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The Life She Wants. Jo McNallyЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Life She Wants - Jo McNally

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had played dress-up as little girls, she’d been the one who told the others what to wear. She liked helping everyone else look pretty. Her becoming a fashion model was a fluke. If her childhood passions were any indication, she should have been one of the assistants backstage, not the one walking the runway.

      Luis sat up and rested his big hand over hers on the table. “I’m not giving up on you yet.” He winked. “And in the meantime, you have your mentoring job to help pay the bills.” He snapped his fingers dramatically. “Oh, that’s right—you turned that job down and offered to do the same work for free! Does this little town have a soup kitchen? ’Cuz you might need one at this rate.”

      Mel laughed so loudly that people waiting at the counter for coffee turned their heads. Impulsively, she leaned over and threw her arms around his neck. “My God, you beast—it’s like hugging a bull!”

      “Funny, that’s exactly what my last date said. I think his name was Frankie.” She planted an affectionate kiss on his cheek.

      “You’re my favorite way to start the day, Luis.”

      “Hey, Frankie said that, too!”

      “Stop it, you dirty boy!”

      “Are we interrupting?”

      Shane and his friend Tim stood by the table. Shane’s expression was stormy, and she wondered what had put him in such a mood. Tim, much like the night of the gala, was wearing a smile bordering on laughter. She had a feeling it reflected his normal approach to life.

      Luis stood when Mel did, his arm remaining firmly around her waist. She stepped out of his embrace, surprised at his “papa bear” stance as he glared at Shane.

      “Hi, guys. Is Tori with you?”

      Tim shook his head. “She had a physical therapy session this morning. We just stopped by for some coffee while we work out our schedule for the next few weeks.”

      Shane and Luis were still glaring at each other in some weird, silent pissing contest, and Mel realized they hadn’t actually been introduced.

      “Luis Alvarado, this is Shane Brannigan and Tim Monroe. They’re trying to manage Tori Sutter’s career.” Shane took his eyes off Luis long enough to narrow them at her. “Luis and I are business partners.” She could have sworn Shane smirked at that. “He designed the gowns we wore at the gala.”

      Luis extended his hand to Shane. “Every one of those designs had Mel’s touch, as well. Why don’t you join us?”

      When Luis turned to shake hands with Tim, the atmosphere at the table shifted, moving from confrontational to something much different. The two men maintained their grip on each other for a moment longer than necessary, and Tim’s light smile deepened. Were they...? No, it couldn’t be.

      Nora brought over a plate of pastries as they all took their seats. “How about some sugar to wake everyone up?” Nora glanced at Mel in concern, but Mel shook her head. In other circumstances, being flanked by three men might be stressful for her, but not today. Luis was Luis. Tim’s smile and laid-back attitude charmed her. And Shane? Well, she’d already discovered she could deal with Shane Brannigan.

      Luis and Tim were discussing Gallant Lake and the workout routines they preferred—they were both very fine male specimens—while Shane devoured a maple scone, watching her with hooded eyes. He liked to play this see-who-talks-first game, but she wasn’t in the mood for games this morning.

      She gave him her sweetest smile. “I guess you could say this is the first meeting of Team Tori.”

      He returned her smile and upped the ante with a wink. “I thought you didn’t want to be an employee?”

      She convinced her heart to resume normal operations. Something about this man was both deadly and delicious.

      “There are all kinds of teams, Shane. We care about Tori, so that makes us a team.” He glanced at Luis, but didn’t argue with her.

      “Actually, this might be a good time to set some expectations.”

      “Such as?” She picked up a ginger cookie—Nora knew they were her favorite—and nibbled at it.

      “As you’ve so very bluntly pointed out, I need to be doing a better job of watching out for Tori’s best interests.” He gestured in her direction. “I’m working on that, and right now, you’re the unknown factor in her circle of influence. Being her pal is fine, but I won’t allow you to interfere with her career.”

      Mel rested her chin on her hand and fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Wow. It’s hard to believe any woman ever dumped a guy like you at the altar. And I won’t allow my new friend to be swallowed up whole by that so-called career.”

      Shane snorted. “It wasn’t exactly at the altar, and I’m over it. As far as Tori’s career goes, you don’t have any say in that, sweetheart.” Her eyes narrowed on him. Shane didn’t seem to notice that Luis was now watching him closely. “You chose not to be a paid consultant, so you don’t get to be involved in that part of her life.”

      Mel leaned forward. “You want to set expectations? Fine. You can expect to be wearing whatever drink I have in my hand, hot or cold, if you ever refer to me as ‘sweetheart’ again.” Shane’s eyes widened. “And you wanted me on your damn team a few days ago. Just because I didn’t want to work for you—which in hindsight seems like a very wise decision—doesn’t mean I intend to stay quiet.” He started to speak, but she held up her hand to stop him. “You need me, Brannigan. I bring experience to the team that neither you nor Tim nor, God forbid, Gary, can possibly offer.”

      Shane stared at her for a heartbeat, then slowly smiled, as if against his will. He sat back in his seat and did everything possible to make it seem as if he was totally calm and in charge. But Mel made a living using body language to fool people into believing something that wasn’t true—whether it was self-confidence or sexual attraction. She caught the way Shane chewed on the inside of his cheek. One hand slipped into his pocket, probably clenched in frustration. His other hand tapped against the tabletop. She’d poked the bear, and the bear didn’t like it. Tough luck, bear.

      Tim cleared his throat. “Mel, I think what Shane is trying to say...” He shot a dark look at his business partner. “I think he’s trying to say we appreciate your concern for Tori’s well-being, and we agree she needs advice from someone who has an understanding of her situation.”

      Shane’s right brow arched sharply, which had a very odd effect on Melanie’s ability to think clearly. Big Ginger was one hellaciously attractive man. Until he opened his mouth.

      “So you’re saying that someone who plays dress-up for a living can understand what an actual athlete is dealing with?”

      Luis started to say something, but Tim stopped him with a look that both cautioned and sizzled. He didn’t even try to hide the swift kick he gave Shane under the table, and Mel was pretty sure it was with his metal prosthetic foot.

      “Shane clearly hasn’t had time to do his homework. But I have.” Tim gave her a warm smile. “You were an overnight superstar at about the same age as Tori. You were away from your family and support group. You were under a lot of pressure from people you didn’t know. You ended up with a party-girl reputation you may not have deserved. And you’re worried Tori will make some of the same...” He looked chagrined. “No offense, but some of the same...mistakes...for lack of a better word, that you did. Is that about right?”

      “Thank you, Tim,” Luis said with a smile. “I’m glad at least one of you appreciates how much Mel can help Tori.”

      And Tim Monroe blushed. Mel looked from him to Luis and back again. She hadn’t been wrong before. They were flirting with each other. Could they be any cuter? She grinned at Shane, wondering what his reaction to the two guys would be, but he was too busy staring at her to notice. His expression was a mix of confusion and reluctant acknowledgment. And it took all her body-acting

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