Capturing the Crown Bundle. Nina BruhnsЧитать онлайн книгу.
defiantly. Her cinnamon hair glowed, even in the harsh, artificial light, and her eyes stood out starkly in her pale, pale face. While trying to hide her hurt, she was absolutely beautiful. Watching her, he felt a clenching low in his stomach.
God help him, he still longed for her. Even now, he wanted to kiss the side of her long, creamy throat, tangle his hands in her lustrous hair. Instead, he leaned closer, inhaling her scent, and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready?”
“For what?” she mouthed.
“To make a run for it. After all we’ve given them, we should be home free.”
She rolled her eyes. “Do you really think they’ll let us go?”
“That’s why we’re going to make a run for it. We’ll leave them no choice.”
She nodded. “Then let’s go. But this time, I’m going first.” Taking a deep breath, she plunged through the crowd for the doorway. Amused, he followed.
Like sharks moving in for the kill, the press surrounded her, blocking her path, still calling out questions.
Undeterred, she continued to push forward.
Following behind her, Chase gave them all a rueful smile. “What, no privacy?”
The ones closest to him laughed.
Finally, they reached the exit and squeezed through the doors, heading for the car. Once he’d seen Sydney safely inside he turned to face the reporters, one hand on the door handle.
“Come on, people. Settle down.” He heaved a loud, mock sigh, and waited. Once they’d quieted, he gave them an impersonal smile. “I’d planned to hold a press conference later, but now I see no need. You have had more information than I ever intended you to have.”
There were several collective groans. Finally, he held up his hand, and they quieted. “I think that’s all, folks. We just gave you all a fantastic story, announcing our engagement. So it seems to me you’d take that and run with it and allow us some small measure of privacy. We’d like to celebrate—just not in front of a crowd.”
This time, he spoke a partial truth. He wanted to be alone with Sydney, to explain why he’d said what he had.
One last, diehard newshound stepped forward. “What about the baby? How does it make you feel, Mr. Savage, knowing your wife-to-be is pregnant with another man’s child? Not just any other man, but Prince Reginald, your boss?”
Even the casual mention of Reginald in the same context as Sydney grated on Chase’s nerves. And the reminder she was pregnant by another man was much-needed. It served to remind him why he couldn’t allow his desire for her to cloud his judgment any further. Put that way, his sudden urge to help Sydney seemed stupid—something he already knew.
Not since he’d been left at the altar by Kayla, then publicly humiliated by her announcement that the baby he’d thought was his belonged to another man, had he allowed his emotions to rule him. His attempt to take some of the heat off her had just guaranteed that the press would continue to speculate. And to hound them.
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