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Proposals in Regency Society. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Proposals in Regency Society - Anne Herries

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He frowned. ‘I dare say it was my fault that he was ill.’

      ‘You are blaming yourself, are you not?’

      ‘Yes. I thought he was going to die. It shocked me and I realised I did not wish for it.’

      ‘You care for him,’ Roxanne said and nodded, looking at him curiously. ‘Why do you not do as he asks and marry a suitable girl?’

      ‘Because the only ones I know bore me to tears. I would make him happy if I could, for I believe he may not have long to live—but to marry a woman I could not love is a life sentence. Even for his sake I could not do such a thing.’

      ‘No? I thought men of your class often married for land or money?’

      ‘If one is in difficulty…’ Luke glared at her. ‘My father was forever having affairs. He broke my mother’s heart. As a consequence they quarrelled and…the chaise he was driving went off the road into a ditch filled with water and they were both killed. I was thrown clear and survived. The last thing I remember of that day was my mother screaming at him, crying because he had broken yet another promise. I would not wish to make any woman that miserable.’

      ‘How terrible for you. I think I understand why you feel as you do.’ Roxanne frowned. ‘If the earl does not have long, could you not let him believe you mean to marry and then…?’

      ‘Break it off?’ Luke raised his brows. ‘I should be a fine rogue to dash a young lady’s hopes, should I not? Society would throw me out and I should deserve it.’

      ‘Yes, it was a foolish idea, though if she knew and it was a business arrangement it might be possible,’ Roxanne said and then changed the subject hurriedly because she had been outspoken. ‘I have asked for my supper to be brought here. Did you want something, sir?’

      Luke was staring at her. He looked as if he had been struck by lightning. ‘What did you say—a business arrangement? What exactly did you mean?’

      ‘It was mere foolishness.’ Roxanne’s cheeks burned. ‘I meant nothing—did you want something of me, sir?’

      ‘I’m not sure,’ he said and looked thoughtful. ‘I came to ask if you would dine with me down in the parlour, but perhaps I shall have my meal brought up to my room, too. You have given me food of another kind, Miss Roxanne—something to chew on for a day or two until I am certain of my own mind.’

      Now what did he mean by that? Roxanne would have asked, but her supper arrived and Luke walked away with a nod of the head.

      The sun shone through the small leaded window the next morning, bringing Roxanne from her bed with new energy. She had been up for some minutes when the innkeeper’s wife entered bearing a can of hot water and was grateful for her thoughtfulness.

      ‘Thank you. I was about to use the water left from last night and this is a kind thought.’

      ‘His lordship would expect it, miss. Would you like to eat your breakfast here? His lordship is having his in the private parlour. You could join him, if you wish? He has bacon, devilled eggs, kedgeree and also cold roast ham, besides the toast, of course. You could have the same unless there is something else you would like?’

      ‘If I could have some bread or rolls with honey, that would do very well. I shall come down as soon as I have washed and tidied myself.’

      ‘Of course, miss. Whatever suits you.’

      Roxanne thanked her and she went away. Despite some fears about the future and her present situation, Roxanne had slept well and was feeling refreshed. She was ready and downstairs in a very short time. In the private parlour, Lord Clarendon, as she was trying to think of him, was drinking coffee and reading a newssheet. He looked up as she entered and smiled. She realised not for the first time that he was very attractive and her heart did a funny little skip.

      ‘Ah, Roxanne, did you sleep well? I trust there were no untoward incidents to disturb you last night?’

      ‘None at all, sir. I slept perfectly and feel much refreshed this morning.’

      ‘That is excellent news. I, too, am feeling less strained. I have been thinking about our situation and would like you to consider a suggestion that I believe might suit us both. Am I right in believing that you need to find work almost immediately?’

      ‘Yes, that is so,’ Roxanne replied and sat down just as the innkeeper brought in some warm soft rolls in a covered dish, also butter and a pot of dark honey. ‘Thank you so much.’

      She took a fresh baked roll and spread it with honey. Their host poured her a bowl of fragrant coffee, adding a drop of cream, and then left them alone together. Raising her clear eyes to Luke’s, Roxanne questioned, ‘I am not certain of your meaning?’

      ‘It is a little difficult to explain. Have you been honest with me, Roxanne? From your story I think you honest and of good character—is there something I should know that you have not told me?’

      ‘I do not see why you should need to know anything about me, sir.’ She hesitated, then, ‘I will tell you that I have no memory of my life before Sofia found me more than five summers ago. I was in great distress, near to starving and out of my mind with a fever. I had a kerchief with the initials R. P.—and that is why Sofia called me Roxanne—and Peters was the name of a lady I once did some sewing for. It fits and might be my name, but I do not know the truth.’

      ‘Good grief! So you have no idea who you are?’ He frowned. ‘That could complicate things…’

      ‘What do you mean? What can my past life mean to you?

      ‘Perhaps nothing, perhaps much.’ He glared at her. ‘What else have you kept from me?’

      Roxanne thought of the ruby but decided she would not tell him everything just yet. ‘I do not see what difference it can make to you.’

      ‘It is in my mind to do as you suggested last night—but I should not wish for an unpleasant surprise. I do not want an irate brother or employer turning up on my doorstep causing trouble.’

      ‘I fear you have lost me.’ But she was beginning to feel an odd churning in her stomach and her suspicions were aroused. He could not be suggesting what she thought?

      ‘You want work as an actress and you assured me that you can play royalty or the aristocracy to perfection. What I need is a make-believe wife, Roxanne, a woman who can play the part of my fiancée, and, if necessary, marry me. The marriage would be annulled later—and you would receive a generous settlement. You could then live your own life, abroad should you wish it—or perhaps a nice house in the country, where you could entertain your friends.’

      Roxanne was stunned, speechless at first, and then firm in denial. ‘That is ridiculous, sir. I do not know how you could suggest such a thing. You do not know me—and I do not know you. Even if I agreed, it would be wrong to deceive your grandfather so cruelly.’

      Luke frowned. ‘Last night you said it could be a business arrangement. What is different about my proposal?’

      ‘I meant a young woman of good family who would marry without love for the sake of a home and children—a lady who would be content to remain at home in the country while you lived as you pleased in town. Is that not the way many marriages are arranged?’

      ‘Yes, of course, but I explained how I felt about that, the distress and misery it can cause. A proper business arrangement, where the lady in question is paid a sum of money and understands her position from the start—that should not cause unhappiness at all, should it?’

      ‘No, not if the lady was content with the arrangement.’ Roxanne saw the slightly excited, expectant look on his face. ‘I am not a lady, sir. I told you, I do not know who I am—and I have lived with travelling players for some years. I have appeared on various stages

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