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Defiant in the Viking's Bed. Joanna FulfordЧитать онлайн книгу.

Defiant in the Viking's Bed - Joanna Fulford

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man there wore mail and was armed to the teeth besides.

      ‘Mercenaries,’ murmured Astrid.

      ‘What are they doing here?’

      ‘I don’t know but I’d be prepared to swear it has nothing to do with the wedding celebrations.’

      ‘I’m inclined to think you’re right.’

      Astrid watched with misgivings as row upon row of warriors marched in. No green boys these, she decided. They were men grown, seasoned fighters by the look of them, the kind who’d kill without a qualm. She estimated at least a hundred. Their leader was a burly hatchet-faced individual whose dark beard was plaited and interwoven with a strip of red cloth.

      ‘That’s Steingrim out in front,’ said Dalla. ‘The one-eyed brute on his right is Thorkill. They’ve been here before.’

      ‘Not the sort you’d want to meet on a dark night.’

      ‘Not the sort you’d want to meet at all, my lady. Their kind will kill and maim because they enjoy it.’

      Hearing the servant give voice to her former thought Astrid’s frown deepened. ‘With these and the men Hakke brought with him before he’s got a small army. What’s he up to?’

      ‘Nothing good, I’ll wager.’

      ‘See what you can find out, Dalla.’

      * * *

      It was late afternoon before the servant returned. Her expression only increased Astrid’s apprehension.

      ‘What did you learn?’

      ‘You were right; their arrival has nothing to do with the wedding. They’ve been brought here for a hall burning.’


      ‘Some of them were openly talking about it earlier. They were virtually straining at the leash.’

      The feeling of foreboding increased. ‘Whose hall, Dalla?’

      ‘Leif Egilsson and his kin. It seems the prince intends to settle a score.’

      Astrid paled. ‘When?’


      For a second or two Astrid was speechless. Such a possibility had never occurred to her. Only now was the extent of Hakke’s malice apparent. It filled her with disgust. Mingled with that was concern for Leif, and it went deeper than she’d realised.

      ‘This mustn’t be allowed to happen.’

      ‘How can you stop it, my lady?’

      ‘By getting a message to the intended victims first.’

      Dalla raised an eyebrow. ‘That’s quite a risk to take for a group of strangers.’

      ‘Leif Egilsson once did me a service and I am not one to forget such things.’ It was a partial truth only but it would have to serve. The rest was too complex to explain, even to herself.

      ‘If the prince or Jarl Einar found out...’

      ‘They won’t find out, not if the matter is handled with care. One man could slip away unnoticed and take a message.’ Astrid paused. ‘All I need is someone who can be trusted.’

      ‘I know of one person—the stableman, Ari. He keeps himself to himself but he’s reliable. He might be prepared to go.’

      ‘There’s no time to lose. Go and ask him.’

      As the maid hurried away, Astrid glanced through the open doorway where afternoon was merging into early evening. She let out a long slow breath. She had to keep calm. Nothing would be served by panic. If she could get a message to Leif all might yet be well. It would mean some disruption to their plans but surely that was not insurmountable, unless of course he decided to cut his losses and leave without her. That was a possibility. He didn’t seem to be the kind of man to renege on a promise but it was a question of risk. It would be simpler to save his skin rather than hers. After all, it was nothing to him if Astrid had to wed Gulbrand. A man like Leif would have no trouble finding another mistress either. She bit her lip. Would he keep faith with her? Would he come for her?

      * * *

      Twenty minutes later Dalla returned. In response to Astrid’s quizzical look she nodded.

      ‘He’s agreed to go.’

      Relief rose like a tide. ‘The gods be thanked. I’ll make sure he’s amply rewarded for this.’

      ‘Let’s hope the warning arrives in time,’ said Dalla.

      * * *

      Leif reached for a loaf and broke off a sizeable chunk. A day in the open air had given him a keen appetite. Quite apart from the usual chores, he’d also had to put his other plans in train as well. That he’d been able to do so was due in no small part to his brother and cousin and a well-trained crew. If anyone was surprised by the suddenness of their forthcoming voyage it was never mentioned, and the men set about their preparations with a minimum of discussion and the speed born of long practice. Arrangements had also been made to leave a few reliable men in charge of the estate. Everything was in place. All he had to do now was fetch Astrid.

      Her decision to come with him still carried with it an element of surprise. He had been quite open about what the relationship would be but she had still elected to go with him rather than marry Gulbrand. It was a courageous choice in many ways. It also raised interesting questions. Was this just the lesser of two evils? He preferred to think that wasn’t the case, that he hadn’t imagined the spark between them. The answer would be evident soon enough, a thought that filled him with a sense of anticipation. He couldn’t recall anything he’d wanted half as much. Did a woman’s value increase in proportion to the risk involved in winning her? If so, their relationship was likely to be a protracted affair.

      The torches flared in a sudden draught and he looked up as the oaken door of the hall swung open to admit Trygg.

      ‘A messenger has just arrived, my lord. Man by the name of Ari. Says he brings important news.’

      Leif frowned and lowered his cup. ‘Admit him.’

      ‘What in Hel’s name does a messenger want at this hour?’ demanded Finn.

      ‘Good question.’

      The question was uppermost in other minds too and around the table conversation died as their shield companions exchanged quizzical glances. Before anyone could say anything more Ari came in and hastened across the hall to the high table.

      ‘My lord, I am sent by Lady Astrid to deliver a warning.’

      ‘What warning?’

      ‘That Steingrim and a large contingent of men are on their way here.’

      Conversation died and all eyes turned towards the speaker. Leif’s expression lost all traces of good humour.

      ‘Steingrim comes here?’

      ‘Aye, my lord. They mean to attack tonight and to kill all they find.’

      The men remained silent and for several moments the only sound was from the crackling logs in the hearth.

      Leif’s eyes glinted. ‘How did your mistress find out about this?’

      ‘Steingrim’s men were openly discussing it.’

      ‘How many men has he got?’

      ‘Two ships’ crews of his own, my lord, but Thorkill has brought a third.’

      The news elicited murmurs of angry disbelief. Leif’s jaw tightened as he assimilated the implications. In that he wasn’t alone.

      ‘Hakke doesn’t give up, does he?’ said Finn.

      Erik frowned. ‘We should have killed the treacherous bastard when we had the chance.’


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