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Convenient Proposal To The Lady. Julia JustissЧитать онлайн книгу.

Convenient Proposal To The Lady - Julia Justiss

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of Denbry?’ Rossiter dutifully pronounced.

      She dropped a curtsy, ready to resume playing her part. ‘I’m so pleased to meet you, Lord Denbry,’ she said, trying to imbue her voice with just the right tone of flustered gratification. ‘Although you are far too kind! I know I’m not...ravishing.’

      She gazed up at him, aiming for the pleading expression of one who knows better, but hopes to be persuaded anyway that the gentleman finds her attractive.

      ‘You are to me,’ he murmured, bending to kiss her hand.

      Knowing his intentions, at the press of his lips against her fingers she almost jerked away. Catching herself, she uttered instead a little ‘ooh’ of gratification.

      If she hadn’t been forewarned, she might have missed the knowing smile that passed between Quinlen and Rossiter.

      Were most females so self-deceiving? she wondered with disgust. Or so desperate to marry that they persuaded themselves to believe what common sense argued against?

      But she shouldn’t judge her sex too harshly. She had resources to support herself, mitigating the need to wed. How desperate might she be, if the alternative to marriage were destitution, or a life as an unpaid servant, shunted from family member to family member to assist with children, the ill or the elderly?

      ‘The party is about to walk in the gardens. Won’t you let me escort you?’ Denbry asked, giving Quinlen and Rossiter a little wave of dismissal.

      The speed with which they abandoned the field reinforced Tawny’s contention that Denbry was the ringleader of the plot. ‘Well, I don’t know. My brother has told me a lot about you,’ she said, aiming for a tone of both curiosity and reproof.

      ‘Probably none of it good!’ Denbry said with a groan. ‘As I’m sure you are aware, your brother and I having been friendly competitors for years, so you mustn’t believe everything he says! Please allow me to walk with you, that I might have a chance to defend myself.’

      He gazed at her with such a look of warm entreaty, she could understand how females unaware of his true character might find themselves beguiled. ‘I suppose that is only fair.’

      Tucking her hand under his, he walked her from the salon towards the garden. ‘Just what has your brother told you about me?’

      Another good ploy, Alyssa thought. Find out what you need to explain away. ‘That you’ve often competed in races with horses or curricles and gambled with each other, sometimes for high stakes. And then, there were...’ she dropped her voice, as if embarrassed ʻ...certain, um, ladies...’

      ‘All true.’ He leaned closer, so that he was almost whispering. ‘Though it was very naughty of your brother to mention the ladies.’

      A whiff of sin, designed to titillate, she thought. ‘It does make me wonder what you are doing at this gathering of eligible maidens.’

      ‘Perhaps your brother has not reached this point yet, but there comes a time when a man grows tired of pursuing idle pleasures. When he begins to long for a more...settled life and one special lady to share it.’

      If it were not for the slight smirk at the end of that speech, she could almost be fooled herself by his apparent sincerity.

      ‘And you have...reached this milestone, Lord Denbry?’

      ‘I believe I have.’

      ‘You are anticipating the next Season, then, so you may seek that...special lady.’

      ‘Not if I am fortunate enough to find her before then.’

      ‘And how will you know when you have found her?’

      ‘One just...knows.’ He tipped her chin up with one finger. ‘Do you not believe so, my lovely Lady Alyssa?’ he murmured, gazing into her eyes.

      How much ardent entreaty he put into those words, Alyssa thought, gazing back with what she hoped looked like surprise, gratification and attraction. He really was quite good at this—the blackguard.

      Giving an uncertain laugh, she looked away. ‘But you hardly know me, Lord Denbry.’

      ‘But I’ve heard much about you. Your loveliness. Your purity. Your tender regard for your family.’

      ‘I would hope all unmarried ladies possess such qualities,’ Alyssa countered. Take that, for presenting me with such a list of bland generalities.

      A hint of annoyance briefly crossed his countenance. ‘Not to the extent you do, dear Lady Alyssa,’ he replied smoothly. ‘But I see you are not yet convinced of my regard—or how serious I am about turning my life in a new direction. Won’t you get to know me better before you decide?’

      She gazed back up, trying for a worshipful look. ‘I should like to...get to know you better.’

      He pressed another kiss upon her captive hand. Alyssa had to work hard to suppress the strong desire to knee him in the groin. Instead, after suffering him to fondle her hand for several minutes, she pulled away, as if reluctantly. ‘Oh, Lord Denbry, you mustn’t!’

      ‘You are right, Lady Alyssa. I must control myself—no matter how difficult you make that.’

      ‘We should go back to the house now,’ she announced, but with a regretful glance at his lips that said the virtuous maiden was sorely tempted to be less virtuous.

      Smiling with satisfaction, he leaned down as if to steal a kiss—before straightening again. ‘You tempting creature! Yes, we must return before I forget myself and do something...scandalous. But promise you will let me escort you to dinner, and partner with me for cards afterward.’

      She gazed up worshipfully. ‘If you truly wish it?’

      ‘With all my heart.’

      Do you even have one? she wondered as she let him lead her back into the house.

      * * *

      She left him then, pleading the need to change for dinner. She found her mother already in their chamber, her maid helping her into her evening attire.

      Once Molly had done the same for her, Lady Aldermont dismissed them both before turning to her. ‘May I have a moment, my dear?’

      ‘Of course. What is it, Mama?’

      ‘I appreciate you making an effort to be agreeable to the gentleman. But Denbry...’ Her mother’s voice trailed off. ‘I’ve...overheard some things about him from your brother and I don’t believe he’s at all the sort of suitor you wish to encourage. I was quite shocked to see him at this gathering—not that Lady Fulton invited him, for he comes from an excellent family, is quite wealthy and will inherit the marquisate one day. Shocked that, with his...proclivities, he bothered to attend.’

      It wouldn’t be prudent to confide to her mama any of what Mr Tawny had revealed. A shocked and outraged Lady Aldermont would demand that their hostess be told, so she might send the offending gentlemen away before they could carry out their nefarious plan.

      That would put her mama and their hostess in an awkward position—and let Denbry get away without receiving the lesson she had in mind. She was now almost as determined to deliver that as she was to foil his revenge.

      ‘I know Harleton doesn’t like him,’ Alyssa said.

      ‘I’ve heard he’s a gambler and a womaniser.’

      ‘So I accused him of being. He admitted to it, but said he was ready to change—for the right lady.’

      Lady Aldermont shook her head. ‘Men don’t truly change, my darling. I want you to marry to improve your situation—not become mired for life in a union that would exchange the tyranny of your brother and father for a man who is no better.’

      ‘I have no intention of doing that, either,’ she said emphatically.

      ‘As long as you are on your guard against him. There’s no man

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