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Rescued By The Wolf. Kristal HollisЧитать онлайн книгу.

Rescued By The Wolf - Kristal Hollis

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      “Thank you.” Ronni offered her a strained smile. “Haven’t seen you before, but I’m still getting to know everyone. Are you with the Co-op?”

      “No. Aren’t you?”

      “Not yet, but we’re working on it.” Ronni pulled a vinyl holder from her apron pocket and flipped it open.

      Grace pointed at the photo clipped inside. “Is that Alex?”

      “Yep.” Ronni grinned. “He’s a good kid. I couldn’t ask for one better.”

      Grace studied the photo of the tawny-haired teenager with a smile as broad as his mother’s. Unfortunately, he also had the same harsh lines etched into his young face. “Handsome boy.”

      “Smart, too. He’s my reason for living.” Ronni lovingly smoothed the frayed edges of the picture. “Now, what would you like to eat?”

      “Can I order the Belgian waffle even though it’s lunchtime?” Grace pointed at the item on the menu.

      “Breakfast is served all day.”

      “Great. I’ll have it with the strawberries and whipped cream, and chocolate syrup on the side—if you have any.”

      “Chocolate?” Ronni gave her an odd look.

      “I know it’s weird, but I didn’t get my daily dose last night.”

      “I’ll ask Al to find ya some. Anything else?”


      “You need something with protein,” Rafe said. “You already have the shakes.”

      “From lack of caffeine, but I’m catching up.” Grace took another gulp of coffee.

      Rafe shook his head.

      “Do you want the Co-op breakfast or lunch special?” Ronni asked him.


      “I’ll put a rush on your orders.”

      Rafe nodded and Ronni hurried to the kitchen.

      “Is Ronni dating someone?”

      “Not that I’m aware of.” Rafe gave her a funny frown. “She lost her husband only a few months ago. I don’t think she’s looking for a new one yet.”

      “Ronni said she wasn’t a member of the Walker’s Co-op yet.”

      “Walker’s Run Co-op,” Rafe said. “The land and neighboring areas associated with the Co-op are called Walker’s Run.”

      “Whatever it’s called, Cassie told me the only way to join the Co-op was by birth or marriage.” Grace finished her coffee, wishing she had turned over Rafe’s cup and had Ronni fill it, as well. “I wasn’t born here, so I thought I had to marry someone to become a member.”

      “Is that why you want to get to know me?”

      “What?” Grace’s cheeks heated. “No, not at all. I’ve been married and I don’t want to repeat that mistake.”

      An unplanned pregnancy. A quickie marriage that ended in an abrupt divorce after she lost the baby.

      Grace rubbed the small white infinity tattoo on her wrist.

      Rafe frowned. “You were married?”

      “Not relevant.” She really could use another cup of coffee. “You’re Brice’s friend. I’m Cassie’s friend. I thought it would be nice if you and I were friends. That’s all.”

      “I don’t want to be your friend, Grace.”

      She felt a stab of disappointment, same as before. “I appreciate your candor.” She didn’t really, but what else could she say?

      She heard the muffled sound of her brother’s ringtone. Out of habit, she checked her pockets even though she had none.

      Rafe pulled her phone from his pocket.

      “You’re a life saver.” She read the text messages. All was well and she sighed in relief. Grace replied she would call later.

      “My brother,” she said in response to Rafe’s curious gaze. “He checks in every few hours because I worry if I don’t hear from him.” This time she had worried him after not responding to his last two texts.


      “Matt was paralyzed in an IED explosion last year. When he returned to the States, I left Seattle to help him through the extensive rehabilitation process. He’s fairly independent now. He’s even shopping around for a suitable car that can be equipped with hand controls.” She’d offered to put them in her Beetle and share the car with him, but the interior was really too small to accommodate him for an extended period.

      Besides, Matt was moving on with his life and didn’t need his big sister hanging around so much anymore.

      “Let me know the make and model he’s looking for. I know people who get cars at auction and I can install the controls for him.”

      “Here ya go.” Ronni slid Grace a plate with a large Belgian waffle topped with strawberries and whipped cream, with a small bowl of chocolate sauce on the side.

      She handed Rafe a glass of milk, a plate of scrambled eggs, grits, and two biscuits buried beneath creamy sausage gravy, a plate with a thick slice of country ham, four bacon strips, and two fat sausage links, and a plate of blueberry pancakes slathered with butter.

      “You’re going to eat all that?” Grace felt her arteries clog from sitting near all the saturated fats.

      “If he doesn’t, I’ll be surprised.” Ronni refilled Grace’s coffee mug.

      “You are a goddess.” Grace lifted the steaming cup to her face, inhaling the rich, robust aroma.

      “First time I’ve been called that. Thanks, hon.” Ronni looked at Rafe. “Holler if you need me.”

      After doctoring her coffee, Grace drizzled chocolate sauce over her waffle. “Must be nice to have cousins. My dad is an only child. My mom is a twin, but her sister died when they were three.” Grace took a bite of her waffle. The super sweetness made her empty stomach lurch.

      “Ronni and I met a few weeks ago. Until then, I didn’t know I had any blood relatives.” Rafe continued eating.

      “You took in total strangers?”

      “They’re family.”

      Rafe was turning out to be more complicated than the arrogant jerk she’d assumed him to be, which made her want to know him all the more. So what if he didn’t want to be actual friends? After last night, he was officially in the league of special acquaintances. She could work with that.

      Grace ate another bite of her waffle. Ordinarily, sweets didn’t bother her, but the chocolate sauce might’ve been overkill. She pushed her plate aside.

      Rafe lifted his gaze from her plate to her face. “Something wrong with the waffle?”

      “Too sweet.”

      “I told you to order something with protein.”

      Rafe dumped his breakfast meats onto the platter with his pancakes. Then he scooped a portion of his eggs and grits onto the emptied plate and added two strips of bacon and half of the slice of ham.

      “Eat. Every bite.” He pushed the newly prepared plate toward Grace and resumed eating the remainder of his breakfast.

      She shook her fork at him. “I don’t find bossy men appealing at all.” And if she wasn’t suddenly famished again and practically drooling, she would’ve pushed away the plate.

      “Is that so?” Rafe’s hands stilled, his chewing ground to a slow halt, and he swallowed. He gave her a long, leisurely look.


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