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Her Montana Cowboy. Jeannie WattЧитать онлайн книгу.

Her Montana Cowboy - Jeannie Watt

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head toward him, obviously wanting an opinion.

      Gus shook his head and handed her another gauze pad. “Quick, before it drips.”

      Lillie Jean slapped the new gauze in place, and Gus said, “We can go to the urgent care clinic and they can put a butterfly on it and close it up.”


      Or? What did she mean “or”?

      “I can do the same?”

      She reached for another gauze pad. “Take me to the ranch. We can do it there.”

      “You’re sure?” Because he didn’t want her coming back at him later.

      “Yes.” She gave him a conflicted look. “I don’t want to pay for urgent care at this point in my life.”

      That gave him something to chew on as he very carefully drove back to the house. He stopped at the first gate and Lillie Jean started to open the door, as if she was going to open the stubborn gate latch with one hand, and hold the gauze to her forehead with the other. Gus stopped her with a quick, “I’ll do it.”

      “Afraid of getting blood on your coat?”

      Gus almost smiled. Almost. “Yeah.”

      “Whatever.” She reached for the first aid bag as he got out of the truck. When he got back in she had another pad in place. The bleeding had slowed and he hoped by the time they got back to the ranch they’d be able to work on the cut.

      Thad was still at the kitchen table, talking into the landline when Lillie Jean walked into the kitchen ahead of Gus. He nearly dropped the phone when he caught sight of bloody Lillie Jean. “Excuse me,” he said into the receiver. “What happened?” His gaze went straight to Gus.

      “I hit a rock, slid into a rut. Lillie Jean’s forehead slammed into the dash. I’m going to render first aid.”

      Thad bounced a frowning look between the two of them. “You want to go to the clinic?”

      “No,” Lillie Jean and Gus said in unison.

      She glanced up at Gus. “I’ll clean it up and then call you when I need help with the butterfly.”

      He nodded and then shrugged out of his coat as Thad went back to his phone call. Henry followed Lillie Jean down the hall, the bathroom door closed, and Gus went to pour a cup of coffee. What a morning.

      As near as he could tell, Thad was talking to his attorney, so he wandered into the mudroom and threw a bunch of dirty jeans into the wash to give his uncle some privacy. When he heard the bathroom door open again, he poked his head into the kitchen and Lille Jean beckoned him from the hallway.

      “Prognosis?” she asked. She removed the folded tissue she had over the wound to show him a half-inch-long cut that would be a cinch to butterfly closed.

      “I think we can do this without leaving a scar.”

      She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you some kind of an EMT or something?”

      “Bull rider.” One corner of her mouth quirked up as he corrected himself. “Former bull rider. I know about scars.” And regardless of how he felt about her being there, he’d hate to leave one on her beautiful brow.

      “In that case, carry on.”

      He was kind of surprised that she placed herself so totally in his hands, but if she didn’t have money for urgent care, then that could be a big influencer in her decision. He stepped closer and opened the medicine cabinet and pulled a box of adhesive stitches off the shelf. Lillie Jean swung the mirror closed again and he dug in the box for the size he wanted.

      “Why don’t you take a seat.” He gestured at the commode and she sat, lifting her chin. Gus brushed the hair away from her forehead as he surveyed the cut, trying not to notice how the silky strands teased his fingertips. He opened the suture package. “Dab the blood away. Press hard, then lift the tissue.”

      Lillie Jean pushed hard against her forehead and when she lifted the tissue, he quickly applied the butterfly, expertly pulling the edges of the cut together so they touched. He dropped his hands and sat back on his heels. It looked good. She looked good. He was losing it.

      Lillie Jean got to her feet and moved past him to look in the mirror, tilting her chin sideways to get a better angle. “You did well.”

      “Like I said, practice.”

      Lillie Jean lightly touched the wound as if testing for pain. “Remind me not to ride with you again.”

      “I should have kept my eyes on the road.” Instead of on you. The crazy thing was that once again he was having a hard time keeping his eyes off her. Something about her tugged at him, made him want to study her.

      Okay. She kind of fascinated him.

      Suddenly the bathroom was about half the size it usually was, and he felt a deep need to escape. “I’ll, uh...let you...yeah.”

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