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A Baby Between Them. Winnie GriggsЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Baby Between Them - Winnie Griggs

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       “No need to yell at me, woman,” James grumbled. “I was just trying to get the milk inside before Grace started wailing for her breakfast.” But despite his aggrieved tone, James did as he was told.

       Nora lay Grace down in the blanket-lined cradle and hurried over to retrieve the pail before Agnes tried to carry it herself. The older woman nodded her thanks and moved back toward the table, while Nora moved to the counter to strain the milk through a cheesecloth.

       “This kind of weather is hard on his hip,” Agnes said as the door closed behind her husband. “He doesn’t like me to make a fuss over him, though.”

       Nora could hear the affection in the older woman’s voice. The couple had been married for over fifty years she’d learned. Would she ever find that kind of love for herself?

       An image of the sheriff, with his smoky blue eyes and straw-colored hair, floated through her mind at that thought. Realizing where her mind had drifted, Nora pulled herself up short, reminding herself of what she’d resolved just two days ago. There would be none of that. Better to remember that the man was not only her employer but more often than not she found herself at odds with him.

       She watched Agnes’s expression soften as Grace latched on to one of the woman’s gnarled fingers, and Nora wrestled with the idea of leaving Grace in her and James’s care. She’d barely been separated from Grace for more than a few hours since she’d first laid eyes on the squalling babe aboard the Annie McGee. The few time that they had been separated, Grace had been with one of her sisters. The Coulters, for all their kindness and good intentions, seemed hardly up to the job of caring for a baby. And she didn’t want to put them to the test when she wasn’t at least nearby to observe.

       Nora set the bowl of milk aside and moved back toward the table. She resisted the urge to pick Grace up, instead letting Agnes continue to play with the child.

       “See, Grace and I will get along just fine.” Agnes smiled up at Nora, and then, as if she read something in Nora’s face, her own expression changed to resignation. She reached over and patted Nora’s hand. “It’s okay, Nora girl. I understand.”

       Rather than making Nora feel better, Agnes’s words shifted Nora’s perception of the elderly couple. Yes, the Coulters still wore the frailness of their advanced years, but both Agnes and James had come a long way since she’d first met them. They moved with new purpose now, and the pinched, resigned looks they’d worn when she’d first met them were gone.

       Besides, Grace was very little trouble and was still of an age where she stayed wherever she was placed. It wasn’t as if they would have to chase after her.

       As Agnes had said, she needed to accept that she couldn’t have Grace with her every minute of every day, and this was an ideal time to see how both she and Grace would handle being apart.

       Nora had a feeling that Grace would handle it much better than she would.

       Taking a deep breath she smiled at her friend. “Actually, you’re right, it would be irresponsible of me to take Grace out in this weather simply because I like the pleasure of her company. If you’re certain you don’t mind, I’d be most grateful to have you and James watch over Grace for me today.”

       Agnes’s face split in a wide grin and she tapped Grace’s chin. “Did you hear that, sweetling? You’re going to spend the day right here with me and James.”

       Nora studied the woman’s awkward movement and gnarled fingers and wondered if she’d made a mistake. But it would be too cruel to tell her she’d changed her mind now.

       As Nora placed a clean apron and half-dozen fresh baked biscuits into a hamper to take with her, she thought that maybe she’d see if the sheriff would mind if she only worked a half day today. She mentally grimaced. One thing was for certain, he’d no doubt be glad she was leaving Grace with the Coulters for a change. She still hadn’t figured out why Grace made him so uncomfortable, but there was no denying that she did. Would it be prying if she asked Ben if he had some insights into why?

       Fifteen minutes later, Nora stood in the cottage doorway, tying the ribbon of her wool cape. She winced as she spotted droplets trickling down the wall near the parlor chimney. They were making progress on repairs but there was still so much to be done around here.

       As she stared out at the lane, she wondered if perhaps she was assuming too much by expecting the sheriff to come out to fetch her in this weather. After all, he was under no obligation—

       Right on time, she spied his wagon lumbering up the drive. Despite his sometimes lackadaisical demeanor, she had to admit the man was always punctual. He was wearing a long brown coat similar to what the fishermen back in Ireland wore, and what the sailors aboard the Annie McGee had worn. She thought wistfully about how nice it would be to have something to wear on a day like today that shed water so nicely. Perhaps she would add that to her growing list of necessary purchases.

       As soon as the wagon drew near, she pulled the hood of her cape up over her bonnet and grabbed the hamper that rested at her feet.

       No point standing on ceremony on a day like today.

       And with that thought, she took a deep breath and prepared to dash out to meet him.

      Chapter Five

      By the time Cam had set the brake and hopped down from the wagon, Nora was already out the door. Fool woman, why couldn’t she let a body help her every once in a while?

       He waved her back to the house and she stopped short. Frowning at him, she turned and dashed back to shelter.

       He reached under the wagon seat and grabbed the oilskin coat he’d brought with him, then marched over to meet her. “Here, Ben sent this for you to use. It’ll keep you drier than that bit of wool you’re wearing.”

       Her eyes widened and her lips pinched into a straight line. No doubt she was unhappy with his tone. But there was a hint of appreciation in her eyes, as well. “That was very thoughtful of Ben.” She didn’t sound convinced that it had been his deputy’s idea. Then she motioned him inside. “Come in off the stoop while I put this on.”

       He shook his head. “I don’t want to track inside your house. Besides, I won’t get much wetter than I already am.”

       She sighed, as if she were dealing with a stubborn child. But she didn’t comment. Instead, she reached for the coat.

       But Cam was having none of that. Instead he shook out the folds, stepped a little closer and held it up to assist her into it. After only the slightest of hesitations she allowed him to do so.

       He was just being polite, he told himself. And if he happened to enjoy the fact that the action brought him close enough to brush a hand against her neck, to inhale the scent of cinnamon and flowers that seemed a part of her, well, that was just incidental.

       Once the coat was wrapped around her, Nora turned to offer him a smile. “Thank you.”

       He cleared his throat. “Here.” He handed her a fair-sized square of the oilcloth. “I didn’t think you’d want to wear one of Ben’s hats, but this will work almost as well. Just tie it over your headgear.”

       She took it without protest, quickly folded it into a triangle and covered her head, bonnet and all, tying it firmly under her chin.

       That was one thing he liked about Nora, she didn’t put on airs or complain. Good qualities to have in a housekeeper. And a friend.

       He was relieved to note Grace wasn’t anywhere in sight. It saved him the trouble of convincing her that the baby should stay inside on a day like today. “Glad to see you had enough sense not to take Grace out in this.”

       She nodded and he saw her worry at her lip a moment. “Agnes offered to take care of her and I couldn’t turn her down.”

       He gave her an approving smile. “No reason why you should. It’s about time you let Grace out of your sight for

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