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A Worthy Gentleman. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Worthy Gentleman - Anne Herries

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allowed it, Mama.’

      ‘Sarah seems to be immune to the disease,’ her mother said. ‘Some friends of ours had it years ago. Sarah had been playing with their children, but she did not take it from them. Nor did she seem affected in Italy. She nursed Tilda, as you know—but did she tell you that she insisted on caring for the children of one of our friends there?’ Arabella shook her head. ‘They had gone down with it too and Sarah suspected that their nurse was not looking after them as she should. She took over the nursery and happily both recovered. I think it was that act of courage that made the Conte fall in love with her. He said that she was as brave as she was lovely and gave her a beautiful gold brooch to thank her.’

      ‘Yes, she is brave. I have always thought so.’

      ‘Brave, but very stubborn,’ Mrs Hunter said. ‘I am sure she might have married him if she had given him the least encouragement. One would think that she did not wish to be married—but I know that she adores children. The children in Italy were always hanging round her neck, especially the street urchins. She gave them coins whenever we visited the markets.’

      ‘Where is Sarah this morning?’

      ‘Oh, she went for a walk as far as the lake,’ Mrs Hunter said, frowning slightly. ‘In Italy she walked a great deal. I think she is determined that she will not be influenced by what happened before…’

      ‘Yes, that is very sensible of her,’ Arabella said and sighed, easing her back, which had begun to ache. ‘I wanted to tell her that the latest monthly journals arrived earlier. I believe there are some fashion plates that might be of use to her when she is planning her new wardrobe.’

      ‘Oh, I am sure she will be pleased to see them,’ Mrs Hunter said, looking at her anxiously. ‘Are you quite well, my dear? You look a little strained.’

      ‘I have a backache,’ Arabella said. ‘I do not regard it, Mama. It will pass in time. Indeed, I think I shall take a little stroll in the gardens to ease it. I might meet Sarah as she returns from her walk.’

      ‘Oh, I wonder if you ought to go so far?’ Mrs Hunter said. ‘You must take care of yourself, Arabella. It is so easy to miscarry a child. I lost two and it was a great sadness to me.’

      ‘I shall not overdo things,’ Arabella replied and gave her a patient smile. Her mother-in-law did tend to fuss a little too much, which could be irritating if one allowed it to be. However, she had decided that she would take it as well-meaning concern, and would not allow there to be friction between them. ‘Please do not worry, Mama. I am quite well.’

      She got up and left the room, glad to escape into the fresh air of the garden for a while. It was quite warm that morning, the chill air of the past weeks seeming to have gone for the moment. However, her intention to walk as far as the lake to meet Sarah was curtailed as she saw a carriage arrive and knew that it was her guests.

      She went to greet Elizabeth as one of the grooms handed her down. They kissed and greeted each other with pleasure, the earl waiting until they had finished before taking his turn.

      ‘It is so good to have you here,’ Arabella said, linking arms with Elizabeth as they moved towards the house. ‘But is John not with you? I thought you might all travel together?’

      ‘John drove himself,’ Daniel Cavendish told her. ‘He cannot be far behind us, though he intended to stop at the blacksmith in the village to have one of his horse’s shoes looked at. He thought it might be coming loose.’

      ‘Ah, I see,’ Arabella said. ‘Well, come in, my dear friends. Charles had some business this morning, but he will be back at any moment. Mrs Hunter is sitting with me in the parlour, and Sarah has gone for a walk. I dare say she will be back quite soon.’

      Sarah stood watching the swans gliding effortlessly on the lake. They had kept to the far side and she had not been able to entice them nearer because they were fiercely guarding their very small cygnets. However, she had collected a crowd of rather noisy ducks about her, and she laughed as they squabbled over the last scraps of bread she had begged from the kitchens.

      It was peaceful here and the scenery was beautiful, less wild than the rugged country she had been used to in the past couple of years. The hills of Tuscany had their own charm, and the gardens of the villas owned by Conte di Ceasares were very beautiful. Just before Sarah had left Italy, the villa garden had been a riot of colour, flowers spilling over from large terracotta pots, and the overpowering scent of their blooms heavy in the air. She thought that she would miss Italy and the people she had counted as friends.

      She ought to be returning to the house. She had made her escape earlier because she was aware of her mama’s silent disapproval. Mrs Hunter had been cross with her daughter because she believed that she had discouraged the Conte di Ceasares from making her an offer—she would be very annoyed indeed if she knew that Sarah had twice refused him. Sighing, Sarah turned away from the lake and began to walk slowly across the grass. She had liked the Conte very well, and perhaps she ought to have obliged her mama…

      Walking with her head down, lost in thought, Sarah was not immediately aware of the man standing quite still a short distance ahead of her. He was on foot and had come through the woods to the left of the lake from the direction of the village. It was not until she drew near to him that he spoke to her, making her start.

      ‘Sarah? Miss Hunter…’

      Sarah felt a thrill of fear, which was gone in a moment. Just for a few seconds she had been back in the old nightmare, but it faded as she stared at the man standing a few feet away. Her heart raced and she felt a dizzy sensation as she knew him. He was much as he had always been and yet there was an air of sadness about him that she had not remembered. Because of his wife, she realised, as she recalled what Arabella had told her a few days earlier.

      ‘John? Mr Elworthy…it is you, isn’t it?’

      ‘Yes.’ John stood frozen to the spot, as if he was held by some spell and could not move. ‘I am sorry if I startled you. I thought as I saw you coming this way that it was you, Miss Hunter—but I did not know that you had returned from Italy and wondered if I was mistaken.’

      ‘We arrived just two weeks ago and have spent most of that time here with Charles and Arabella. We go up to London in about three weeks from now. Mama and I will stay with Lady Tate, though Arabella does not intend to accompany us. She is expecting her second child and prefers to stay quietly at home until her confinement. I believe Charles has some business and may come up for a few days.’ She was talking too much, but did not know how to stop. ‘I was not aware that you were to be a guest here, sir.’

      ‘I hope it does not displease you?’

      ‘No, of course not. Why should it?’

      Sarah came up to him, offering her hand. He took it for a moment, holding it loosely, as if he thought she might break.

      ‘Forgive me. I cannot help remembering…’ His eyes were intent on her face. He smiled and shook his head. ‘That seems a lifetime ago. You look wonderful—such a difference…not that you were ever less than lovely. What a mess I am making of this, Miss Hunter. You look beautiful, of course.’

      ‘Thank you.’ Sarah laughed as she saw his confusion. She had been paid many more effusive compliments during her stay in Italy, but she was warmed by John’s stumbling offering. ‘I know that I look different, Mr Elworthy. Arabella remarked on it when she saw me for the first time. I think perhaps I have grown up, become a woman. I was a lost and rather foolish girl when you last saw me.’

      ‘A girl perhaps,’ John said and let go of her hand, which he had retained until now, ‘but never foolish. You had been through a traumatic experience, Miss Hunter. I hope that you have recovered now? You seem very well.’

      ‘Yes, I am,’ Sarah said. ‘Italy did me a great deal of good, sir. I think it was because no one knew anything about me and I was able to make friends without being asked about what happened during that time. Those dark days are a distant memory to me now. I no longer suffer from nightmares.’

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