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The Bride Next Door. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Bride Next Door - Winnie Griggs

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of type that had scattered when he dropped a tray. He blamed the incident on Miss Johnson, or rather the bothersome distraction she’d become. That and his interrupted sleep last night—also her fault—were the most likely culprits for his lack of focus today.

      All he needed was an uninterrupted night’s sleep tonight; then he’d be as efficient as ever tomorrow.

      He was just putting the last piece back in place when his office door opened. He glanced up to see Adam Barr, one of the three men who’d traveled with him from Philadelphia to Turnabout last summer.

      Everett pushed to his feet, at the same time pushing away his faint disappointment. He took a moment to slide the tray back into place and then greeted his visitor.

      “You’re early today,” he said as he grabbed a rag to wipe his hands. Most days, Adam stopped by on his way back to the bank after having lunch at home with his wife, Reggie. He and Adam had an ongoing chess game that they both enjoyed and took quite seriously.

      “Reggie has my afternoon planned out for me,” Adam responded. “Jack’s seventh birthday is tomorrow, and she wants my help planning a small surprise for him.”

      Jack was Reggie’s nephew, and she and Adam had adopted him after their marriage last fall.

      Adam headed toward the chessboard that was set up on the far end of the room with their game. “If I remember correctly, it was my move.”

      Everett followed him. “It was. And I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ll answer my last move.”

      Adam sat down, studying the board. “I hear you have a new neighbor,” he said as he fingered one of the pawns he’d captured.

      “Word gets around fast. If you haven’t heard a name yet, it’s Daisy Johnson. You remember her—the daughter of the peddler who was arrested for stealing the money from the fair last year.” Adam had been instrumental in getting the man cleared of the charges.

      “Falsely arrested,” Adam corrected. “Yes, I remember her. Spirited young lady, if I recall.”

      Everett agreed with that assessment but decided to change the subject. “So how is Reggie faring?”

      “As stubborn as ever. She refuses to accept that she needs to curtail her more vigorous activities until the baby comes.”

      Adam set down the captured pawn and slid his bishop across the board. “There,” he said as he stood. “That should keep you busy for a while.”

      Before Everett could study the move, the door opened and in came his new neighbor, carrying the broom he’d loaned her last night, and a small parcel.

      While she still wore a dress that had seen better days, there was a pleased-with-the-world smile on her face that overshadowed her dearth of fashion sense. From the bounce in her step it appeared she’d managed to sleep just fine last night. There was no hint of cobwebs in her hair this morning; rather, it was well combed and neatly pulled back in a loose bun.

      And, like a shadow, her dog was once more right beside her. In the daylight, the animal looked only marginally more presentable than he had last night. Black and white with a shaggy coat, the mutt had obviously led a less-than-pampered life. One ear was torn, and there was an old scar on one hind leg. And if Everett wasn’t mistaken, the dog had one blue and one brown eye. Very disconcerting.

      He took all that in within the few seconds following her entrance. It was the reporter in him, trained to notice even the smallest of details.

      That quickening of his pulse—that was due to nothing more than curiosity as to what had brought her to his office.

      Chapter Three

      Daisy paused when she saw that Mr. Fulton wasn’t alone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were busy.”

      Mr. Fulton’s visitor turned, and she smiled in recognition. “Mr. Barr! How nice to see you again.”

      Adam executed a short bow. “The pleasure is mine. I understand you’ve decided to take up residence in our fair town. Let me add my welcome to the others I’m sure you’ve already received.”

      Now this welcome seemed genuine. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to setting down roots here.” The idea of finally having a permanent home was more than enough to carry her through all the work ahead of her.

      “I’m sure I speak for my wife as well as myself when I say we’d be pleased to have you join us for supper one evening when you’re available.”

      Her cheeks warmed in pleasure. “Why, thank you. I’d like that.”

      “Be sure to let me know if you need help getting settled in.” Then Adam turned back to Everett. “It’s time I headed home. I’ll be back tomorrow, same time as usual, to see if you’ve figured out your next move.” He tipped his hat her way. “Enjoyed seeing you, Miss Johnson. Good day.”

      Once he’d departed, Daisy felt her smile grow a bit more forced.

      Which was totally unfair. After all, Mr. Fulton had been more than kind to her last night—in his own way, of course. But it was hard to remember that kindness when his disapproving demeanor reminded her so much of her grandmother.

      “I don’t allow animals in my office,” he said stiffly.

      He certainly wasn’t making it easy for her to remember his kindness. “I gave him a bath out by the stream this morning.” She did her best to keep her tone light. “And I assure you he’s very well-behaved. So he won’t leave tracks on your floor or bother any of your things.”

      “Nice to know, but I still don’t allow animals in here.”

      She sighed, then looked down at Kip. “You heard the man, boy. You’ll have to wait outside.” She opened the door and, meeting the animal’s gaze, tried to smile reassuringly as she pointed to the sidewalk. Kip, tail drooping, slowly exited. “I won’t be long.”

      She turned back to Mr. Fulton and had to rein in the urge to glare outright.

      But he apparently had no idea what she was feeling because he wore that infuriatingly condescending look on his face.

      “You talk to that animal as if he understands you,” he said.

      “Because he does.” She lifted her chin. “If not the words, then at least the feelings behind them. Dogs are smarter than most folks give them credit for.”

      Mr. Fulton strode forward. “I trust your foot is better this morning?”

      The thoughtful question put her more at ease. “Yes, thank you, good as new.” Then, remembering her reason for coming over, she thrust out the broom. “I wanted to bring this back in case you were needing it. I sure appreciate you loaning it to me. There was a wagonload of dirt that needed sweeping out of that place.”

      He accepted the cleaning implement and set it against the wall. Then he waved her to a chair in front of his desk. “So you’re finished cleaning.”

      If only that were true. “Afraid not. It’s going to take more than one day to take care of all that needs doing. But I made a good start.” She took the seat he’d indicated.

      “I saw you heading out for a walk this morning,” he said as he took his own seat. “Checking out what our town has to offer?”

      Had he been spying on her? “Actually, I went out and gathered up the materials to make my own broom. There’s still a lot of cleaning to do, and I didn’t want to wear yours down to a nub.” She smiled. “Besides, me and Kip needed to get out in the fresh air and sunshine for a bit after stirring up all that dust and dirt this morning.”

      He raised a brow. “You’re making a broom.”

      Why did he sound so surprised? “It’s not difficult. The hardest part is finding a stick that’s straight enough and sturdy enough to serve as the handle.”

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