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Greek Affairs: In the Boss's Arms. Barbara McMahonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Greek Affairs: In the Boss's Arms - Barbara McMahon

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reached out with two hands and grabbed hers in both of his, pulling her close to the bed. The sheet moved down. Lucy had a stomach clenching view of narrow hips and dark hair just above—

      With a smooth move she never saw coming he tumbled her down, so that she lay flat on her back. He loomed, huge and dark over her, his hands still capturing hers, held against her belly, his knuckles brushing the sensitive undersides of her breasts. Her heart was beating so fast she felt dizzy, but then his head was lowering to hers, his mouth slanting over hers, and within seconds dizziness had been replaced with heat and sensation. His naked torso crushed her chest. He released her hands and she instinctively wound them around his neck as she arched voluptuously towards him.

      Never had she imagined feeling like this. This rightness. She fitted him; he fitted her. The moment she ached for him to touch her somewhere he touched her; the moment she wanted him to deepen the kiss he deepened it—sucking her tongue deep, biting her lip, pressing fiery kisses down over her jaw and further, until he hovered teasingly over her breasts.

      He cupped one and then the other, caressing their firm smoothness. Lucy’s breathing was fractured, jerky. She looked down but couldn’t bear the eroticism of seeing her breasts in his hands like that. So she closed her eyes and cried out when he took one burning nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, rolling the tip, flicking it with his tongue, grazing it with his teeth before suckling hard again.

      Lucy was burning up, her hands in his hair as he cupped both the voluptuous mounds together, his mouth tasting and testing each peak until they were throbbing with arousal.

      ‘Please …’ she begged brokenly.

      Her hips moved in a silent and primeval rhythm, her lower body on fire. She looked down to see Aristotle looking up at her, eyes dark green, cheeks flushed. His huge broad shoulders blocked out the light as he finally released her breasts and came over her on strong arms, lean and awe-inspiring.

      ‘Are you ready?’

      She nodded jerkily. She wanted to say yes to anything this man said, not even caring what he meant.

      ‘Are you sure? I think we should check, just in case … don’t you?’

      ‘Yes,’ Lucy gasped. ‘Whatever—just do it …’

      He smiled down at her even as she registered that the sheet had fallen away and his powerful erection nudged her belly. On pure instinct she reached down and covered him with her hand, heat suffusing her face and neck as she registered the size of him—fully aroused.

      He grimaced as her hand tightened on him and he took it gently away. ‘That’s why we have to see if you’re ready Lucy, mou … patience.’

      She didn’t know what mou meant, but then he disappeared, and Lucy gave a yelp when she felt him drawing her pants down, over her hips and down her legs, before he spread her legs apart with big hands. Lucy tried to resist the movement, which felt far too intimate, but he was ruthless, eyes on hers, holding her, telling her to trust him as his head lowered. She closed her eyes and put a fist to her mouth to hold back the groan when she felt his breath feather in the intimate space between her legs, and then the sensation of his mouth and tongue on her nearly sent her shooting into the stars.

      He licked her, exploring her secret folds, thrusting deep into her, circling and sucking on her clitoris until her hips were lifting off the bed, wantonly jerking towards him, her teeth biting down on her fist.

      When she felt two fingers slide deep into her slick heat everything in her body teetered on an edge that she’d never known before; every nerve pulled tight. But then he was withdrawing for a moment. She heard a drawer slam shut, a foil wrapper, and then he was back over her, strong, hair-roughened thighs parting her own smoother ones even more.

      She could feel his erection nudging her down there, where she burned. He moved back and forth, drawing his penis along the moistened and plump folds of her sex, eliciting a deep groan from somewhere deep within her. She was almost mindless for the need for something … she wasn’t sure what it was … it hovered just out of reach.

      Lucy put her hands on his shoulders. They glistened with sweat, and the feeling of something so earthy made her rejoice.

      ‘Ari …’ she breathed. ‘Please—I’m ready.’

      And that was when Ari’s control broke. He heard her husky words, felt her tip her hips up towards him, reach down to take hold of him, forcing him to impale her slightly. And then he drove in deep and hard, knowing instinctively that this woman was made for him alone and they would fit like a glove.

      Ari stilled his movements—both of them did. Lucy’s eyes were wide with shock at the sensation of him filling her, but it wasn’t painful … it was delicious.

      She moved again, experimentally, and Aristotle sank into her even more, pushing her down into the bed. Lucy wrapped one leg around his waist and threw her head back, hands still clinging onto his shoulders as he slowly withdrew and then impaled her again. He continued with his slow, voluptuous rhythm, the pleasure building and building. Lucy could feel her body starting to shake as he took her other leg and bent it back, opening her up to him even more, changing the angle slightly, going even deeper, and as his movements started to get faster and more urgent Lucy could feel the onset of something so huge, so terrifying as it came hurtling towards her, that she tensed—even though everything in her was urging her to meet it head-on.

      Aristotle bent his head, his body holding her suspended with his movements, and kissed her deeply. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, her arms clasping his neck. ‘Let go, Lucy … It’s OK … let go.’

      Holding on tight, she took the final, terrifying leap and let go … and was thrown so high and so far on the wave of her orgasm that she was hardly even aware of Aristotle’s own explosive loss of control as his big powerful body jerked and still rhythmically thrust into hers as the never-ending ripples of her orgasm held him suspended in a halfway world he’d never known before.

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