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Loveknot. Marisa CarrollЧитать онлайн книгу.

Loveknot - Marisa Carroll

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guilty about it, but she wanted to hear what the representative of the firm had to say first…before she turned him down.

      “No time,” Johnny said, glancing at his watch. “But we’re going to know soon enough. What time did you say the guy was supposed to be here?”

      “At eleven. He’s late,” Alyssa said, frowning at the clock above the door.

      “That clock’s five minutes fast,” Johnny reminded her. “So your dad could get where he was going on time. He hates to be late.”

      Alyssa smiled. Johnny was right. Her smile faded away. These days all Judson could be persuaded to do was to shower and dress and make it downstairs for dinner.

      The speaker on her desk beeped and the voice of Judson’s secretary of twenty-seven years, Adelia Fenton, came over the intercom. “A Mr. Devon Addison of DEVCHECK is here to see you, Mrs. Baron.”

      “Devon Addison!” Alyssa’s blue eyes locked with Johnny’s.

      “Devon Addison?” he repeated, as though he hadn’t heard her correctly. “Eddie Wocheck’s stepson?”

      “So that’s what it stands for!”

      “Devon and Wocheck,” Johnny said, punching his fist into the open palm of his other hand. “DEVCHECK.”

      “I should have figured it out the moment I heard it,” Alyssa said, steepling her fingers in front of her mouth. She realized she was holding her breath and let it out in a whoosh. She moved back behind the desk and pushed the intercom button. “Show him in, Adelia,” she said, sounding as much as possible like the business executive she was not.

      The door to the outer office opened and Devon Addison walked in. He was a tall young man, blond haired and gray eyed, devilishly handsome and with a smile that could melt harder hearts than Alyssa’s. Unless the women possessing those hearts were as angry as she was now.

      “Good morning, Mr. Addison.” She held out her hand.

      “Good morning, Mrs. Baron.” His handshake was firm and friendly.

      “I’d like you to meet our foreman, Johnny Kelsey.”

      “Nice to meet you,” Johnny said, but he didn’t sound as though he meant it.

      “Likewise, Mr. Kelsey.” Devon’s easy smile remained in place. The two men shook hands briefly.

      “Won’t you have a seat, Mr. Addison,” Alyssa said politely, but she didn’t return his smile.

      “Thank you.” Devon sat down in the chair next to Johnny. Alyssa sat also, although she would have preferred to remain standing. The small advantage in height would have helped.

      She came straight to the point. “Whom, exactly, are you representing this morning, Mr. Addison?”

      “I wish you’d call me Devon,” he said with another easy smile.

      Alyssa didn’t smile back.

      “I’m here on behalf of my family and myself,” he began. “DEVCHECK is a privately held investment company. The major stockholders are my grandfather, my mother, myself and my stepfather.”

      “Edward,” Alyssa said before she could stop herself.


      Alyssa was grateful to feel another energizing surge of anger course through her veins. So Edward was trying to take advantage of her father’s withdrawal from the world as everyone else was. What a fool she’d been to ask him for a loan the other day. What a fool she’d been to answer his questions about Ingalls F and M’s prospects for the winter. He hadn’t asked because he was concerned for the welfare of her company, or herself, he’d asked because he wanted more information about the difficulties they were in. And she’d given it to him, offered more, even, than he’d asked for. What a fool she was. What a blind, naive fool.

      “I might as well tell you up front, Mr. Addison,” she said, leaning forward, both hands braced against the edge of the desk. “Ingalls F and M is not for sale. At any price.”

      Devon’s smile disappeared. His gray eyes hardened and his jaw tightened. “I think you should hear me out first, Mrs. Baron.”

      “It would be a waste of time.” Alyssa kept her gaze firmly on Devon’s face, but out of the corner of her eye she could see Johnny shift restlessly in his chair. He obviously wanted to hear what Devon’s proposal was.

      “It would be…foolhardy not to listen to what I have to say.”

      Alyssa bit her tongue to keep from saying what she wanted to. “Of course, you’re right, Mr. Addison,” she said, deliberately making herself relax back into her father’s big leather chair. “Please, go on.”

      “I’m here to make you an offer for controlling interest in Ingalls F and M on very favorable terms. They’ve all been spelled out in detail in our original offer.”

      “Our lawyers are still looking over the papers.” Alyssa was regaining her composure. After all, he was only one man, young enough to be her son. She’d sat in this office not once, but twice, with three very determined Japanese businessmen, and managed to keep them at bay. She could do the same with Devon Addison.

      Devon wasn’t taken in by her diversionary tactic. “I’m sure you’ve already taken a look at them. I’m certain you also realize DEVCHECK’s plans for Ingalls are far more favorable, more in line with your own wishes for the future, than what Nitaka is offering.”

      “That remains to be decided.” She should have known they would have seen a copy of the Nitaka offer. She wondered briefly where they’d gotten it. “At this moment, however, I can tell you that Ingalls F and M are not for sale.”

      “Let’s not beat around the bush,” Devon said, still affably but with a hint of steel underlying his words. “If you don’t decide to deal with DEVCHECK—” he tapped the copy of the agreement he’d brought with him with the tip of his finger “—you’re going to end up dealing with the Japanese on a far less even playing field. The changes DEVCHECK plans to make will benefit the company and all of Tyler in the long run. The changes Nitaka plans to make…” He left the sentence unfinished. He didn’t have to say more. They both knew what he was talking about.

      “Will you guarantee to keep all our people, at full wages and benefits?”

      “I can’t guarantee there won’t be changes,” Devon said carefully. “Making the F and M profitable won’t be easy.”

      “That’s what I thought. You’re wrong, Mr. Addison. Your offer isn’t so very different from Nitaka’s. They ended our discussion the same way. I’ll take everything you’ve said into consideration.” Alyssa stood up. She held out her hand, but couldn’t manage a smile. “Thank you for coming. I’ll let you know when I’ve made my decision.”

      “I hope it’s the right one.” This time there was no hint of threat in his voice, but he added nothing to soften the impact of his words. “I’ve enjoyed meeting you. I hope we’ll see each other again. Mr. Kelsey.” He turned to shake Johnny’s hand, then left the office without looking back.

      “Whew. He’s one tough cookie,” Johnny said, breaking the silence and the tension left behind by Devon’s exit.

      “I can see why Edward places such confidence in him.” Alyssa continued staring at the closed door. “He’s very good at what he does.” She glanced over at her father’s most trusted employee and her companion since childhood. “But no amount of ‘friendly advice’ is going to make me change my mind. A threat is a threat, no matter how politely worded.”

      Johnny chuckled. “And maybe Eddie is going to find he bit off just a little bit more than he can chew, trying to yank the rug out from under you and your dad?”

      “Maybe.” Alyssa reached into the desk drawer for her purse, letting her anger sustain her, refusing to

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