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Mail Order Cowboy. Laurie KingeryЧитать онлайн книгу.

Mail Order Cowboy - Laurie Kingery

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She was going to have to scrimp until they had enough eggs to spare from now on.

      “Coffee is fine, Miss Milly. You needn’t buy anything specifically for me.”

      An hour later, he found Milly ensconced in a cane back rocking chair on the porch, reading from a worn leather Bible on her lap.

      “What part are you reading?” he said, looking down at it. “Ah, Psalm One—‘Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful,’” he quoted from memory.

      Her hazel eyes widened. “Were you a preacher, as well as a soldier and occasional field surgeon?” she asked, gesturing toward the rocker next to her in an unspoken invitation to sit down.

      He sat, smiling at her question. “No, but my second oldest brother is in holy orders, vicar of Westfield. They’ll probably make him a bishop one day. Any Scripture I know was pounded into my thick head by Richard when I was a lad.”

      “And do you read the Bible now?” she asked.

      He wished he could say he did. “I…I’m afraid I haven’t lately.”

      He could see her filing the information away, but her eyes betrayed no judgment about the fact.

      “And how did you find Josh? Does he need anything? Is he in pain?”

      “He’s not in pain, no, but he needs a goodly dose of patience,” he said, appreciating the fine curve of Milly’s neck above the collar of her calico dress. “He’s restless, fretting over the need to lie there and be patient while he heals. But I think he’s reassured that I can help Bobby handle the ‘chores’—” he gave the word the old man’s drawling pronunciation, drawing a chuckle from her “—and keep this place from utter ruin until he can be up and around again. Oh, and he says there’s no need to sit up with him tonight, if you’ll let him borrow that little handbell of your mother’s he can just ring if he needs you.”

      “Hmm. That sounds just like him. I’d better check on him a couple of times tonight at least. I can just picture him trying to reach the water pitcher and tearing open those wounds again. That old man would rather die than admit a weakness.”

      Nick chuckled. “He said you’d say that, too.”

      They were silent for a while. Nick appreciated the cool breeze and the deepening shadows as the fiery orange ball sank behind the purple hills off to their right.

      “Nick, why did you leave India, and the army—if you don’t mind my asking, that is?” she added quickly.

      She must have seen the reflexive stiffening of his frame and the involuntary clenching of his jaw.

      “It’s getting late, and I’m keeping you from your reading,” he said, rising.

      “I’m sorry, that was rude of me to pry. Please forgive me for asking,” she said, rising, too. Her face was dismayed.

      “It’s all right,” he told her. “I’ll tell you about it sometime. But it’s a long story.” He’d known the question would come, but it was too soon. He wasn’t ready to shatter her illusions about him yet.

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