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Marianne's Marriage Of Convenience. Lynna BanningЧитать онлайн книгу.

Marianne's Marriage Of Convenience - Lynna Banning

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penetrating green eyes were glued to his face. Hot damn, she was staring at him like she’d never seen him before. Well, hell, maybe in all the years he’d worked for her she hadn’t really looked at him.

      He had sure looked at her, though. Whenever he’d been near her he’d tried hard to shut his ears so he wouldn’t have to listen to the endless stream of commands coming out of her mouth. But he had looked at her. Couldn’t help it, if he was honest. Marianne had a lot of annoying habits, but he had to admit she was one delicious-looking female.

      All at once it hit him. He had a pretty good idea who Marianne was, but she didn’t know diddly-squat about who he was. Outside of that Wanted poster she carried around with her, she didn’t really know one cotton-picking thing about him. At the moment Miss Stiffer-than-Starch-Know-All-the-Answers Collingwood was actually facing something she didn’t know anything about. Him!

      For some reason that thought made him smile.

      They lugged their bags up the staircase to the second floor and located their rooms. Lance took the key from Marianne’s hand, unlocked the door to Number Six and pushed it open. The room looked dim and cool, and he caught sight of a big double bed under one window. That made him smile, too.

      “Day after tomorrow we’ll only need one room,” he said in what he hoped was a matter-of-fact tone.

      “Oh,” she said. “Yes, I suppose so.”

      And that was all? No pre-wedding jitters? No I’m glad we’re finally here? Nothing?

      He set her travel bag inside the door and turned to go. “After you’ve had a bath and a chance to rest, let’s meet up for supper at the restaurant, say around seven o’clock?”

      She looked up, gave him an unsmiling nod and closed the door in his face.

      Three hours later, after a visit to Poletti’s Barbershop down the street for a bath and a shave, Lance walked into the restaurant and was shown to a table by the front window. The white-aproned waitress laid a menu in front of him and slid an order pad out of her apron pocket.

      “You new in town?”

      “Yeah,” Lance said. “Came in on the train from St. Louis this afternoon.”

      “You stayin’?”



      “Uh...not exactly. My fiancée is upstairs taking a—She’ll be joining me shortly.”

      “Fiancée, huh?” The waitress laid another menu on the table and glanced toward the entrance. “That her?”

      Lance followed her gaze and half rose from his chair at the sight of Marianne. She looked so fresh and pretty his thoughts froze for a minute. “Yeah. At least I think so.”

      The waitress laughed aloud. “You think so? How long have you two been engaged?”

      “Three days,” he murmured.

      “Not long enough,” she said. “How long have you known each other?”

      He watched Marianne gliding across the dining room toward him. “Not long enough,” he said.

      The woman nodded. “Most men think that after the wedding,” she said with a wink.

      Marianne settled into the chair across from him and sent him a tentative smile. She wore a striped shirtwaist and a flouncy blue skirt he’d never seen before. Her hair, loosely gathered at her neck and tied with a blue ribbon, looked even shinier than molasses. And he’d never seen her wear a ribbon before. Maybe he didn’t know Marianne as well as he thought.

      Her skin glowed. Even after three nights with little sleep, breathing dusty air and eating nothing but stale sandwiches and cold coffee, Marianne Collingwood looked downright beautiful.

      She spread out her skirt, and Lance caught a whiff of something that smelled like lilacs. He inhaled appreciatively. She’d never worn scent before, either.

      “Good evening, ma’am,” the waitress said.

      “Yes, it is, isn’t it?” Marianne replied. “I hope you have steak on your menu tonight. I am positively famished.”

      “This is cattle ranching country, ma’am. We have steak on the menu every night.”

      Marianne smiled. “Oh, of course. I’ll have mine rare, please. With lots of very crispy fried potatoes.”

      The woman scribbled something on her order pad. “And for you, sir?”

      “The same,” he said. When the waitress marched off to the kitchen, Marianne leaned toward him. “Lance, I didn’t know you liked your steak rare.”

      “Maybe that’s because you never asked,” he said shortly.

      She gave him a long look. “I never had time to ask. I was too busy in the kitchen frying steaks for all the boarders to ask, so I fried them all the same way, even my own.”

      “And I always ate last,” Lance reminded her. “After everyone else had finished.”

      Marianne pursed her lips. “You ate next to last,” she corrected. “I was the one who always ate last.”

      “Gosh, I never realized that. Bet you were plenty hungry by the time all the boarders and then me had finished their supper.”

      “To be honest, I was too tired to be hungry,” she said quietly. “In fact, never in the last eleven years have I eaten a meal that someone else has cooked.”

      Her answer stopped him in his tracks. He’d never thought about working for Mrs. Schneiderman from Marianne’s point of view. Eleven years? She’d been at that boardinghouse for eleven years? Lord God in heaven, no wonder she was so desperate to get away.

      He fiddled with the pepper shaker, then began folding his linen napkin into smaller and smaller squares, but he wouldn’t look at her. “I guess there’s a whole lot of things we don’t know about each other,” he said at last. “Maybe we should spend time getting acquainted some before we, uh, get married.”

      Marianne gave him a short nod. “In a civilized world like St. Louis, an engaged couple would be expected to wait at least a year before the wedding, perhaps more, getting to know each other. But out here in the wilds of nowhere isn’t exactly a civilized world.”

      “Maybe not,” he conceded. “But we’re civilized, aren’t we?”

      She leveled an appraising look at him. “Lance, we cannot afford to wait a year before marrying. When I call on Mr. Myers and Mr. Waldrip at the bank to take possession of my inheritance, I must already be married.”

      “Oh. Right.”

      “You’re not reneging on our bargain, are you?”

      “Nope. You still have that Wanted poster in your pocket, and that means I’m still gonna marry you.”

      She pressed her lips into a line and turned pink just as the waitress set two huge plates loaded with thick steaks and fried potatoes in front of them.

      Marianne attacked her supper with a determined jab of her fork and watched the waitress march back toward the kitchen. She sent Lance an assessing look. Was it her imagination, or did he sound less than enthusiastic about the prospect of marrying her? An unfamiliar little dart of pain niggled into her heart. Was he unsure because she was forcing him into it? Or...she caught her breath. Maybe it was because she was past her prime? Was she too old and work-worn and unattractive to be of any interest to a man?

      She glanced down at her bare forearm. Her skin was tan because she rolled up her sleeves and ignored the sun’s rays when she worked outdoors for Mrs. Schneiderman. But her arm still looked plump, even girlish, didn’t it? She hoped the rest of her did, too. At least it had the last time she’d had the chance to stop and really look at herself in the full-length mirror

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