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according to the classification.

Group Description Class Description Grade Descriptiona Flow Rate, ISO 1133b (g/10 min) Melting Point, ISO 3146/ Method C2c (°C, min) Density, ISO 1183 (g/cm3) Tensile Strength, ISO 527d (MPa, min) Flexural Modulus, ISO 178e (MPa, min) Izod Impact Resistance, ISO 180/1Af (KJ/m2, min) Deflection Temperature, ISO 75/Method A,g 1.82 MPa (°C, min)
1 Homopolymer 1 General purpose 1 <8 170 1.39–1.44 65 2400 8.5 100
and high flow 2 8–16 170 1.39–1.44 65 2700 5.0 100
3 16–28 170 1.39–1.44 65 2700 4.5 105
4 28–55 170 1.39–1.44 65 2700 4.0 105
0 Other
2 Fast cycle 1 11–18 170 1.39–1.44 65 2400 4.5 100
2 19–33 170 1.39–1.44 65 2400 4.0 100
0 Other
3 UV stabilized 1 <8 170 1.39–1.44 65 2400 8.5 100
2 8–16 170 1.39–1.44 65 2700 5.0 100
0 Other
4 Impact modified 1 <3 170 1.31–1.37 35 1100 70 70
2 8–15 170 1.36–1.42 45 1900 9.0 80
0 Other
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