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A Regency Lord's Command. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Regency Lord's Command - Anne Herries

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gaze narrowed. ‘Yes, it was unfortunate, of course, but we have plenty of time for visiting Paris. I thought Lucinda should get to know everyone and that is why I arranged the ball.’

      ‘Everyone always loves your balls. What is the theme this time?’

      ‘I’ve left that to Lucinda,’ Justin replied. ‘We have had several themes in the past: eastern palaces, knights and dragons. What had you in mind, Lucinda?’

      He had not mentioned that the ball needed a theme! Lucinda felt a spurt of anger, but controlled it. How was she supposed to know that there was always a theme for the ball? Yet her fertile mind soon supplied an answer.

      ‘I thought we might have witches, elves and trolls,’ she said and smiled. ‘Unless that has already been used?’

      ‘Witches and wizards,’ Andrew said before Justin could reply. ‘I don’t think I recall that one—sounds like great fun to me. You must remember to put it on the invitation, Lucinda, give everyone a chance to prepare a costume.’

      ‘I dare say we could provide a tall hat for everyone and a mask,’ she said, warming to her theme. ‘A dark flowing gown for the ladies and a domino for the men and there you have your disguise—of course, anyone brave enough to come as an elf or a troll would need something more daring.’

      ‘Are you putting us on our mettle, Duchess?’ Andrew looked much amused. ‘I reserve the right to prepare my own costume and so will Jane. I think we shall surprise you.’

      Lucinda’s eyes lit up with mischief. ‘Oh, yes, that sounds so much fun. I think we shall all enjoy seeing each other’s costumes—do you not think so, Justin?’

      She turned to look at him and saw that his expression had changed again, not distant but distinctly colder.

      ‘If it pleases you both, who am I to cavil?’ he asked. ‘I also shall endeavour to come up with my own costume and surprise you.’

      ‘I had no idea a ball could be so amusing,’ Lucinda said. ‘It was good of you to suggest it, Justin. I shall enjoy it so much.’

      ‘It is my mission in life to make you happy, my dear Duchess,’ he replied gallantly, but she caught an inflection in his voice that told her he was controlling himself with some difficulty.

      After tea, Lucinda left the men to talk and went up to her rooms on the pretext of a rest before changing for the evening. In fact, she had a sentence to add to the pile of invitations she had already completed. She could only be thankful that she had not put them out for posting that morning. Had Lord Lanchester not mentioned the theme, she would have disappointed those who were expecting the ball to have its own theme.

      It was neglectful of Justin not to tell her. There was so much she needed to know if she was to follow in the footsteps of those who had come before her at Avonlea. She had already disappointed Justin in the matter of her innocence; she must try very hard to be a good hostess for his friends.

      That evening at dinner Justin was polite, but distant once more. After they had dined he did not linger over his port, but accompanied her to the small parlour that he preferred in the evenings when they had no guests.

      ‘How did you happen to meet Lanchester this afternoon?’ he enquired as he stood by the fireplace and sipped the glass of port he had carried with him.

      ‘I had been for a walk and we met by chance. As he wished to see you, we walked back to the house together.’

      ‘Have you consulted with Mrs Mann about the food for the ball?’

      ‘Yes, Justin. I asked her to show me some menus that might be suitable for supper and approved the one I thought best. Did you wish to approve it yourself?’

      ‘No, I trust you to have made the proper decision with Mrs Mann’s help. She has been here many years and my mother said she was a treasure.’

      ‘Yes, I am certain she is very capable.’ Lucinda hesitated, wondering whether she ought to ask about the attic rooms, then decided to leave it for the moment. ‘I should be grateful for your mother’s diaries if you would give them to me, Avonlea. I had no idea that a theme was needed for the ball until Andrew mentioned it.’

      ‘You are on first-name terms with Lanchester?’

      ‘Oh, yes. Jane and I are such good friends. I do not use his name often, but since you and he are such close friends and neighbours it would seem foolish to stand on ceremony.’

      ‘Neighbours, yes. We were not always friends. We fought a duel over a woman once, but we both fired in the air and made it up afterwards. In truth, she wasn’t worth wasting the shot.’

      ‘That is rather unkind, Avonlea.’

      ‘She was an opera singer—which is a polite name for her true trade, if you must know.’

      ‘I see…I suppose she was your mistress.’

      ‘Andrew’s actually until I cut him out.’

      ‘Then you were at fault.’

      ‘It was for a bet. Some of the fellows wagered that I could not do it—so of course I had to prove them wrong. I’m not sure he has forgiven me.’

      ‘Would you have forgiven him, had it been the other way round?’

      ‘Lord, yes, he hardly cared for her.’

      ‘I think Lord Lanchester would not have fought over a woman he did not care for.’

      ‘He is no white knight, Lucinda. I should be careful of walking in woods alone with him.’

      ‘Avonlea! You are not suggesting that he—or I—would think of…’ She gave him a reproachful look. ‘I am not a lightskirt, whatever you may think of me.’

      ‘No, of course. Forgive me.’ He looked conscious. ‘I did not mean it that way, Lucinda. Andrew is a normal man and he likes you. Alone in the woods he might be tempted to take advantage.’

      ‘He is my friend, but he is also yours. Excuse me, I think I shall go to bed.’

      He was on his feet and caught her arm as she got up to leave. ‘No, Lucinda, forgive me. I did not mean to offend you. It was a careless remark, nothing more.’

      ‘What happened—the rape—I did nothing to encourage him. I give you my word.’

      ‘I believe you. I am a fool,’ Justin apologised. ‘I do not mean to quarrel with you, Lucinda. It is just my pride. Of course I do not think you of easy virtue.’

      She sighed, her throat tight with emotion. ‘I think I have killed your affection for me. I fear this marriage will not work.’

      ‘We shall not let it fail.’ The pressure of his fingers was almost painful as he looked down at her. For a moment passion blazed in his eyes and then he bent his head, brushing his mouth softly over hers. Her lips parted on a sigh and his tongue entered her mouth as he deepened the kiss. Lucinda’s fingers moved at his nape as she relished his caress, a little shiver running through her. Her body had begun to heat and she wanted to cling to him, but held back for fear of displeasing him. His eyes darkened and he frowned as he withdrew. ‘Go to bed, Lucinda. I shall not disturb you.’

      Her disappointment was sharp. For a moment she’d thought he had forgiven her, but then she’d sensed his withdrawal. What had she done wrong?

      ‘Very well, good night, Justin.’

      Walking away from him, she felt the sting of tears, but fought against them. She must learn not to be hurt by his moods and his harsh words. If this was to be her life, she had to learn to cope with her secret grief and show a smiling face to the world.

      Lucinda walked swiftly, wanting to be home before Justin came to look for her. Their quarrel of the previous evening was still sharp in her mind and she had no wish to cause a breach between them.

      It was as she was walking across the smooth lawns that she

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