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The Rake's Rebellious Lady. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Rake's Rebellious Lady - Anne Herries

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which was tucked inside the package. As she went upstairs to rest before changing for dinner, she wondered if she would see Sir Freddie at Julia’s dance…

      Lady Taunton was somewhat indisposed the following morning, and announced that she would not be able to attend the dance that evening.

      ‘Something must have disagreed with me last night,’ she said, rubbing at her chest. ‘I am sorry to disappoint you, Caroline, but I believe you must prepare yourself for an evening at home.’

      ‘I am very sorry that you are feeling uncomfortable, Aunt,’ Caroline said. ‘However, Mama is to accompany me. She had already decided on it, and I believe she is looking forward to wearing her new gown.’

      ‘Very well,’ her aunt said, looking sour. ‘It is all this junketing about I have been doing on your behalf, miss. It does not suit me. Your mama may do her duty by you for once and we must hope that she is not prone upon her bed in the morning.’

      ‘I do sincerely hope she will not be,’ Caroline said. ‘And I hope that a rest this evening will cure your indigestion, Aunt.’

      ‘If it is merely indigestion,’ Lady Taunton said, looking much as a martyr might being led to the stake. ‘I think I shall send for my doctor just to be on the safe side.’

      However, nothing untoward happened, and Caroline set out with her mother at the appointed time. It was just a small dance, not one of the important affairs of the Season. Julia was greeting her guests, looking delightful in a white dress with spangles embroidered over the skirt. She stood with her mother to welcome everyone, but once Caroline arrived she was released and soon after the dancing began.

      Despite it being a small affair, there were several gentlemen present, most of whom Caroline was beginning to know quite well, for she had met them at most of the affairs she had attended. She was, however, a little surprised when she saw Mr Farringdon walk in a little later, and asked Julia about it.

      ‘Mama invited him before George told us that he was in financial difficulty. I wish she had not, for I do not like him. I had hoped that he might not attend, but it seems that he does not know when he is not welcome. I just hope he does not try to get me to go outside with him.’

      ‘If he does, you must simply refuse,’ Caroline said. ‘Isyour card full yet?’

      ‘Almost,’ Julia said. ‘Oh, look, here comes Sir Frederick. I shall ask him if he will dance with me twice. That will leave no space for Mr Farringdon.’

      She smiled beguilingly as Sir Frederick came up to them and offered him her card, asking if he would write his name in the only two spaces available. He did so and returned it to her, turning to bow to Caroline as Julia’s next partner came to claim her.

      ‘May I hope that you have a space left for me, Miss Holbrook?’

      ‘Yes, I do have two, as it happens,’ Caroline said. She had left them deliberately, but she was not going to admit it. ‘One is just about to begin—and the other is just before supper.’

      ‘Then I shall claim them both,’ Freddie said and held out his hand to her. ‘I hope you found the book you took from the library as enthralling as you hoped?’

      ‘I have managed to read only one chapter as yet,’ Caroline said, ‘but I am sure I shall enjoy it. Mama says that she wants to read it when I have finished—so you see, I am not the only empty-headed female to be seduced by the delights of Mrs Radcliffe’s work.’

      ‘I assure you that I have never thought you empty-headed, Miss Holbrook,’ Freddie said, a gleam in his eyes; he knew that she was being deliberately provoking. ‘A little reckless, perhaps? Or is that simply a disguise to fool us all?’ His manner was decidedly provocative and received the answer it deserved.

      ‘Oh, you are unkind, sir,’ Caroline came back at him challengingly. ‘What makes you think that I would pretend to be other than I am?’

      ‘It was simply a thought that popped into my head,’ he murmured, attempting innocence. ‘I dare say I was wrong?’ Caroline was silent and he raised his brows. ‘Have I offended you, Miss Holbrook?’

      ‘Oh, no, not at all,’ she said and looked up at him. ‘Please continue what you were saying.’

      ‘I think I meant to ask if you will come driving with me one morning, Miss Holbrook,’ Freddie said. ‘I was hoping that you might say yes…if you are not otherwise engaged?’

      ‘Oh…’ Caroline was a little surprised, for she had not expected it. ‘Yes, I do not see why not, sir. I have driven out with Mr Bellingham several times, but, yes, thank you. I should be happy to do so.’

      ‘Perhaps the day after tomorrow?’

      ‘Yes, I believe that will suit. My aunt never makes engagements for the mornings. She prefers to stay in her room until eleven or twelve, but I like to go out early.’

      ‘So I have observed,’ Freddie said. ‘I shall call for you at ten, if that is not too early?’

      ‘No, not at all,’ she said. ‘I shall look forward to it.’

      Their dance was ending and Sir Frederick escorted her back to Julia, who was to be his next partner. Caroline was momentarily alone, and she saw that Mr Farringdon was making his way towards her. Fortunately, her next partner arrived before he could do so and she was swept back into the throng of dancers.

      As the evening progressed, Mr Farringdon made two more attempts to reach her, but Caroline avoided him, and it was not until she stepped outside on the terrace to cool herself for a moment before the supper dance that he succeeded in speaking to her. She had not seen him standing in the shadows, and, as he moved towards her, turned away, intending to return to the ballroom.

      ‘Miss Holbrook,’ he said. ‘I have been wishing to speak to you. I had hoped that I might be given the honour of a dance with you this evening?’

      ‘Forgive me, but my card was filled almost at once. Excuse me. I must go, for my partner will be waiting.’

      ‘Surely you can spare a moment?’ He moved to block her way, sending a little shiver of alarm down her spine.

      ‘No, I must go,’ she said and tried to move past him, but he laid his hand on her bare arm, making her jerk away instinctively. His eyes glittered and she thought he was about to say something more, but then his face froze and he took his hand from her arm.

      ‘Miss Holbrook—I believe this is our dance?’

      Caroline had never been more relieved in her life as she saw Sir Frederick standing in the doorway. Her face lit up and she moved towards him eagerly, offering him her hand.

      ‘I had not forgotten. I was about to return, sir.’

      ‘Nothing has happened to disturb you?’

      ‘Oh, no,’ Caroline said, for she did not wish to make something out of nothing. ‘Excuse me, sir.’ Farringdon stood back, nodding to Sir Frederick, who was regarding him sternly.

      ‘And that,’ Freddie said in a low voice as they went inside, ‘was extremely foolish of you, Miss Holbrook. There are some gentlemen you would be safe with on a desert island, but not that one. What made you go outside with him?’

      Caroline glanced at him, a hint of temper in her eyes. ‘If you imagine that I went to meet him, you are mistaken, sir. I do not like the gentleman and would not even grant him a dance!’ The expression on her face hinted that at that moment she did not particularly like Freddie either.

      A smile flickered in his eyes as he inclined his head to her. ‘I stand corrected, Miss Holbrook, and I am happy to admit it. I jumped to conclusions, but I happen to know that Farringdon is not ideal as an admirer for a young lady like you. Neither is he possessed of a great fortune. I do not imagine your family would think him suitable, for I dare say they expect you to make a good match.’

      ‘Do you, indeed?’ Caroline tossed her head at him as he led her

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