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The Single Dad's Guarded Heart. Roz Denny FoxЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Single Dad's Guarded Heart - Roz Denny Fox

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      A sign on the highway told her where to turn for the hospital.

      Marlee debated whether to go to Mick’s room first or try to locate young Josh Maclean. Stopping to see Mick won out, because she knew where his ward was. Maybe a nurse there could help her track down Gordon.

      Two women in print smocks and white slacks were helping Mick out of bed when Marlee and Jo Beth walked into his room. The anguish on his face made it clear that standing was very painful. Marlee hovered in the doorway, not sure she should’ve brought Jo Beth, after all.

      Mick hailed them. “There you are. What the hell, sis? Pappy’s called here three times in the last half hour. Didn’t you take your cell phone today?”

      She quickly dug the phone out of her back pocket. “Oh. I thought I’d put it on vibrate, but it’s shut off. Is something wrong?”

      “How’s Gordy?” Mick had been bent over with his weight distributed between the two nurses. He straightened marginally.

      “So you know about my side trip? I don’t know yet how Mr. Maclean is. He looked pretty rough when we landed. Maybe a little better when they loaded him into the ambulance.” Marlee stepped into the room. “Why has Pappy been calling you? He reached me at Glenroe’s. I told him I’d take the Angel Fleet job.”

      Mick mustered a brief smile. “According to Pappy you didn’t agree without dumping some harsh words on me. Not that I don’t deserve every one. I totally forgot to ask Angel Fleet dispatch to delete us from their roster. I feel doubly bad that you had to make a run without us ever discussing the process.”

      “Yeah, that would’ve been helpful,” Marlee agreed, with a smile to soften her words.

      “How it works is a coordinator phones the volunteer nearest to a victim. If the volunteer’s plane is free, we go. At the scene we touch base with Angel Fleet to let them know we’re underway. And volunteers sign in again after transfer is complete.”

      “Ah, so I didn’t phone them nor did I contact Pappy from the airpark. It’s my turn to apologize, Mick. I’m not a novice at rescue. I guess since most missions I flew in Iraq were under strict radio silence, I didn’t even think to call in.”

      “Pappy wasn’t the only one worried about your whereabouts. Wylie called Cloud Chasers twice. He apparently decided you’d fallen out of the sky.”

      “Wylie, as in Ranger Ames?” Marlee’s chin shot up several inches. “Why, in heaven’s name? I left his place ages ago.”

      Mick shuffled a few feet, but had the nurses take him back to bed. Once they’d settled him, he un-clenched his jaw. “Pappy said it started out with Dean Ames phoning to speak with Jo Beth.” He found a real smile for the little girl who still hovered in the doorway, staring at him with huge eyes.

      She waltzed up to his bed, finally. “Mama said Dean and me could call each other.” She slid her small hand into Mick’s larger one. “Do you hurt a lot, Uncle Mick? Can the nurse give you a pill to make the pain go away? That’s what they did for my daddy.”

      One of the nurses involved in exercising Mick flipped through his chart. “The doctor ordered Vicodin as needed. I see you’ve refused any pain meds up to now.”

      “I’d rather not use painkillers. The months I spent in military rehab, I saw far too many guys hooked on prescription drugs.”

      Marlee broke in. “On the other hand, Mick, won’t you heal faster if you take the edge off your pain?”

      His features relaxed into a grin. “I wouldn’t be in pain if the nurses were nicer. If they didn’t barge in here and force me to get up and walk. Four times today,” he drawled, clearly angling for sympathy.

      The petite brunette holding his chart rolled her eyes. “You’re so full of bull.” She glanced at Marlee and backpedaled, “Uh…we’re just following doctor’s orders. By the way, I’m Tammy, his evening nurse.”

      “Don’t pay any attention to Mick. He’s squeaked by on charm since he was born. You have my permission to whip him into shape before you send him home. ’Cause we sure won’t be pampering him.”

      “I’ll pamper him,” Jo Beth declared loyally.

      “How sweet.” The nurse glanced at her patient. “Funny, I don’t believe you mentioned having a daughter, Mick.”

      “I don’t,” he said. “This is my very best niece.” He tugged at one of Jo Beth’s curls. “Tell Nurse Tammy what a fantastic uncle I am, kid.”

      “You’re my only uncle,” she scoffed. “Dean thinks you’re okay. He said you care a whole lot about kids and animals.”

      “Hear that?” Mick winked at the young woman, but she was talking to Marlee, who had asked how to find Gordon Maclean.

      Jo Beth leaned on Mick’s bed. “Dean said to say thanks for the books. And he asked if you got the dog you told him about on your last visit. I said no, but I wish you’d get one, Uncle Mick.”

      “You do? We’ll have to see what your mom thinks of that idea. I’ll have time to train a dog while I’m recovering at home, I guess.”

      “Train him to do what?”

      Mick stopped rubbing his leg below his sore hip, and tweaked the girl’s nose. “To help keep track of you and Pappy Jack, since I’m not going to be fleet of foot for a while. Hey, it sounds as if you and Dean got along famously.”

      “Uh-huh. He’s nice. And he’s smart,” she said, clearly enamored of her newfound friend.

      “I agree. So, does your mom feel the same about Dean’s dad?”

      Jo Beth wrinkled her nose and twisted her mouth from side to side before she shrugged both shoulders.

      Mick turned to his sister, who’d just parted from Nurse Tammy, and was now using his bedside phone. “Marlee, did you have a problem with Wylie Ames?”

      “Problem?” She smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear. “An earthworm is probably a better communicator. What? No, not you, Pappy. It’s Marlee. Sorry I’m late phoning. Jo Beth and I are with Mick. No, I don’t know his status. Hold on a sec.” Marlee put a hand over the receiver as the nurse breezed back in.

      “Mr. Maclean is still in surgery,” Tammy said. “From what I gather, it’s going well. His son is one floor above us in the B Surgery Suite waiting room.”

      “Thank you so much. We’ll run up shortly to see how Josh is doing.” She returned to her call and relayed an identical message. “Are you anxious for us to get home, Pappy? Are you on your own?”

      She listened intently. “Why should I phone Ranger Ames?” After an irritated toss of her head, Marlee tried to temper her sharp response. “I’m sure everyone who lives in the backcountry is a friend of the Macleans, but I can’t call them all. Okay, Pappy. Someone will notify you and the ranger as soon as any report comes out of surgery. Mr. Maclean’s son is here. Maybe he’ll call everyone after he updates his mom. Pappy, I’ve gotta go. According to Mick, I need to call Angel Fleet.”

      “Don’t!” Marlee put down the phone and held up a hand as her brother opened his mouth. “I know the ranger’s your friend. But he rubbed me the wrong way, okay? If you asked him, he’d say the feeling is mutual.”

      “I was just going to give you Angel Fleet’s number.”

      “Oh. I thought you were going to…never mind then. What’s the number?”

      He gave it. “When you reach Arlene Thomas, their night coordinator, explain that I’m laid up. Have her take Cloud Chasers off the volunteer list until further notice.”

      “Uh…Mick. I’ve had a change of heart. I forgot how isolated people are up here. Leave us on the volunteer flight schedule.”


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