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Groom Wanted. Debra UllrickЧитать онлайн книгу.

Groom Wanted - Debra Ullrick

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      “She’s a pest.” Leah leaned over and tapped the pig on the nose. “Aren’t you, girl?”

      Kitty sniffed the air with her round snout. Jake patted her shoulder and gave a quick scratch behind her ears. Content with the attention, Kitty waddled slowly in the direction of the field blooming with purple camas flowers, no doubt to have her fill of camas bulbs. “That pig’s quite a character.”

      “She sure is.” Leah laughed, then turned her attention from the retreating pig back onto him. “Come and sit down. I can’t wait to tell you my good news.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

      There was a lilt to her walk. The air around her rolled with joy. She let his hand go and he followed her to the same hewed-out bench she’d been sitting on when he’d arrived. After he tied his horse to a nearby hitching post, he sat down with her, careful to keep the appropriate amount of distance between them.

      “Okay, bright eyes. What’s your good news?”

      Her smile bracketed by those dimples was contagious, and he found his own lips curling upward.

      “I think I found my husband.”

      He wasn’t expecting that, and it took him a minute to gather his wits about him. “Oh, yeah?” He knew he should be happy for her. That it would happen someday. But the thought of losing his best friend made his gut twist into a painful knot.

      “Yes. He moved from England to New York City and he wants to come here to meet me. I’m sending my consent today. I’m so happy. He sounds like just the type of man I’ve been looking for.” She went on and on oblivious to the pain her declaration was causing him. Pain he couldn’t articulate.

      “Morning, Jake.” Michael’s voice drifted toward him from yards away. “I wasn’t expecting you here so early.”

      Jake snapped himself together and stood. “Morning, Michael.”

      Leah hopped up beside him. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “I thought you didn’t want to leave Selina alone.”

      “I don’t. But she’s finally asleep now.”

      “What do you mean, ‘finally’?” Leah tilted her head.

      “The babies kept her up most of the night.”

      Jake anchored his arms across his chest. Concern for a woman he’d come to greatly respect pressed through him. “How’s Selina doing?”

      “Other than being exhausted, she’s doing well. Having twins is a lot of hard work. But Joseph and Lottie Lynn are sure worth it.” His eyes sparkled, then a wide yawn stretched his lips. It was then that Jake noticed the bags under Michael’s eyes.

      “So, what are you doing here?” Leah inquired again.

      “I wanted to show Jake what to do.”

      “Can’t Haydon or Jess do that?”

      “They could, but...”

      “You know both Haydon and Jess are going to hang you for not trusting them to show Jake what to do,” Leah interrupted her brother.

      Michael frowned. “It’s not that I don’t trust them. I wanted to be here to welcome Jake. To show him around and...”

      They continued to talk about Jake as if he weren’t standing right there between them.

      “Fine, fine. If you insist on being the one to show him what to do, I’ll run over and sit with Selina and the twins until you get back. I know that will help put your mind at ease and help you to relax a bit.”

      “It sure will. Thank you, Leah. But don’t wake her or the babies. And don’t knock. Just open the door quietly and let yourself in.”

      “Yes, yes, Michael.” Leah dragged out the words and rolled her eyes at her brother. “You worry too much. You really need to learn to lighten up.”

      “Just wait until you have children. Then it will be my turn to tell you to lighten up.”

      She shook her head and glanced over at Jake. “See you later, Jake.”

      He gave a quick nod and watched her as she headed toward Michael’s house.

      “You like her, don’t you?”

      Jake yanked his attention to Michael. “Sure I like her. She’s been a great friend to me.”

      “She’s more than a friend. I can see it in your eyes.”

      Jake shook his head and waved Michael off. “The only thing you see in my eyes is respect.”

      “If you say so, buddy.” The smirk on Michael’s face bugged Jake. Couldn’t a guy have a female friend without everyone making a big deal about it?

      Best change the subject before Michael put together any more pieces that didn’t fit. “So, what do you want me to do?”

      “Changing the subject, huh?”

      “Michael.” Jake sent Michael a warning glare. “I’m here to help, not discuss my friendship with Leah. You want my help or not? Besides, thought you didn’t like leaving Selina alone.”

      Worry crowded into Michael’s face immediately followed by determination. He glanced at his pocket watch. “Oh, man. I’ve got to hurry. I’ve been gone ten minutes already.”

      “Ten minutes? That long, huh? We’d better hurry, then.”

      “Okay, wise guy. Just wait until you become a father. Then you’ll understand. Come on.” He motioned for them to go inside the barn.

      Jake hoped someday he would know exactly how Michael felt. Once again, he wished Leah hadn’t turned his marriage offer down. He knew she’d make a good wife and mother, and he admired her and respected her more than any other woman he knew.

      Thoughts of Leah answering some strange man’s ad and inviting him there trailed through Jake’s mind. Would he be able to handle seeing his best friend hanging out with another man?

      A man who could possibly become Leah’s husband and take her away from him?

      God, give me the grace to let my friend go and to make it through this time. Make it a large dose. ’Cause I’m sure gonna need every ounce You can spare.

      Chapter Four

      Steps creaked under Leah’s feet. She cringed, hoping the noise wouldn’t wake Selina. Michael would give her a good scolding if she did. Of that she was certain. Quietly she opened the door and stepped inside. Her eyes popped open. She’d never seen Selina’s house this messy before. Never.

      Dishes were scattered all over the table and piled in the sink. If Selina saw them, she would be so upset, and Leah couldn’t have that. After she peeked into Selina’s bedroom to make sure everything was all right, she closed the door. Leah grabbed an apron from off the hook, rolled up her sleeves and, as quietly as she could, she washed the dishes and tidied up the house.

      Squeaking hinges caught her attention. She turned to find Michael stepping inside the house.

      “Is she still asleep? Are the twins okay?”

      She barely heard his questions his voice was so low.

      “Yes. They’re fine.” She, too, kept her voice down.

      “Good.” He nodded. “Leah, would you mind doing me a favor?” He looked away and then back at her. “Oh. Thanks for doing the dishes and picking up the place. I really appreciate it. I hadn’t gotten to that yet.”

      “You’re welcome, Michael. That’s what sisters are for.” She smiled. “Now, what did you want?”

      “We have a cow that’s down and needs doctoring. Everyone else is busy and Jake will need my help. Would you mind staying

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