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His Unusual Governess. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

His Unusual Governess - Anne Herries

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she made some excuse and went away, leaving the new mentor to arrange a new governess for his charges, but now she’d changed her mind again. Something inside her called out to the young people she’d discovered having fun and she wanted to stay. She had no wish to harm them and she would keep her distance from their mentor, be friendly but reserved, as a proper governess should be.

      Lifting her head, she took her courage in her hands. Her father’s lawyers had advised her to sell her father’s mills to the highest bidder and not to think of trying to run them herself. She hadn’t listened to their prophecies of doom and gloom, and, though she’d come up against prejudice and men who resented a woman in their midst, she’d overcome their opposition and her business was thriving. She wouldn’t turn and run at the first obstacle now.

      It was time to have that cup of tea with Mrs Brancaster. Sarah wouldn’t lie more than she had to, to sustain her masquerade as a governess, but she wasn’t going to walk away from those delightful children, either.

      Rupert was getting down from his curricle when he saw the woman walking back from the gardens. The sun was shining on her head, picking out the red tints in her dark hair and giving her a kind of halo. From her dress he guessed her to be the new governess and surmised that she’d been for a little walk to acquaint herself with her surroundings. He knew very little about her, except that she had been recommended by Lady Mary Winters.

      Well acquainted with Cavendish Park from visits to his uncle as a young man, Rupert had no desire to follow her example. He’d known his uncle’s grandchildren when they were all younger, but it was years since he’d seen them. He wondered whether they were waiting dutifully in the parlour, as they’d been bidden, or, as he would have done in their place, escaped for a last day of freedom.

      ‘Your lordship,’ Burrows said, his face wreathed in smiles as he came out to greet him. ‘It is a pleasure to see you, sir. I’ve been informed that you intend to stay with us for a few months.’

      ‘Yes, until John goes to Cambridge,’ Rupert replied. ‘It’s Burrows, isn’t it?’

      ‘Fancy you remembering that, sir.’ The butler looked gratified. ‘Most of the staff are still here, though some of the maids and footmen are new.’

      ‘Is Mrs Brancaster still with you?’

      ‘Yes, sir. She’ll be up in a minute … ah, here she is now. I dare say she was busy …’

      ‘Are Francesca and John in the house?’

      ‘They went off early this morning, sir. Shall I send someone to look for them? One of the gardeners thought they’d gone fishing.’

      ‘Perfect day for it. Wouldn’t have minded a spot of fishing myself this morning. No, don’t make them feel guilty. We’ll soon have a routine established once I’ve had time to sort things out. I think I should like some cold ale if you have any and a bite to eat—didn’t stop for nuncheon.’

      ‘Lord Myers—’ Mrs Brancaster looked stunned as she came up to him ‘—how are you, sir? I didn’t realise it was you coming down today. I’ve prepared the wrong room. I thought …’ Her cheeks turned pink. ‘Forgive me, I’ll have your own room ready in half an hour.’

      ‘Plenty of time,’ Rupert assured her, amused by her obvious embarrassment. ‘I should like to meet Miss Goodrum. I believe I saw her return to the house a moment ago?’

      ‘Yes, sir. She went for a little walk to get used to her surroundings. We were just about to have a cup of tea when I was told you’d arrived and it set me all of a fluster.’

      ‘No need to stand on ceremony. I’m the same as I was when I came here as a lad, Mrs Brancaster.’

      ‘No, that you’re not, sir. We all heard how you were decorated for bravery for what you did over there in France—and you were wounded in the leg.’

      ‘Which is so much better I hardly know it happened. It’s only when the weather turns cold that I feel it.’ Rupert’s smile dimmed. He did not like to hear himself praised for something he felt best placed in the past where it belonged.

      ‘I’ll tell Miss Goodrum to wait on you in the front parlour immediately, sir.’

      ‘Please request her to visit me there when she has had time to take her refreshments. I should wish to be on good terms with the young woman. Tell me, Mrs Brancaster, what are your first impressions?’

      ‘Of the new governess?’ Mrs Brancaster frowned. ‘I’ve only just met her, sir, but … she seems very calm and sure of herself.’

      ‘Do I detect a note of disapproval?’

      ‘Oh, no, sir, nothing like that I assure you.’ The housekeeper was thoughtful. ‘It’s just … she isn’t quite like any of the others we’ve had. They usually have a look about them … sort of resigned and disappointed … but she’s not like that at all.’

      Rupert quirked an eyebrow, amused. ‘I see. An unusual governess. How interesting. I hope she is intelligent enough to know that you cannot keep a girl of Francesca’s age always in the schoolroom. However, we shall see.’

      ‘You mustn’t take against her for anything I’ve said, sir. I’ve only just met her and I’m sure she’s perfectly respectable.’

      ‘Oh, I’m certain of it. Lady Mary would not otherwise have employed her. She comes with impeccable references. I am quite looking forward to meeting her.’

      ‘I’ll send her along in about ten minutes—and your refreshments will follow as soon as they’re ready. I’ll have your room prepared immediately.’

      ‘Thank you. You always did spoil me, Mrs Brancaster. I can see I’ve been missing a treat by not coming down more often.’

      Mrs Brancaster positively glowed and scurried away to set everything in motion. Rupert smiled to himself as he went into the house. Nothing much had changed here. It still smelled of roses and lavender; the furniture was mostly good oak and polished to within an inch of its life, though in the main salon he recalled seeing some mahogany Chippendale pieces.

      It was what it had always been, a pleasant country house, comfortable rather than elegant, and he could feel its welcome as he made his way to the parlour. Vases of flowers stood everywhere and the smell of roses was even stronger in the parlour. Merrivale had good servants and it was a pity the marquess didn’t spend more time here, but Rupert supposed the memories were too strong for him. He’d grieved for his wife for years and the loss of his daughter had nearly done him in, bringing on a heart attack that had left him with a weakness. Rupert suspected that the old man found it too upsetting to visit often for reasons of his own, but it hadn’t been wise to let the children run wild. Francesca in particular would need to be schooled in the manners she needed for society and he could only hope that he would find some support in the new governess—because he was more used to dealing with ladies of a different kind.

      Rupert laughed softly in his throat. His latest mistress had been most disappointed to hear that he was leaving town and did not expect to return for months.

      ‘What am I to do without you?’ she’d asked, as she ran her long nails down his naked back. ‘Do you expect me to languish here alone?’

      ‘I expect you to take a new protector within a week,’ Rupert told her with a mocking smile. ‘We both know this was merely a convenient arrangement for us both, my dear Annais. You will find yourself adequately compensated by my parting gift, so do not pretend to feel more than you do.’

      Her nails had scored his back, her eyes glinting with temper. Rupert had known she was angry at being given her freedom to find a new lover, but the diamonds he’d gifted her should soon dry her tears and he was aware that she’d been casting glances at Lord Rowley for a while now. He would bet that the gentleman found himself in her bed within the week. His own feelings were not touched. It was a long time since he’d found more than a fleeting pleasure in the arms of a woman—since Madeline had broken his heart before he went off to fight for his king

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