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Wicked in the Regency Ballroom. Margaret McPheeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Wicked in the Regency Ballroom - Margaret McPhee

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still carried the scars to prove it. But one victory did not win the war. There were better means to that, underhand means that involved stealth and bribery and corruption. Farquharson had ever relied on others’ stupidity and greed.

      Stealing Farquharson’s betrothed from beneath her mama’s nose at Almack’s was a stroke of genius. Even through his anger, Farquharson had to admire Tregellas’s move. It was an action worthy of Farquharson himself. And it sent a message loud and clear. Farquharson knew what this was about. Hadn’t he always known? A mirror of past events. Farquharson smiled. No, he would not call Tregellas out. There were easier ways to catch the Earl. He thought of Madeline Langley and the way that her hand trembled beneath his. He thought too of the fear in her pretty amber eyes and how she struggled within his grip. He wanted her and he would have her, and the fact she was Tregellas’s wife would serve to make the experience all the sweeter. After five long years, the game had begun in earnest once more.

      The journey to Earl Tregellas’s country seat in Cornwall was long and tiresome. It did not matter that Lucien’s travelling coach was of the most modern design, sprung for comfort and speed. Or that the man himself had filled it with travelling rugs and hot stone footwarmers to keep her warm. Madeline’s bones ached with a deep-set weariness, not helped by the fact she had not slept properly for the past few nights. Every night was the same. Nightmares in which Cyril Farquharson’s face leered down at her, whispering that he was coming to catch her, promising that there would be no escape. She woke in a cold sweat, terror gnawing at her gut, afraid to let her eyes close lest Farquharson really did make true on those nightmarish oaths.

      Lucien sat opposite her, long legs stretched out before him, looking every inch as if he was sitting back in the comfort of an armchair. The bright daylight shining in through the window showed him in clarity. The stark blue eyes were hooded with long black lashes, the harshness of his handsome features relaxed in sleep. Gentle even breaths sounded from his slightly parted lips. Madeline’s gaze lingered on that finely sculpted mouth. All signs of tension around it had vanished. No tightly reined control remained. Just hard chiselled lips. She wondered what it would be like to place a kiss upon them. Madeline licked her own suddenly dry lips, gulped back such profoundly unsuitable thoughts and concentrated on looking out of the window. The countryside surrounding the Andover Road swept by in a haze of green and brown. The daylight was white and cold. Madeline found her eyes wandering back to Lucien once more.

      His skin was a pale contrast to the darkness of his angular-shaped eyebrows and the black dishevelment of his hair. Sleep stole the severity from Lucien’s face, imposing on it a calm serenity, as if it was only in sleep that he found peace. The fine lines around his eyes and mouth seemed to disappear. Indeed, the more that Madeline looked, the more she found she could not drag her eyes away. Her fingers itched to touch against that blue-stubbled jawline, that bold strong nose, those lips. Although the air within the carriage was cool, Madeline began to feel rather warm. She stared and stared some more. She was just considering the length of his legs and how muscular his thighs were through those rather tight pantaloons when she noticed that Lucien’s eyes were no longer closed. Indeed, he was regarding her with something akin to amusement.

      Her eyes raised to meet that lazy stare.

      He smiled, and it seemed that something of sleep must still be upon him for his face still held a peaceful look. ‘Warm enough?’ he asked.

      Madeline’s cheeks grew hotter still. ‘Yes, thank you.’ Had he seen her staring?

      The smile deepened.

      Oh, Lord! Madeline hastily found something that necessitated all of her attention out of the window.

      ‘We’ll reach Whitchurch by nightfall and put up in an inn there. The White Hart usually serves me well.’

      Madeline didn’t trust herself to speak, just nodded.

      ‘Are you hungry? There’s still some cold pie left in the lunch basket.’

      ‘No, thank you. I’ll wait until we reach Whitchurch.’

      ‘Well, in that case …’ said Lucien and closed his eyes once more.

      Madeline was careful to keep her gaze well averted.

      The White Hart was quite the busiest coaching inn that Madeline had ever seen. Not that she was in the habit of frequenting such places, but there had been that time that Mama had taken her and Angelina to visit Cousin Mary in Oxford. The inn seemed to consist of a maze of dimly lit, winding corridors leading from one room to another. This said, the private parlour that Lucien had arranged for them was clean and tidy, as was the place as a whole. The food that the landlord and his wife brought was simple, but wholesome. A stew of beef with carrots, a baked ham, potatoes and a seed cake. They called her my lady and were polite. No whispers followed her here. No gossip. Madeline breathed a sigh of relief and ate her stew.

      ‘Some ham?’ suggested her husband.

      ‘No, thank you.’

      ‘A slice of cake, then?’

      ‘No.’ Madeline shook her head.

      Lucien’s brows twitched together. He seemed to be finding Madeline’s dinner plate worthy of a stare. ‘You don’t eat very much,’ he finally said.

      ‘I eat enough,’ she replied defensively. In truth, her appetite had shrunk since meeting Cyril Farquharson. She picked at her food, nothing more. Three days as Lucien’s wife had not changed that.

      He said nothing more, just looked at her with those pale eyes.

      Madeline knew she should not have snapped at him. It was not his fault that her bones ached and her head was so tired she could scarcely think. ‘Forgive me, Lucien. I’m just a little tired.’

      ‘It’s been a long day and we have an early start in the morning. We should go to bed. Finish your wine and I’ll take you up.’

      His words caused Madeline’s heart to stumble. She sipped a little more of the claret, then pushed her chair back.

      He looked at the half-full glass but forbore to comment on it.

      ‘We are to share a room?’ Madeline glanced up at her husband, surprise clear upon her face as he followed her into the room and closed the door.

      ‘It is not safe to sleep alone,’ he said.


      ‘No buts, Madeline. It is for a short while only and you’ll be safe. I’m not quite the monster society would paint me.’ There was a hard cynical catch to his voice. ‘I’ll go back downstairs that you might undress. Lock the door and do not open it for anyone except me.’

      She nodded her head.

      And he was gone.

      The key turned easily within the lock as if it was kept well oiled. She turned to survey the bedchamber. The bed was situated on the right-hand side, facing out into the room and towards the warmth of the fireplace where a small fire burned. At the right-hand side of the bed and behind the door was a sturdy chest of drawers on top of which sat a pitcher and basin and a towel. A plain spindle chair and a small rug had been placed beside the fireplace.

      Madeline walked over to the bed, running her hands over the bed linen, feeling the firmness of the mattress. Everything was clean and fresh, if a little worn. Such humble simplicity seemed a surprising choice for a man who held an earldom. She’d imagined him demanding something more luxurious, more ostentatious. And the landlord and his wife hadn’t cowered from Lucien. In fact, when she thought about it, their attitude hadn’t been dutiful at all. Friendly was definitely a more accurate description. Strange. Especially for a man with Lucien’s reputation.

      She sat down heavily on the bed, fatigue pulling at her shoulders and clouding her mind. Her new brown pelisse slipped off easily enough, folding neatly beneath her fingers. Next came her bonnet, shoes and stockings. The dark green travelling dress proved more difficult to remove without assistance, but with perseverance and a few elaborate body contortions Madeline soon managed. She made her ablutions, resumed the protection

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