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Chosen by the Lieutenant. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Chosen by the Lieutenant - Anne Herries

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Papa will go home, but Lord Armstrong will escort us home if need be.’

      ‘Pray allow me to offer my services,’ Phipps said. ‘Your home is not so far distant from my own and I shall pay my father a visit in a few weeks. I could quite easily escort you there—and take you home when your visit is done.’

      Amanda looked at him steadily, trying to understand what he was thinking. His attentions were more marked today—was she wrong? Was he in fact thinking of making her an offer after all and how would she answer him?

      Her heart raced for a moment, then he directed his attention to Jane Field, who was walking back to them with Major Brockley by her side. There was for the moment no sign of the marquis.

      ‘I am so sorry,’ Jane said, looking flustered as she came up to them. ‘I hope I have not kept anyone waiting?’

      ‘The picnic is quite informal,’ Major Brockley said kindly. ‘No need for embarrassment, Miss Field.’

      The company had taken little notice, interested only in the delicious food being served to them by the marquis’s servants, and only Amanda seemed to be aware of the flush in the shy girl’s cheeks or the fact that the marquis did not immediately come to join them.

      * * *

      When he did return he studiously refused to look at either Jane Field or Major Brockley, and soon after the food was devoured the company split up to stroll by the river. Jane stayed close to Amanda’s side and Major Brock accompanied them, though Phipps had joined some of the other ladies and gentlemen.

      * * *

      It was not until they were on the way home that Jane confessed that the marquis had been a little too ardent in his attentions for her liking.

      ‘He wanted me to walk further down the bank with him and the way he looked at me—I was ready to die,’ she whispered to Amanda. ‘Truly, I was afraid he meant to—to seduce me, but then Major Brock came and the marquis went off alone.’

      Since Amanda had expected something of the sort, she was not surprised. She had instinctively disliked the marquis from the start and guessed that he had turned his attention to her shy friend because he was angry that Miss Langton had not come to the picnic he had arranged especially for her.

      It was perhaps as well that she had not, for if he was not to be trusted Cynthia must be warned.

       Chapter Three

      Much to Amanda’s surprise when she next went into society, she discovered that most of the ladies and gentlemen who had flocked to join her and Cynthia continued to pay her attention. She had taken Jane Field under her wing and the girl accompanied her to most of the balls, routs, card evenings, soirées and other diversions society was pleased to hold for the delight of its friends.

      Only Shearne and one or two other gentlemen, who were particular admirers of Miss Langton’s, had deserted to the side of another rather pretty young girl freshly come to town. Moreover, Amanda found that another gentleman of some importance had joined her court. Lord Armstrong was often to be seen at the ton parties, sometimes accompanied by his mama, at others alone. He invariably spent time sitting or standing next to Amanda and danced with her at least once on every occasion, taking her into supper at one very splendid affair.

      ‘Mama is so looking forward to your company,’ he told her one evening when the countess had not appeared. ‘She has been dining with friends most evenings and was too tired to come tonight—as she says, balls make her long to dance and it is a little sad only to watch when one was accounted good at something.’

      ‘Yes, sad indeed,’ Amanda agreed warmly. ‘I think her very brave to attempt this visit to London, for it must be so much easier to stay at home and have everyone come to you.’

      ‘Yes, though a little boring. Mama was a lively person until her accident.’

      ‘I imagine so. It is unfortunate for her.’

      ‘She does not speak of it, but is often in pain. One of her main reasons for coming was to see a doctor she had heard of who may be able to help relieve at least some of her discomfort.’

      ‘Then I hope she has good news from him.’

      ‘You are truly a kind girl,’ Lord Armstrong said. ‘As an heiress in your own right, and widely admired, you might have become spoiled or selfish, but you retain a pleasant manner and seem to show true interest in your friends. I have noticed your kindness to Miss Field.’

      ‘Jane is a little shy,’ Amanda replied. ‘I do not think I betray a secret if I tell you that she was not at first invited everywhere—but that is no longer the case. Now she has several admirers and friends of her own.’

      ‘Due to your generosity in taking her everywhere with you, I dare say.’

      ‘Oh...’ Amanda blushed. ‘Until recently, it was I who was taken everywhere in Miss Langton’s train. However, she has been unwell and her mama takes her home the day after tomorrow.’

      ‘Miss Langton is your particular friend?’

      ‘We are good friends,’ Amanda agreed. ‘I shall visit her tomorrow to take my leave of her—and I believe she may wish me to visit her at her home in a few weeks.’

      ‘After your visit with my mother, I dare say?’

      ‘Perhaps, though I must go home first. Papa will not wish me to be lost to all sense of duty. At home there are people—cousins and friends—who will wish to hear all about my trip to town. To keep them waiting too long would be unfair. I visit some of our dependants most weeks to take them comfits and keep them company for an hour or so; Papa would think me lost to anything but pleasure if I neglected them too long.’

      ‘As I said before, you are a generous girl—but these people will have to learn to do without you when you marry, you know.’

      ‘Yes, of course. Mama or my cousins will take over my duties then—but if and when I marry, I shall pay proper farewell visits and so satisfy their wish to say goodbye.’

      Lord Armstrong inclined his head and said no more on the subject, but he had a small smile on his lips and, when Amanda was asked to dance next, she saw him seek out Jane Field. The thought crossed her mind that if he were looking for a companion for his mama, he could not do better than Jane—but she was not certain how the girl would feel, for he was a very strong-willed man.

      * * *

      Amanda danced almost every dance that evening and it was not until supper that she had a chance to talk to Jane.

      ‘Are you enjoying yourself? I saw you dancing with Lord Armstrong, Mr Pearson and Major Brockley. I do not think you have often sat out this evening.’

      ‘Oh, no, everyone has been so kind, especially Lord Armstrong,’ Jane said. ‘He admires you so much, Amanda, and talked to me of you in such tones that I think he is falling in love with you.’

      ‘Oh, no,’ Amanda denied, her cheeks heating. ‘I am sure it is not so, Jane. He speaks of me because he knows we are friends. You would make him a much better wife than I should.’

      ‘No...’ Jane’s cheeks went hot. ‘I am sure he would not look at me. I am such a little mouse...and you are so clever and bright, and pretty too,’ she added loyally.

      Amanda pealed with laughter. ‘Jane, you must not tell fibs! I may have a quick mind, but I am not pretty. You cannot truly think it?’

      ‘Oh, I know that beside Miss Langton you may appear merely attractive,’ Jane replied earnestly. ‘She is a diamond of the first water, of course, and few ladies can compare to her. When she is not here you are as pretty as most other girls.’

      ‘If I were not quite as plump, or a little taller, I suppose I might be thought quite attractive,’ Amanda said with devastating frankness. ‘I am trying not to eat quite as much.’

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