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Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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tokens and biometrics are still mostly used with passwords, first as a backstop in case a device gets stolen, and second as part of the process of security recovery. So passwords remain the (shaky) foundation on which much of information security is built. What may change this is the growing number of devices that have no user interface at all, and so have to be authenticated using other mechanisms. One approach that's getting ever more common is trust on first use, also known as the ‘resurrecting duckling’ after the fact that a duckling bonds on the first moving animal it sees after it hatches. We'll discuss this in the next chapter, and also when we dive into specific applications such as security in vehicles.

      Finally, you should think hard about how to authenticate customers or other people who exercise their right to demand copies of their personal information under data-protection law. In 2019, James Pavur sent out 150 such requests to companies, impersonating his fiancée [1890]. 86 firms admitted they had information about her, and many had the sense to demand her logon and password to authenticate her. But about a quarter were prepared to accept an email address or phone number as authentication; and a further 16 percent asked for easily forgeable ID. He collected full personal information about her, including her credit card number, her social security number and her mother's maiden name. A threat intelligence firm with which she'd never interacted sent a list of her accounts and passwords that had been compromised. Given that firms face big fines in the EU if they don't comply with such requests within 30 days, you'd better work out in advance how to cope with them, rather than leaving it to an assistant in your law office to improvise a procedure. If you abolish passwords, and a former customer claims their phone was stolen, what do you do then? And if you hold personal data on people who have never been your customers, how do you identify them?

      Can we have protection mechanisms that use the brain's strengths rather than its weaknesses? The most successful innovation in this field is probably the CAPTCHA – the ‘Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart’. These are the little visual puzzles that you often have to solve to post to a blog, to register for a free online account, or to recover a password. The idea is that people can solve such problems easily, while computers find them hard.

      CAPTCHAs first came into use in a big way in 2003 to stop spammers using scripts to open thousands of accounts on free email services, and to make it harder for attackers to try a few simple passwords with each of a large number of existing accounts. They were invented by Luis von Ahn and colleagues [1973], who were inspired by the test famously posed by Alan Turing as to whether a computer was intelligent: you put a computer in one room and a human in another, and invite a human to try to tell them apart. The test is turned round so that a computer can tell the difference between human and machine.

      Early versions set out to use a known ‘hard problem’ in AI such as the recognition of distorted text against a noisy background. The idea is that breaking the CAPTCHA was equivalent to solving the AI problem, so an attacker would actually have to do the work by hand, or come up with a real innovation in computer science. Humans were good at reading distorted text, while programs were less good. It turned out to be harder than it seemed. A lot of the attacks on CAPTCHAs, even to this day, exploit the implementation details.

      The implementation of CAPTCHAs is often thoughtless, with accessibility issues for users who are visually impaired. And try paying a road toll in Portugal where the website throws up a CAPTCHA asking you to identify pictures with an object, if you can't understand Portuguese well enough to figure out what you're supposed to look for!

      Psychology matters to the security engineer, because of deception and because of usability. Most real attacks nowadays target the user. Various kinds of phishing are the main national-security threat, the principal means of developing and maintaining the cybercrime infrastructure, and one of the principal threats to online banking systems. Other forms of deception account for much of the rest of the cybercrime ecosystem, which is roughly equal to legacy crime in both volume and value.

      Part of the remedy is security usability, yet research in this field was long neglected, being seen as less glamorous than cryptography or operating systems. That was a serious error on our part, and from the mid-2000s we have started to realise the importance of making it easier for ordinary people to use systems in safe ways. Since the mid-2010s we've also started to realise that we also have to make things easier for ordinary programmers; many of the security bugs that have broken real systems have been the result of tools that were just too hard to use, from cryptographic APIs that used unsafe defaults to the C programming language. Getting usability right also helps business directly: PayPal has built a $100bn business through being a safer and more convenient way to shop online9.

      In this chapter, we took a whistle-stop tour through psychology research relevant to deception and to the kinds of errors people make, and then tackled authentication as a case study. Much of the early work on security usability focused on password systems, which raise dozens of interesting questions. We now have more and more data not just on things we can measure in the lab such as guessability, memorability, and user trainability, but also on factors that can only be observed in the field such as how real systems break, how real attacks scale and how the incentives facing different players lead to unsafe equilibria.

      At the end of the first workshop on security and human behavior in 2008, the psychologist Nick Humphrey summed up a long discussion on risk. “We're all agreed,” he said, “that people pay too much attention to terrorism and not enough to cybercrime. But to a psychologist this is obvious. If you want people to be more relaxed in airports, take away the tanks and guns, put in some nice sofas and Mozart in the loudspeakers, and people will relax soon enough. And if you want people to be more wary online, make everyone use Jaws as their screen saver. But that's not going to happen as the computer industry goes out of its way to make computers seem a lot less scary than they used to be.” And of course governments want people to be anxious about terrorism, as it bids up the police budgets and helps politicians get re-elected. So we give people the wrong signals as well as spending our money on the wrong things. Understanding the many tensions between the demands of psychology, economics and engineering is essential to building robust systems at global scale.

      Security psychology is one of the hot topics in 2020. In the second edition of this book, I noted that the whole field of security economics had sprung into life since the first edition in 2001, and wrote ‘We also need more fundamental thinking about the relationship between psychology and security’. Security

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