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Once Upon A Texas Christmas. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Once Upon A Texas Christmas - Winnie Griggs

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did you think of Mr. Reynolds?”

      Constance gave her a wry smile. “Based on the five-minute conversation I had with him, he seems a nice enough gent. A little stiff perhaps, but that’s understandable since he’s new here.”

      She cut Abigail a sideways look. “The real question is, what do you think of him?”

      Abigail gave the question careful consideration. “He’s very business-minded in his approach, but earnest and willing to listen. As far as I can tell, he’s also very good at his job.” Then she waved a hand. “Which isn’t surprising since the judge hired him.”

      “But do you like him?”

      “I don’t dislike him.”

      “That’s not exactly an answer.”

      “I’m still trying to figure out how I feel. I got the impression he wasn’t happy to learn I’d be working with him, but that could just be because he was caught by surprise. And his all-business demeanor can be a bit off-putting. But there’s also something about him that’s seems so honorable.” She wanted to call it vulnerability, but that was ridiculous.

      He was also handsome in a severe sort of way, but that wasn’t something she needed to comment on, even to her best friend.

      Thankfully, Constance decided to take the conversation on a tangent. “Have you told him yet about you wanting the hotel-manager job?”

      “I hinted at it but didn’t come right out and ask. However, I did ask him to teach me the job, and he’s agreed.”

      “Well, that’s promising.”

      “It is. But I can tell he’s going to need a lot of convincing.”

      “You’re smart and a quick study. I’m sure, once he’s worked with you a while, he’ll see how good a job you’d do.”

      “I sincerely hope so.” She gave her friend’s arm a squeeze. “Oh, Constance, I think this is something I’d really like to do. Working with the hotel staff, and the guests and everything else that goes with the job.”

      “Then I’m certain it’ll all work out. I’ve never known you to fail at anything you’ve set your mind to.”

      Abigail sincerely hoped her friend was right. Then she gave Constance’s arm a squeeze. “But enough about me. Tell me, has Calvin asked you to step out with him yet?”

      She grinned as Constance began to protest, perhaps a bit too strongly, that there was absolutely nothing between her and Calvin Hendricks. And the rest of their walk was filled with inconsequential conversation.

      * * *

      When Abigail arrived at the hotel early the next morning, she found the night clerk still there.

      “Good morning, Larry. Is Mr. Reynolds about?”

      “I ain’t seen hide nor hair of him this morning.” Larry sounded put out, but that wasn’t unusual for the curmudgeonly night clerk. “He told me I was to stay on duty until he relieved me, but I’ve got to get on home now.”

      Pleased that she’d made it here ahead of Mr. Reynolds, Abigail gave Larry a bright smile. “You can go on. I’m scheduled to work the desk this morning.”

      Larry didn’t wait to be told twice. Almost before she’d finished speaking, he was around the counter and waving goodbye.

      Abigail took his place and waited to see what kind of reception she’d get from Mr. Reynolds when he finally made his appearance.

      Twenty minutes later he still hadn’t shown up and she was getting worried. Where was the man? Maybe he’d slipped out of his room without Larry noticing. Had he gone over to inspect the progress of the construction work?

      Mr. Reynolds struck her as a scrupulously punctual person and she definitely didn’t think he was one to oversleep.

      Ruby came down the stairs and Abigail immediately called her over. “Have you seen Mr. Reynolds this morning?”

      “No, but I’ve been upstairs getting room three ready for a new guest.”

      “Would you please keep an eye on the desk while I check on something?”

      Abigail headed for the kitchen, where she found Della peeling potatoes. “Good morning. Have you seen Mr. Reynolds today by any chance?”

      Della shook her head as she set down her knife and wiped her hands on her apron. “No, I haven’t. He’s not come down for breakfast yet. He didn’t eat much supper last night, either—sent his tray back with hardly a thing touched.”

      Next Abigail followed the sound of the hammering and spoke to Mr. Hendricks, who also gave her a negative response. Beginning to really worry, Abigail decided it was time to take more drastic measures.

      Abigail learned from Ruby that he’d moved into the first-floor rooms the Crandalls had vacated. She quickly headed for the suite and knocked. She waited several seconds, then knocked again, this time more forcefully.

      When she still didn’t get a response, Abigail hesitated, chewing on her lower lip. Had he gone out to run an errand? She could be worried over nothing. But what if he hadn’t?

      Then she heard a sound that raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

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