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The Texan's Courtship Lessons. Noelle MarchandЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Texan's Courtship Lessons - Noelle Marchand

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“That must have been some kiss.”

      Isabelle leaned back against the open door and stared after her friend, who soon disappeared into the study. “Honestly, Ellie, of all the nerve...”

      “Amy!” a man’s voice called.

      Her heart jumped into her throat as she glanced around in search of her sister. Instead, she saw John Merriweather walking up the path to the front porch with a box of candy in hand. She glanced around one more time to make sure she hadn’t missed anyone, then released the door to meet John at the porch steps. She frowned at him in confusion. “Did you call me Amy?”

      “Did I?” He smoothed his flawlessly shaped mustache. “That was her favorite color, you know.”

      She followed his gaze to her blouse—Amy’s blouse, to be exact. It was one of the many hand-me-downs she’d received over the years. “Yes, I know.”

      “How is Amy, by the way?”

      She stared at the man, feeling appalled. At least Chris and Rhett managed to call her by the right name. It was past time to put an end to John’s childish shenanigans. Pulling in a deep breath, it came out in a bit of a huff. “Married. Amy is still most definitely married. I expect she’ll stay that way.”

      “Yes, of course. I only meant...” He trailed off as though he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d meant and in spite of herself, she couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.

      “John.” She touched his arm to pull his dejected gaze from the ground. She tried to keep her tone kind yet firm. “I know that you were sweet on her in school, but that was a long time ago. She kept meaning to tell you it was over. She just never could turn down that particular kind of candy. At least, that’s what she told me. I need you to trust me on this. She moved on. Perhaps it’s time for you do the same.”

      A slow grin spread across his face. “I am so glad to hear you say that, Isabelle. I’d started to think I wasn’t making any progress with you, but now I know that isn’t true. I’ll go straight in to talk to your father.”

      Eyes widening, she instinctively cut him off as he made a beeline for the front door. “Wait. My father isn’t here right now. Besides, I didn’t mean you should move on with me. My feelings for you are platonic—strictly platonic.”

      “Oh...” For someone who’d been all fired up to set their courtship in motion, he seemed unfazed by her rejection. “All right. If you don’t mind, I’ll keep the candy.”

      “By all means.”

      He tipped his hat and turned on his heel. She waited until he was a ways down the block before she rolled her eyes and shook her head. As frustrating as their exchange had been, it had still gone far more smoothly than she’d anticipated. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be back. That left Chris and Rhett. She hardly saw Chris because he stayed so busy helping with his family’s mercantile. She’d find some way to deal with him later if he persisted in pursuing her. For now, her focus needed to be on Rhett. Or, rather, on finding someone else for him.

      Despite Ellie’s comments, she would not fall into the trap of thinking about that kiss. It wouldn’t be happening again. The best thing she could do for Rhett and herself was to get started on those courting lessons—as soon as possible.

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