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A Traitor's Touch. Helen DicksonЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Traitor's Touch - Helen Dickson

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her guard. She was grateful to him for agreeing to let her travel with him, but how long could she hope to hide her identity behind the guise of a grubby youth?

      ‘And while we’re at it,’ he went on, ‘have you not thought of cleaning yourself up?’

      Henrietta’s jaw clenched with indignation. ‘Show me the way to Scotland and I’ll be grateful. But keep me out of your plans. Untidiness and a little dirt never hurt anyone.’

      The buxom redhead who had caught Simon’s eye earlier came to clear the table, a provocative smile on her lips when her eyes settled on him. ‘Will there be anything else, sir? More ale?’

      ‘No, thank you. The food was good,’ Simon replied, giving her a wink and returning her smile. Getting up from the table, he chuckled softly as the girl picked up the plates and went on her way, her hips swaying seductively from side to side. He glanced at his companion. ‘Tell me, Henry, have you known the love of a maid? Is that what takes you to Scotland?’

      Henrietta’s eyes opened wide with indignation at the very suggestion. ‘No, of course not.’

      ‘No, you are still young. Whatever takes you there is not for the love of a maid.’

      ‘How do you know?’ she asked him, making no further attempt at denial.

      ‘One’s only to look at your eyes, lad. Not a spark of love in them. Take my advice and keep it that way. Women are every man’s downfall and there are too many that are any good for the peace of honest lads like you and me. When I looked into your eyes just now, I saw just one thing. Fear! That’s why I’ve decided to take you to Scotland. I’ve no truck with love. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it’s a waste of time. But fear! There’s some sense in that. Now come. I’m at your service. I believe,’ he said thoughtfully, ‘that you and I shall deal favourably together.’

      Donning his cloak and ramming his hat down on his head, he set off out of the inn with long, purposeful strides, leaving Henrietta to ponder on his words. After a moment she followed him, still wondering why this man who for all the world resembled a pirate and was capable of instilling fear into even the stoutest heart, should fill her with such instinctive trust.

      * * *

      Hoisting herself into the saddle with an agility that both astounded and impressed Simon, Henrietta gritted her teeth and steeled herself for the ride ahead, refusing to betray her trepidation, for she could only imagine the great distance they would have to travel before they reached their destination.

      Henrietta’s stout-hearted mare matched Simon’s big black gelding stride for stride as they headed north. The road was wide and busy with travellers going north and south, some on foot and some on horseback, and the guards on the back of stagecoaches frequently blew their horns merrily as they went by.

      But as the day drew on the journey began to take its toll of Henrietta. She tried not to let her companion see it, but she was exhausted with fatigue and her inner thighs were so sore that she felt as if she would never ride again. She could hardly remember the girl who would ride almost daily in the park, cantering on her horse. That girl was a lifetime away from her now.

      * * *

      As it grew dark they were approaching a large village which likely meant a good inn, a decent supper and a soft bed. Dismounting carefully, she ruefully rubbed her bruised posterior and wished she could groan her misery out loud and sink her tortured body into a hot tub. Averse to revealing any hint of her waning strength, she managed to drag her stiff and aching limbs forward with a modicum of dignity, which, as Simon observed her discomfort, brought a mocking grin to his lips.

      ‘Sore, are you, lad? Too soft, that’s your trouble. But worry not.’ He chuckled infuriatingly, dismounting and handing the reins to a waiting stable boy. ‘You’ll harden before you reach the Borders,’ he said, offering his wisdom freely.

      ‘Or expire in the process,’ Henrietta mumbled, having no difficulty imagining how pathetic she must look to him.

      ‘If you would allow me to offer my assistance, I have some salve in my bags I could massage—’

      ‘No, I couldn’t possibly!’ Aware of the colour flooding her cheeks, Henrietta shook her head.

      ‘What’s the matter, Henry? Afraid to pull your breeches down in case I confiscate them?’ Simon leisurely raised a questioning eyebrow.

      Irritably Henry gave him a narrow look. ‘No. I’m capable of doctoring myself if need be, that’s all.’

      Simon shrugged nonchalantly. ‘Suit yourself, though I guess when a lad is as soft as you are, he might just as well take to wearing dresses.’

      ‘Will you stop fussing about my looks?’ she retorted crossly. ‘I made the first day without complaint, didn’t I?’

      Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Simon smiled sardonically. He was becoming used to Henry’s contrariness, but in view of the lad’s youth, he translated it more as bravado. ‘You did, Henry. The challenge will come in the morning when your muscles have stiffened up.’ He glanced sideways at her, a devilish gleam in his eyes. ‘We’ll see how you fare then. Come tomorrow night you might be begging me for that salve.’

      Henrietta wouldn’t ask him for his precious salve no matter how desperate she became. Refusing to let him bait her, she bit back an indignant reply. Looking up at him, she saw his face in the deep dusk and the soft yellow glow of the buttons on his jacket as they reflected the light from the window of the inn. It sometimes surprised her just how handsome he was. Self-consciously she tugged down the brim of her hat and followed him inside. The contrast between them was excruciatingly painful when she allowed herself to forget that he was a man on a mission and she a young woman.

      The inn was, in fact, commodious. Simon procured them two rooms, but before Henrietta had finished her meal, the effects of the warm fire and wholesome food began to take its toll. Her head nodded with weariness and her eyelids drooped. She had not realised until then the depth of her fatigue.

      Relaxed into the corner of the settle across from her, his long booted legs stretched out to the hearth, Simon was not unaware of her exhaustion. Beneath the grime of the road her face was flushed to a soft pink glow and her eyes two sleepy orbs of emerald-green.

      ‘It’s been a long day,’ he said softly. ‘You look done in.’

      ‘Yes, it has. Tomorrow will be no different.’

      ‘Nor the day after that.’

      Simon watched her comb her hair back from her face. Suddenly the lad looked so young, vulnerable and completely innocent, despite his air of bravado.

      Henrietta looked up to see him staring at her, and when their eyes met, he looked away quickly. From that moment on she grew even more aware of his nearness to her. She sneaked a glance at him from under her lashes and saw that his face was flushed. It was the fire, she thought, because he was sitting so close, or perhaps a result of the ale he’d downed so quickly.

      ‘Go to bed and get some rest while you can,’ Simon said sharply. ‘I’ll give you a knock in the morning.’

      Henrietta nodded. Bone-weary, having shied away from Simon’s practical suggestion that they share one room, she went to bed and was soon drifting into the realms of sleep.

      * * *

      The sun was not yet up when she was cruelly wakened by the sound of someone banging on the door. Shaking the sleep out of her eyes and struggling into her clothes and boots, she opened the door to find her companion standing there.

      ‘It’s late,’ he told her, his manner brisk. He was impatient to be on his way. ‘Come and get some breakfast and then we’ll get going.’

      Mutely Henrietta followed him, aching in every limb from the effects of the long ride the day before. Snatching a quick breakfast, they continued their journey.

      * * *

      The sky was overcast, but it was

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