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Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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      The fourth model is the random oracle model, which is not as general as the standard model but which often leads to more efficient constructions. We call a cryptographic primitive pseudorandom if there's no efficient way of distinguishing it from a random function of that type, and in particular it passes all the statistical and other randomness tests we apply. Of course, the cryptographic primitive will actually be an algorithm, implemented as an array of gates in hardware or a program in software; but the outputs should “look random” in that they're indistinguishable from a suitable random oracle given the type and the number of tests that our model of computation permits.

Schematic illustration of the random oracle.

      5.3.1 Random functions – hash functions

      The first type of random oracle is the random function. A random function accepts an input string of any length and outputs a string of fixed length, say n bits long. The same input gives the same output, but the set of outputs appears random. So the elf just has a simple list of inputs and outputs, which grows steadily as it works.

      Random functions are our model for cryptographic hash functions. These were first used in computer systems for one-way encryption of passwords in the 1960s and have many more uses today. For example, if the police seize your laptop, the standard forensic tools will compute checksums on all the files, to identify which files are already known (such as system files) and which are novel (such as user data). These hash values will change if a file is corrupted and so can assure the court that the police haven't tampered with evidence. And if we want evidence that we possessed a given electronic document by a certain date, we might submit it to an online time-stamping service or have it mined into the Bitcoin blockchain. However, if the document is still secret – for example an invention for which we want to establish a priority date – then we would not upload the whole document, but just the message hash. This is the modern equivalent of Hooke's anagram that we discussed in section 5.2.4 above. Properties

      A third property of pseudorandom functions with sufficiently long outputs is that it is hard to find collisions, that is, different messages upper M 1 not-equals upper M 2 with h left-parenthesis upper M 1 right-parenthesis equals <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу
