into the attraction vortex that seemed to develop whenever she got into his orbit? She’d gone out of her way to avoid him, especially after realizing he was just as interested in her. Not that he’d pushed or tried to insert himself into her life; just the opposite. He seemed to respect the fact she wanted to keep her distance. Which, of course, made him all the more appealing. The kicker was he was so good with Charlie; he flipped all those switches inside her that made her wish everything about her life was different.

      Nope. Paige gave herself a hard mental shake. That train of thought needed to be derailed immediately. As uncertain as Paige was about a lot of things in her life, she knew one thing for sure: no matter how appealing the good deputy might be, anything other than a cursory friendship was absolutely impossible.

      Because a lawman like him would never understand a fugitive like her.


      “FASTER, DEPUTY FLETCH! Spin me faster!”

      Charlie Cooper’s demanding squeal lightened Fletcher’s heavy heart. Taking the political hit for his friend was one thing; needing to go after a member of an already overburdened family he’d known most of his life was another. The O’Neills had so much to deal with already. How could he even think about sacrificing one of their own to save his friend’s career?

      No wonder Luke hadn’t said much about the investigation. He probably felt as conflicted as Fletcher did.

      “I think that’s fast enough.” Fletch found himself laughing as Charlie released his hand and tottered dizzily on her sneakered feet. He caught her around the waist before she fell into the lush flower bed in front of the Flutterby Inn. He steadied her and glanced up as Paige Cooper exited the inn. She stopped short on the edge of the porch, her knowing, beautiful blue eyes glistening almost as brightly as her recently changed hair. The now strawberry blond tresses with hints of fire matched those of her daughter’s, except where Charlie’s was razor straight, Paige’s tumbled around her shoulders in thick, glossy waves. She was girl-next-door pretty, with that radiant smile of hers and a small dimple in her left cheek. All of that seemed so surface, but it was all he had. Despite the overwhelming desire to know more.

      Every time he saw her was like the first time. And that first time...

      Whew. He felt the rush of heat in his face. That first time it was as if Fletch had been tackled by the entire defensive line of his high school football team. He did his best and tried to maintain his cool and keep a straight face around her. He wasn’t a man prone to feeling, well, flummoxed.

      And Paige Copper definitely flummoxed him.

      He also found her utterly fascinating. She was always helping people, always doing something. She wasn’t one to just sit back and wait for things to happen. She

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