Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.
of the most fruitful areas of security research in recent years has therefore been psychology. Security engineers need to understand how people can be deceived, so we can design systems that make deception harder. We also need to understand how risk perceptions and realities have drifted ever further apart.
The following chapters dig deeper into the technical meat. The fourth chapter is on security protocols, which specify how the players in a system – whether people, computers, phones or other electronic devices – establish and maintain trust. The fifth is on the ‘duct tape’ that underlies most of the protocols and holds distributed systems together: cryptography. This is the art (and science) of codes and ciphers; but it is much more than a clever means for keeping messages secret from an eavesdropper. Nowadays its job is taking trust from where it exists to where it's needed, maintaining the integrity of security contexts, and much more besides.
The sixth chapter is on access control: how can we keep apart the different apps on a phone, or the different virtual machines or containers on a server, and how can we control the data flows we want to permit between them. Sometimes this can be done cleanly, but often it's hard; web browsers deal with JavaScript code from multiple untrustworthy websites, while home assistants have to deal with multiple people.
The next chapter is on distributed systems. Systems that run on multiple devices have to deal with coordination problems such as concurrency control, fault tolerance, and naming. These take on subtle new meanings when systems must be made resilient against malice as well as against accidental failure. Many systems perform poorly or even fail because their designers don't think through these issues.
The final chapter in this part is on economics. Security economics has grown hugely since this book first appeared in 2001 and helped to launch it as a subject. We now know that many security failures are due to perverse incentives rather than to deficient technical protection mechanisms. (Indeed, the former often explain the latter.) The dependability of a system is increasingly an emergent property that depends on the self-interested striving of large numbers of players; in effect it's an equilibrium in a market. Security mechanisms are not just used to keep ‘bad’ people out of ‘good’ systems, but to enable one principal to exert power over another; they are often abused to capture or distort markets. If we want to understand such plays, or to design systems that resist strategic manipulation, we need some game theory and auction theory.
These chapters cover basic material, and largely follow what we teach first-year and second-year undergraduates at Cambridge. But I hope that even experts will find the case studies of interest and value.
CHAPTER 1 What Is Security Engineering?
Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.
The world is never going to be perfect, either on- or offline; so let's not set impossibly high standards for online.
1.1 Introduction
Security engineering is about building systems to remain dependable in the face of malice, error, or mischance. As a discipline, it focuses on the tools, processes, and methods needed to design, implement, and test complete systems, and to adapt existing systems as their environment evolves.
Security engineering requires cross-disciplinary expertise, ranging from cryptography and computer security through hardware tamper-resistance to a knowledge of economics, applied psychology, organisations and the law. System engineering skills, from business process analysis through software engineering to evaluation and testing, are also important; but they are not sufficient, as they deal only with error and mischance rather than malice. The security engineer also needs some skill at adversarial thinking, just like a chess player; you need to have studied lots of attacks that worked in the past, from their openings through their development to the outcomes.
Many systems have critical assurance requirements. Their failure may endanger human life and the environment (as with nuclear safety and control systems), do serious damage to major economic infrastructure (cash machines and online payment systems), endanger personal privacy (medical record systems), undermine the viability of whole business sectors (prepayment utility meters), and facilitate crime (burglar and car alarms). Security and safety are becoming ever more intertwined as we get software in everything. Even the perception that a system is more vulnerable or less reliable than it really is can have real social costs.
The conventional view is that while software engineering is about ensuring that certain things happen (“John can read this file”), security is about ensuring that they don't (“The Chinese government can't read this file”). Reality is much more complex. Security requirements differ greatly from one system to another. You typically need some combination of user authentication, transaction integrity and accountability, fault-tolerance, message secrecy, and covertness. But many systems fail because their designers protect the wrong things, or protect the right things but in the wrong way.
Getting protection right thus depends on several different types of process. You have to figure out what needs protecting, and how to do it. You also need to ensure that the people who will guard the system and maintain it are properly motivated. In the next section, I'll set out a framework for thinking about this. Then, in order to illustrate the range of different things that security and safety systems have to do, I will take a quick look at four application areas: a bank, a military base, a hospital, and the home. Once we've given concrete examples of the stuff that security engineers have to understand and build, we will be in a position to attempt some definitions.
1.2 A framework
To build really dependable systems, you need four things to come together. There's policy: what you're supposed to achieve. There's mechanism: the ciphers, access controls, hardware tamper-resistance and other machinery that you use to implement the policy. There's assurance: the amount of reliance you can place on each particular mechanism, and how well they work together. Finally, there's incentive: the motive that the people guarding and maintaining the system have to do their job properly, and also the motive that the attackers have to try to defeat your policy. All of these interact (see Figure 1.1).
As an example, let's think of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The hijackers' success in getting knives through airport security was not a mechanism failure but a policy one; the screeners did their job of keeping out guns and explosives, but at that time, knives with blades up to three inches were permitted. Policy changed quickly: first to prohibit all knives, then most weapons (baseball bats are now forbidden but whiskey bottles are OK); it's flip-flopped on many details (butane lighters forbidden then allowed again). Mechanism is weak, because of things like composite knives and explosives that don't contain nitrogen. Assurance is always poor; many tons of harmless passengers' possessions are consigned to the trash each month, while less than half of all the real weapons taken through screening (whether accidentally or for test purposes) are spotted and confiscated.
Figure 1.1: – Security Engineering Analysis Framework
Most governments have prioritised visible measures over effective ones. For example, the TSA has spent billions on passenger screening, which is fairly ineffective, while the $100m spent on reinforcing cockpit doors removed most of the risk [1526]. The President of the Airline Pilots Security Alliance noted that most ground staff aren't screened, and almost no care is taken to guard aircraft parked on the ground overnight. As most airliners don't have door locks, there's not much to stop a bad guy wheeling steps up to a plane