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Handpicked Husband. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Handpicked Husband - Winnie Griggs

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you now?” The vulnerable air evaporated, replaced by the scorching look and frigid tone she’d brandished before.

      So much for his stirring of sympathy. Obviously, she could hold her own in any war of words.

      “As for this contract—” her chin titled up at a militant angle “—I’m sure I’ll need time to study it, perhaps have a lawyer look it over, before I sign.”

      He was here to help her through this. “I’d be glad to explain any—”

      “I’d as soon ask a heathen to explain a scripture.”

      Adam tightened his jaw. Taking a slow, deep breath, he decided to let that one pass as well. She’d been backed into a corner and it was only natural that she’d lash out.

      “Have it your way. But don’t think by putting off signing you can delay the deadline. According to the judge’s instructions, your two weeks start when you meet your suitors.”

      Suspicion flashed in her eyes. “Tell me, Mr. Barr, why did you drag those men out here rather than leave them in Turnabout and deliver the news alone? Or better yet, wait for me to return, since someone in town likely mentioned I’d be back inside of a week?”

      She pointed a finger at him and he could almost see it tremble with the urge to poke him. “It was because you wanted to start the clock ticking on this ridiculous scheme as soon as possible, wasn’t it?”

      The woman was too perceptive for her own good.

      She must have sensed her words had hit their mark, because she tore into him again, this time her finger actually jabbing his chest to underline her words. “Of all the insensitive, ungentlemanly actions. You just couldn’t wait to deliver this little ultimatum.”

      She gave his chest another jab. “You had to come racing out here to spoil our outing just so you could hurry things along.”

      The woman presumed too much. Adam captured the offending finger. “Miss Nash, I haven’t claimed to be a gentleman in quite some time.”

      Her eyes widened and a flush blossomed on her cheeks. Her reaction told him her aggressive contact had been unintentional. After another moment to make his point, he released her.

      She snatched her hand back as if stung.

      “What’s done is done,” he continued. “As you so eloquently stated, the clock has started ticking, and there’s no setting the hands back.”

      It didn’t take her long to recover. Her shoulders drew back before he’d stopped talking.

      “Doesn’t it matter that I don’t want a husband?” She flung the words like rocks. “That I think turning control of my life and possessions over to someone else simply because he’s a man is akin to slavery?”

      She threw up her arms. “Why does every male think the sum total of a woman’s ambition should be to find someone to marry so she can go straight from her father’s care to her husband’s?”

      He’d never met a female like her before. No wonder the judge felt compelled to take such a drastic step. “I personally don’t care a jot whether you marry one of these men or not. In fact, my only concern in this affair is to see that Judge Madison’s wishes are carried out.”

      He leaned back again. “Now, part of his instructions was that I make certain your interests are protected—within the scope of his plans, of course. But that doesn’t mean I can let you ignore the rules. On that score I’ll be scrupulously, might I say ruthlessly, single-minded.”

      By the stiffening of her spine, he knew she’d gotten the message.

      “In other words, I’d advise you not to use any of your feminine wiles on me. It’ll do you no good to try to play on my sympathy. I have none. It’ll do you no good to try to bribe me. There’s nothing you could offer to make me betray the judge. And as for trying to seduce me—” he shrugged “—let’s just say it’d be wasted effort.”

      From the way her hands curled, he’d guess he was lucky she didn’t have a club handy.

      My, but the lady did have a temper.

      “Mr. Barr.” She enunciated each word clearly. “I have no intention of using wiles, feminine or otherwise. I intend to be forthright in my dealings with you and the other gents, and I expect the same in return.”

      She impatiently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and his focus shifted to the soft wisps framing her face. How long had it been since he’d stroked a woman’s hair?

      He straightened abruptly and swallowed an oath. There was no room in his life right now for thoughts like that, especially when it came to the judge’s granddaughter.

      Pushing away from the rail, he stepped down, wanting to put distance between them. “I’ll get the contract.”

      He wondered, not for the first time, why Judge Madison hadn’t considered him as a suitor for his granddaughter. Not that Adam wanted to tie himself down with a wife right now—but it stung that he hadn’t been on the list of candidates. What did her grandfather see in the others that was missing in him? Had the time he spent in jail tarnished him in the judge’s eyes as well?

      He had to clear his name soon. Only then would he have any chance of living a normal life.

      “Grandfather actually expects me to sign a contract agreeing to his addle-pated plan?” The words bristled with outrage, a hint of the banshee they’d encountered earlier coming through.

      “All parties to the contract are required to sign.” Adam jerked the packet from his satchel. “The other three signed it, I signed it, even your grandfather signed it. Now it’s your turn.”

      She accepted the papers as if he’d handed her smelly rags. “I’ve never heard of the livestock being haggled over signing the bill of sale along with the buyer and seller.”

      Her tongue was as sharp as any knife he’d wielded. She’d make a good lawyer. Adam was beginning to believe the judge had decided not to come for reasons other than the ones he’d stated. “If you refuse, then Jack and I board the next train to Philadelphia.”

      She snapped the papers with a humph and started reading.

      If she was looking for loopholes, she’d be disappointed. The judge had drawn up the document and then had Adam review every syllable. Adam would bet the horse he rode in on that it was ironclad.

      Adam wondered which of the men would end up escorting the reluctant bride to the altar.

      Everett seemed the best equipped to deal with her lethal tongue. The educated cynic would give as good as he got in that department. Then again, he might consider himself too sophisticated for a lady who appeared equally comfortable in overalls as a dress.

      Mitchell, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind her provincial ways. He didn’t let much rattle him. Always searching for the middle ground, Mitchell had defused several tense moments during their trip. But did he have the determination required to deal with the overbearing Miss Nash? His size not withstanding, the woman would likely ride roughshod right over him.

      If a peaceful life was what Mitchell wanted, he wouldn’t get it hitched to this virago.

      That left Chance. The boy was younger than the potential bride, and rebellious enough to stand up to a riled bear, so Adam didn’t think she would intimidate him. Adam suspected, though, in a battle of wills, Miss Nash would come out the winner.

      Besides, would it be fair to shackle the kid to a wife before he’d had a taste of the independence he so obviously craved?

      Judge Madison had been adamant, though, that one of the men he was sending here was the perfect match for his granddaughter. He also insisted she would realize it herself, as soon as she bowed to the inevitable and got to know them.

      Adam watched the emotions flash across her volatile features as she poured over the contract.

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