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Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Zombies. Katie TsangЧитать онлайн книгу.

Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Zombies - Katie Tsang

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      Ralph snorted this time but didn’t say anything else.

      And I tried NOT to panic.

       CHAPTER 4


      My parents were thrilled that I was going over to Ralph’s house.

      “I told you that things would work out, Sam,” said my dad at breakfast on Saturday. “I knew that you and Ralph would become friends eventually. I’m proud of you.”

      I didn’t know how to explain to my dad that this was a MUCH BIGGER SITUATION than the history between Ralph and me. So I just took another bite of my congee4 and tried to enjoy it. If things didn’t go well today, it might just be the last time I ever ate it.

      Now that it was actually time to face a zombie werewolf, I was starting to have SERIOUS second thoughts about going over to Ralph and Regina’s house.

      What was I thinking? I should have listened to Zoe and Bernard. And now if anything bad happened, it was all going to be my fault. I might be leading everyone into certain doom!

      My little sister Lucy came twirling into the kitchen, with her cat Butterbutt right behind her. I realized I needed a moment alone with Lucy, to ask her to look after my pet snake Fang in case the zombie werewolf got me. Lucy is one of the few people brave enough to handle my ferocious, man-eating snake5.

      Luckily, just then the phone rang. My dad answered and started speaking in Cantonese6, so I knew it was probably family in Hong Kong which meant he’d be a while.

      “Lucy,” I said, putting on my most grown-up voice. “I have something important to ask you. But you can’t tell anyone, okay?”

      “Okay!” said Lucy, with her mouth full of congee. “I love secrets!”

      “Lucy, it’s serious,” I said.

      “You think everything is serious,” she said, swinging her legs under her chair and kicking me.

      “This time it really is!” I said. “Do you want to know or not?”

      “Of course I want to know. I like to know EVERYTHING.” She grinned.

      It was true. Lucy was always getting involved in whatever me and my friends were doing. But this time it was too risky.

      “I’ve got to go on a mission today. And it’s a dangerous one. Maybe the most dangerous one I’ve ever done,” I said.

      “Can I come? I love missions!” she said, taking another big slurp of her congee.

      “Lower your voice!” I said, looking around to make sure nobody had heard her. “And no, it’s too dangerous. It could be a matter of life and death.” I paused. “Which is why I need you to promise me something.” I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to scare Lucy, but there was nobody else I could ask. “If something happens to me, will you look after Fang?”

      “What might happen to you?” said Lucy, looking sceptical.

      “Just promise me. It’s important.”

      “Okay, okay,” said Lucy. “I’ll look after Fang,”

      “There’s also a box under my bed. It’s where I keep my most valuable possessions. You can have those too.”

      “Cool!” said Lucy, starting to stand up.

      “Wait!” I said. “You don’t get them now! Only if something happens to me.”

      “Okay, okay,” she said, sitting back down.

      “I have one of those too, you know. But I call mine my treasure chest.”

      “My box isn’t a toy,” I said, frowning. “It’s full of VERY valuable items. Like rare SPACE BLASTERS collectibles. And some very good art I’ve drawn. And some shiny rocks I’ve found that are probably worth millions. You know, that kind of thing.”

      Lucy nodded. “You can trust me,” she said.

      “Thanks, Lucy,” I said.

      “But Sam?”

      I looked up.

      “Even though I’m pretty excited about getting this special box, I hope nothing bad happens to you.”

      “Me too, Lucy. Me too.”

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