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The F*ck It Diet. Caroline DoonerЧитать онлайн книгу.

The F*ck It Diet - Caroline Dooner

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Our Fear of Hunger

       The Diet Pendulum Swing

       Eat When You’re Hungry

       The Trap of Mindful Eating

       Why Are We Eating the Smallest Amount Possible!?

       There Is No Perfect Stopping Point

       The Trap of Seeking Balance

       Our Goal Is to Neutralize Food

       Will I Be Eating This Much Forever?

       No Food Is Off Limits

       Your Cravings Are Your Friend

       In Defense of Carbs and Sugar

       In Defense of Delicious and Decadent Food

       In Defense of Salt

       In Defense of “Shitty” Food

       Shitty Diet Food

       Purity Doesn’t Exist

       You Don’t Need to Go on a Green Juice Cleanse

       So Many, Many Diet Rules

       But What About My Health?

       “But I’m a Binger!?”

       What to Actually Do During a Binge

       Doesn’t The Fuck It Diet Cause Obesity???

       “But Really, What If I Have Health Problems?”

       Tool #2: Lie Down

       The Noble Art of Rest

       What About Exercise?

       How Will You Know This Is Working?

       Your Body Is Freaking SMART


       Emotional Eating Versus Bingeing

       The Emotions We Avoid

       We Have Sooooo Many Emotions About Our Weight

       Humans Use LOTS of Things to Numb

       Fear of Pain

       You Can’t Avoid Being Human (Sorry)

       We’re All Stuck in Fight-or-Flight Mode

       Tool #3: Breathe and Feel

       The Myth of Stress and Breathing

       Think You Can Hate Yourself into Improvement?

       Who Can We Blame????

       Surrender to the Messiness


       Untangling the Knot

       Tool #4: The Brain Dump

       The Power of Our Beliefs

       Your Beliefs Become Confirmation Bias

       Mental Restriction and Bingeing

       We All Have Our Reasons

       What We Think Being Skinny Will Give Us

       Losing Your Identity

       Why We Panic

       The Avoidable Kind of Pain

       Stop Shoulding All Over the Place

       You Can Release Your Limiting Beliefs

       Tool #5: The Belief Release

       Nothing Is a Cure-All

       It Was Never Your Fault

       Diet Culture Trauma

       The Luck of the Thin

       Fat Phobia

       You Are Making the Stakes Too Damn High

       How to Trust When You Don’t Trust

       Let It Feel Crazy

       Waiting to Not Be Hungry

       It’s Allowed to Be Messy


       What Do You Stand For?

       Practical Boundaries with Food and Weight

       Frivolous Downtime

       Emotional and Existential Rest

       Become Your Own Damn Guru

       That’s It!



       About the Publisher

      This book is meant for chronic dieters. I am not a medical professional, and if you are engaging in any extreme restrictive eating or self-harm, you must seek professional medical help. This book cannot stand in for eating disorder treatment and is not meant to treat any physical or mental conditions.

      I will share the work of many doctors, nutritionists, and weight and metabolism scientists to help assure you that I am not a lone, crazy brownie eater, out to ruin your health and happiness . . . but, again, I’m not a doctor. This book isn’t medical advice. Okay. You get it. Moving on.

      If you’ve read as many diet books as I have, maybe you’ve noticed how similar the introductions are. It’s normally a sensationalized promise that this is the diet you’ve been waiting for. And it goes a little something like this:


      You’ve been going from diet to diet, and nothing has worked, you’re still worthless and ugly fat and unhealthy. But now with this groundbreaking and ancient way of eating, you finally have a proven, scientific, and simple plan to unlock all of your dreams of being beautiful and loved fit and healthy.

       The best part is this: if you follow the plan exactly the way we have laid it out in this book, you will never crave food ever again! Ever! No more food cravings.

      Take it from me, craving food should not have to be a part of your life.

      All of those other diets you’ve tried in the past didn’t work because you weren’t eating the right kinds of foods in the right amounts. Of course they didn’t work.

      Well, with our program, your body will begin to work so well that you’ll never think about food again.

      This isn’t a diet, it’s a way of life.

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