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A Date with Dishonour. Mary BrendanЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Date with Dishonour - Mary Brendan

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heard that gentleman has his pockets constantly to let,’ Mrs Vickers chipped in with a knowing nod.

      ‘The music is very fine this evening, don’t you think?’ Elise had no liking for Fiona’s suitor either, but she felt uneasy talking about any of the Chapmans behind their backs. ‘I’m sure Mr and Mrs Chapman would like to say hello—would you come over with us a little later?’

      ‘That would be nice, Dolly, wouldn’t it?’ Edith enthused. She drew her cloak tidily about her in readiness to make a move.

      Aunt Dolly appeared not to have heard her friend’s comment. ‘Why is that fellow staring at us, I wonder?’ Dolly had been having an innocent glance about when she’d noticed a gentleman taking an interest in them.

      ‘Oh, it is Hugh!’ Edith clapped her hands in delight. ‘Hugh Kendrick is my nephew and a capital young man.’ She waved her hand at him, before beckoning excitedly. ‘I have not bumped into him in town for an age. He was probably hanging back, unsure whether he’d correctly identified me. He appears a little stockier, but just as handsome,’ she chattered on, while urging her nephew to hurry over with an impatiently flapping hand. ‘He is my sister’s youngest, you know, and a very popular chap. One of his good friends has a country estate and Hugh spends a lot of the year in Berkshire.’ Edith shook one of Dolly’s arms to emphasise the information she was about to impart. ‘Viscount Blackthorne has a vast acreage. And with Hugh being the youngest son he has not much in the way of prospects or property to look forward to, so gratefully accepts such favours.’ She sniffed. ‘It is a shame because he is so much nicer than his older brother who will get the lot. Toby Kendrick is a stuffed shirt and mean with it—’ She broke off that hissed aside to welcome her nephew.

      ‘How have you been, Hugh? And your mama?’ Edith clasped her nephew’s hands. ‘I’m afraid I must scold my sister soon; I have been waiting for a letter from her for the past six months. I was just saying to my companions, you and I have been strangers for too long.’

      ‘Had I known you had the acquaintance of such pretty young ladies, Aunt Edith, I would have been a far more regular visitor to Hammersmith.’

      Edith’s nephew had spoken teasingly and the compliment made Elise chuckle rather than cringe.

      ‘And we are pleased to make your acquaintance, sir,’ Bea responded with a smile that brought a dimple to her cheek. Her eyes darted to her sister before her lashes lowered.

      Elise remembered that look very well. A mix of anticipation and excitement had gleamed in Beatrice’s eyes the first time Mr Vaughan had paid her attention on a previous occasion when they’d been in town visiting the Chapmans.

      And Hugh Kendrick was paying attention to Beatrice, Elise realised. Although he was politely conversing with their aunt Dolly, his warm gaze was returning again and again to her sister.

      Elise could understand why he had quickly impressed Bea; in the short while since he’d joined them Hugh Kendrick had displayed an amiable manner, lively conversation and he was good-looking to boot.

      But he had no prospects. His aunt had disclosed that he was the youngest son with little to look forward to, hence his grateful acceptance of favours from his rich and generous friend. Inwardly Elise sighed for she feared her sister might again pin her hopes where there was little chance of success.

      ‘We are going over to talk to the Chapmans—will you come and say hello too?’ Now Hugh had joined them, Edith wanted to keep his company for a while; he had a way of fitting in and enlivening the atmosphere.

      Having spotted the group Hugh’s smile faded. ‘I believe Mr Whittiker might not appreciate my presence. We are not the best of friends.’

      ‘Then indeed you must come with us, sir,’ Elise insisted in a dry undertone. ‘And we will all approach him in like mind.’

      Hugh chuckled, swinging a glance between the sisters. ‘I knew straight away you were sensible as well as pretty girls.’

      ‘He is courting Fiona Chapman,’ Bea chipped in with a grimace that gave enough of her opinion to render words unnecessary.

      Hugh politely offered Bea an arm to clasp and she immediately took it with a shy smile. He would have extended the same courtesy to Elise, but she’d skipped a little ahead and joined their matronly aunts who were already squeezing a path through the crowd.

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