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A Western Christmas. Louise M. GougeЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Western Christmas - Louise M. Gouge

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Ellie smiled, as well. Kate was her assistant, her costume designer and the reason for this early morning visit to the dress shop her friend had inherited from her grandmother.

      “Ellie.” Kate took her hands. “You aren’t alone in this. I’m right in the middle of the muddled fray with you.”

      It was exactly what she needed to hear.

      “You and me,” Kate said, winking again, “working side by side on the play, why, it’ll be just like old times.”

      Just like old times.

      Nearly the same words she’d spoken to Caleb moments earlier. They’d seemed appropriate at the time, but now Ellie felt foolish having uttered them.

      Things could never be as they once were; too much time had passed. But maybe, just maybe, that wasn’t such a bad thing.

       Chapter Three

      Later that afternoon, just as Ellie feared, play practice turned into an unruly mess. She willed back the tears that would have formed in her eyes had she given them a chance.

      Not that any of the children would notice if she gave into her silent despair. At the moment, they were engaged in a rousing game of tag, weaving in and out of the pews, laughing and chattering so loudly Ellie could hardly think over the ruckus.

      The only children paying her any attention were Caleb’s beautiful five-year-old twins. Hannah and Grace Voss were fast capturing Ellie’s heart as they followed her around the interior of the church like two little miniature shadows. They’d stuck close to her ever since their housekeeper had dropped them off fifteen minutes ago.

      Ellie smiled down at the girls, taking in their identical sweet, tiny features, light brown hair and big green eyes the same color as their father’s. They each looked up at her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to tell them what to do.

      Two down, she told herself firmly, only thirteen to go.

      “When are we going to get started?” Hannah asked.

      “Soon,” Ellie replied. “So stay close to me.”

      “Okay,” the girls said in unison.

      Smiling, Ellie put a hand on each of their shoulders and pulled them near.

      High-pitched squeals rent the air. The game had heated up, boys against girls. Someone was going to end up hurt.

      Enough. “Everyone, please, settle down.”

      Her request was promptly ignored.

      For a woman who’d spent almost two years in a schoolroom of twenty-five boys and girls—ages six to fifteen—Ellie was supposed to be an expert at maintaining control in the midst of chaos. Well, of course she was an expert.

      With the Voss twins following hard on her heels, she moved to the front of the church and did what she was trained to do.

      She took control.

      “Boys and girls.” She clapped her hands once, twice, three times. “Everyone gather around. It’s time to get started.”

      When they continued to ignore her, she whistled, loudly, a technique she’d mastered in her first months in the classroom.

      Half of the unruly children abruptly froze. Ellie repeated her request. They obeyed, probably because they’d grown bored with chasing one another.

      With quick, concise words, she directed the group to sit on the floor at her feet then repeated her previous order, raising her voice to be heard over the boisterous laughter.

      Another five children joined the others at the front of the church. Three mutineers remained, two boys and a girl, all of similar ages, somewhere between nine and eleven. They continued chasing one another around the perimeter of the room. Ellie bodily inserted herself in the middle of their game, forcing them to either stop or ram straight into her.

      They stopped.

      Wide-eyed and shifting from foot to foot, they seemed unsure what to expect from her. She took advantage of their uncertainty. “Now that I have your attention, please join the rest of us.”

      Her tone brooked no argument.

      The three dutifully complied. “Yes, Miss Ellie.”

      The moment she returned to her spot at the front of the church, the various whispered conversations drew to a halt.

      Ellie quickly organized the children into two groups, the older ones with speaking parts and the younger ones who would sing three separate songs during the play.

      Kate chose that moment to rush into the building. “What did I miss?”

      Ellie smiled at her friend’s flushed face and somewhat wild hair. “Nothing much, we’re only just getting started.”

      “Wonderful.” With a pointed, I-told-you-so grin, her friend swept her gaze over the children. “I see you have everything under control.”

      Ignoring Kate’s smug tone, Ellie put her to work. “If you could run through the play with the older children, I’ll teach the little ones the first song they’ll be singing.”

      “Sounds good to me.” Script in hand, Kate collected her charges and escorted them to the back of the church.

      Ellie settled on the floor between Hannah and Grace Voss. The twins sat on either side of her, so close they practically crawled into her lap.

      As a teacher, Ellie wasn’t supposed to pick favorites; she knew this, knew the dangers of getting too close to any one child—or in this case two children. Yet she was already falling for the twins. She wondered if her fondness for them had something to do with her connection to their father.

      Ellie shook her head at herself. Had she not learned her lesson in Colorado? Her affection for Monroe’s daughters had only led to heartache. Saying goodbye to them had been the hardest thing she’d ever done, maybe even harder than hearing Monroe retract his offer of marriage.

      Yet, here she was, already growing attached to another widower’s young daughters. Not a wise move, considering their father was actively seeking a woman to marry solely to take on the role as their mother. Caleb wasn’t looking for love. And Ellie wasn’t looking to act solely as a mother to his or any man’s children. She wanted a real marriage and a family of her own.

      Don’t get too close, she ordered, even as her arms wrapped around the girls’ shoulders.

      Realizing what she’d done, Ellie quickly returned her hands to her lap and focused on the entire group of children. “Who wants to learn the first song we’ll be singing Christmas Eve?”

      Seven tiny hands shot in the air.

      She soon discovered that most of the boys and girls were familiar with the tune that accompanied the song “What Child Is This?” But they were shaky on the words. Repetition would be the key to their success, besides keeping to a single verse, maybe two if they learned the first one quickly.

      She sang the first two lines then had the boys and girls repeat after her. “Well-done,” she praised. “Let’s try that again.”

      On the second time through, she looked over at Kate with the other children. A quick headcount told her that one of the older boys had disappeared from the group. She was just about to alert her friend to the problem when Brody Driscoll reappeared, a mischievous grin on his face.

      Ellie’s heart dipped. She’d seen that look on too many young faces not to recognize that trouble lay but a heartbeat away.

      Proving her gloomy forecast accurate, a frightened female screech cut through the children’s singing, which was followed by several more shrieks—also female.

      Ellie sighed as the girls, still screaming at the top of their

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