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Captured For The Captain's Pleasure. Ann LethbridgeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Captured For The Captain's Pleasure - Ann Lethbridge

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Mr Anderson?’Alice asked.

      ‘The sawbones seems to know his business, Miss Fulton. He set my arm. He’s given your brother something to keep him calm and sleeping. I’m afraid it is Lady Selina who is not feeling quite the thing. The doctor left her some smelling salts.’

      Poor Selina. She really wasn’t meant for hardship.

      ‘Mr Anderson has been a tower of strength,’ Selina said, beaming at him. ‘I don’t know what I would have done without him.’

      Mr Anderson turned the colour of a house brick. If Selina wasn’t careful, she’d have him spiking a temperature.

      ‘I am in your debt, Mr Anderson,’Alice said. ‘Please send word if you have cause for concern.’

      Selina gasped. ‘Send word? Where are you going? Not with that disgusting pirate?’ She glanced over her shoulder, tossed her head and shot Lionhawk a look of dislike.

      Selina’s rudeness brought heat to Alice’s cheeks, which didn’t make a bit of sense. ‘He has questions I am to answer.’

      Selina looked at her askance. ‘What sort of questions?’

      ‘I’m not exactly sure.’

      ‘Alice, you can’t be alone with him.’

      No fool, Selina, when it came to men. Without her timely intervention, Alice might have married Andrew. But Alice had already given her word to provide answers in exchange for this visit and she’d have to rely on her own wits to bring her off safely. ‘I won’t be long. I promise.’

      Selina lowered her voice. ‘What about my reputation? I’m all alone with two bachelors.’

      Alice frowned at her. ‘Mr Anderson is an honourable married man. You know he is. And Richard is naught but a boy. Besides, they need your help. It is only for an hour or two.’

      ‘You know more about nursing the sick than I do.’ Selina’s lower lip drooped in pathetically adorable fashion.

      Alice pressed her lips together. ‘All right. You deal with Lionhawk.’

      Selina’s eyes widened. ‘Alice.’

      ‘I thought you came to visit your brother,’ Lionhawk’s voice grated in the thick, stale air. ‘If you are done, we will leave.’

      His steps echoed in the hold as he strode across the floor, his shadow looming on the curved hull like the carved gryphon over his bed. He entered the circle of light, his expression impatient and his eyes watchful.

      Selina shrank back, staring at him as if he had two heads. ‘Alice, isn’t that…?’

      ‘The man who signed on as our cook. Yes.’ She glared at him. ‘I am not ready to leave yet, sir.’

      ‘Lady Selina,’ he said with a flash of a charming smile and a bow, ‘I don’t believe we have been formally introduced. I’m Lionhawk, Captain of the Gryphon.’

      A simple introduction delivered with the charm of a wolf who’d found his dinner.

      Selina shifted closer to Alice, seemingly unable to take her gaze from the dark face of her gaoler.

      Lionhawk bared his teeth all the more. ‘Come into the light, Lady Selina. Let’s take a proper look at you.’

      ‘Alice!’ Selina’s voice rose to a squeak.

      Alice mentally groaned. This lion or hawk or evil dragon, whatever he called himself, needed a lesson in how to treat a lady. She patted Selina on the shoulder. ‘Ignore him. He’s just trying to bedevil me.’ She glanced back at Richard and a trickle of fear ran through her stomach. ‘I would like to speak to the doctor.’

      ‘Not tonight, you won’t.’ Lionhawk’s voice had the implacable quality of a man expecting obedience. ‘My crew are celebrating their victory. Bones won’t be in any shape to look at anyone tonight and he tells me your brother will be all right until morning. Come along before I carry you out.’

      Dash it all. Whoever this doctor was, he had no business leaving an injured man unconscious. The man she had seen climbing into the bo’sun’s chair had looked far from competent. No wonder he hadn’t seen to opening the hatch. And if he was drunk, as his captain suggested, she preferred her own ministrations. The sooner she answered Lionhawk’s questions, the sooner she could return to her brother.

      Selina flung herself into Alice’s arms, tears running like diamonds down her cheeks. Somehow Selina managed to look like a goddess when she wept. ‘Alice, what is to become of us?’

      That was a line out of a play for Lionhawk’s benefit. A quest for sympathy. Wasted on this man. Thankfully, beneath the weeping goddess, Selina was made of sterner stuff. Stern enough to walk out on her chaperon and jump aboard Alice’s ship without so much as a by your leave.

      Easing from Selina’s grip, Alice lifted her friend’s chin with a fingertip, capturing her watery gaze in her own. ‘Do pull yourself together.’ She lowered her voice to a whisper meant only for her friend’s ears. ‘Trust me. I’ll come back soon. In the meantime, I’m relying on you to help care for Richard and Mr Anderson.’

      Selina straightened her shoulders. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said softly. ‘I didn’t mean to make things more difficult. I will do my best.’ She glanced quickly at Lionhawk, her eyes sharp. ‘Alice, mark my words. Be very careful of that man.’

      ‘Come along, Miss Fulton,’ Lionhawk said, the sardonic line of his lips cruel in its indifference. Then he smiled, all charm again. ‘Unless you would both like to join me in my cabin.’

      Alice glared at him. ‘One of us is all you need to answer your questions.’ Somehow during the course of the evening she’d convince Lionhawk to let her raid his medical supplies. A poultice set to Richard’s temple might be the best thing to bring him back to his senses.

      Blast the man. By now he’d probably guessed she’d do anything to keep her brother safe. Selina was right—she would have to be very careful. Or very clever.

      With one last glance at her brother, she headed out of the door.

      Lionhawk closed it, pocketed the key and took her arm. Up on deck, he guided her towards his cabin. ‘I’d introduce you to my crew,’ he murmured, ‘but they are in a rollicking mood. Not good company for a lady such as yourself.’

      From the prow came the sound of a flute and deep men’s voices raised in drunken harmony. ‘I’ll accept your judgement in that regard.’

      Just how safe were the prisoners with such a crew? Thank God Lionhawk held the key.

      She sucked in a breath. Did that mean she actually trusted the fellow to keep his captives safe? Trusting anyone on this ship would be like trusting a rabid dog. It would be like a green girl with stars in her eyes trusting Andrew. No longer was she green and the stars had long ago faded.

      Lionhawk opened his cabin door. ‘Supper awaits.’

      Supper? A good idea. Men became easier to handle on a full stomach. She stepped inside.

      A lantern hung from the central beam. Candlesticks glimmered on the desk. A low table had been placed in front of the window laid with a tray of bread, cheeses and cold meats along with a decanter of red wine and two filigreed goblets.

      She took the chair he pulled out. He seated himself on the other side. ‘It’s all there is, I’m afraid.’

      Alice waved an airy hand, à la Selina. ‘It is all I need.’ She picked up the bread knife.

      Swiftly, he leaned across and removed the knife from her grip. ‘I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.’

      He carved the half-cottage loaf into thick slices and leaned back, retaining the knife as if he thought she might have at him. Unfortunately, killing him would likely not improve her situation.

      And what could

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