The Lionhearted Cowboy Returns. Patricia ThayerЧитать онлайн книгу.
time his father spoke up. “I know you’d be happier in the army, son, I only wish that were an option.”
Jeff shook his head. “Not if I can’t do what I was trained for.” And now that a terrorist sniper had changed everything for him, he had to make a different kind of life. “Right now, I need some time.”
His mother started to talk, but his dad stopped her. “Maura, our son is a man. He needs to make his own decisions. Whatever that is, Jeff, we’re proud of you.”
The praise from Wyatt Gentry meant more to Jeff than any medal he’d received from that last mission.
Maura nodded. “I guess it’s the best solution for you both. Lacey can use your help, too.” His mother reached for his hand and smiled. “I think you can be a big help to each other.”
The next day Hank Barrett drove up the road toward the cabin. He knew he probably shouldn’t have come here without an invitation, but he might never get one. So he’d come to see Jeff on his own.
Along with age came some privileges.
He’d stopped by the Guthrie Ranch and talked with Lacey. She’d been in the corral working with the horses. He’d stood back and watched and had been impressed with her talent. He’d always thought it had been Trevor who had had the skill with the horses, but Lacey knew her way around those animals, too. Maybe Jeff’s idea wasn’t so bad. Those two could help each other.
He grinned. Who knows? Lacey Guthrie might even finally take notice of his grandson. At least, maybe she could help Jeff get through the rough time.
Avoiding several mesquite bushes, Hank continued toward the cabin on the hill. He parked and climbed out, then grabbed two shopping bags filled with things Maura and Ella had sent with him.
He made his way to the porch when Jeff came out. “Granddad. What are you doing here?”
“It was either me comin’ here, or your mother and grandmother. And they’d probably be hanging ruffled curtains in the windows. So you got the best of the deal, me.”
Jeff chuckled and took the bags.
“That’s food, and in there are some towels. There’s a cooler in the back of the truck.”
“I’ll get it later,” Jeff said. “Come inside.”
Hank walked through the door first. The place wasn’t much bigger than a horse stall, but it was a lot cleaner.
The bunk against the wall was made up with white sheets and a green army blanket tucked in neatly on all sides. Two pairs of cowboy boots stood at the end. The one thing that looked out of place was a single crutch next to the door, reminding him of the months of pain and anguish his grandson had gone through during his time in the hospital.
Sadness hit Hank as he ambled over to the only place to sit down. He pulled out a chair. “So, looks like you’ve made the place real homey.”
“It’s not so bad.”
“Sure, I believe you, but you know your mother isn’t going to feel the same. An outside latrine and no shower isn’t what they’d call civilized. So if you feel the need to get under a warm spray, come by the house.”
Jeff couldn’t help but smile. He always enjoyed Hank. Getting a grandfather was one of the best things about being adopted into the family.
“I’m going to rig up a portable shower out back.”
“Good thing the weather is warm.” The old man grew serious. “You know I have to report back to the ladies on how you’re getting on. And I’ve learnt never to cross the women in this family, not if I ever want to eat again.”
Jeff smiled. “Then you tell them that if I survived the deserts and the jungle, the Texas prairie isn’t going to hurt me.”
Grinning, Hank nodded. “I told ’em you’d be just fine.”
“What else brings you up here, Granddad?”
Hank pushed his hat back off his forehead. “Well, I had this idea I wanted to run by you.”
“I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with moving home.”
“No, I think if this is where you want to be, then it’s the right place for you. My idea has something to do with Randell Corporation.”
“And this concerns me how?”
“Just hear me out,” Hank coaxed. “You know how we have guests that come to the ranch on vacation and want to work. They like the cowboy way of things.”
“And it’s always made money, too.”
“I was thinking this year, at summer’s end, I’d like to do an old-fashioned cattle drive. All guests on horseback, and we even have a chuck wagon with a cook to make the meals just like they did a hundred years ago. We can start at Chance’s place and drive the cattle across to your dad’s ranch. Then go on to Uncle Jarred and Aunt Dana’s and onto Cade’s lands, then finally end up at the Circle B. I have the quarters to house the guests.”
“Sounds like you’d be going around in a circle.”
“Almost. But we’d stay on private property, and if something does happen, we’re not far from help.” Hank raised an eyebrow. “So, what do you think?”
“Sounds good to me.” Jeff was surprised his dad hadn’t said anything. “How do the brothers like it?”
“I’ll tell them eventually, but right now I want the grandkids on board first. And I want you to be in charge.”
Jeff was caught off guard by this. “I can’t do it.”
“Why? You’ve been in the military for years, in charge of men, giving orders.”
“I haven’t been on a horse in a long time. Secondly, I don’t even know if I can still ride.”
“Sure you can. It’s something you don’t forget, especially since you were so good it. You could out-ride any of your cousins.” Hank smiled. “Even then you strove to be the best.”
Jeff knew he had drive. He’d proven it many times in the army, and it had saved his life more times than he could count. “That was before.” He rubbed his thigh.
“Before what? The accident?” Hank shook his head. “You’re just as good as before.”
“The army doesn’t think so,” Jeff said bitterly. “They seem to think you need both legs to be a soldier.”
Chapter Three
EARLY in the morning, Jeff closed Fancy’s gate. It had been a long time since he’d mucked out a stall. He didn’t like it any better than he had as a kid.
He’d only been a horse owner for a few days, but he needed the physical work. Outside of his daily workouts, he’d been pretty sedentary lately, unlike the days when he used to take five-mile runs every morning. He couldn’t handle that—yet.
He sat down on the bench next to the stall gate and rubbed his knee. Maybe he’d been pushing it. But that was how he did everything—to the hilt. He’d never held back, and he wasn’t going to now.
“What’s wrong with your leg?”
Jeff looked up find Colin standing nearby. Was the kid just lurking around, waiting to give him a bad time? “I’m just tired.”
Those blue eyes narrowed. “You get shot in the army?”
Jeff gripped the railing and pulled himself up to stand. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“Does it hurt?”
He didn’t want to talk about this. “Sometimes. What are you doing out here?”
“Mom said I should help you.